Encryptic update
This is a recommended update for Encryptic.
Please log an issue if something doesn't work. Also, if you want to have a voice in where this is going, please give me feedback at #3 or on gitter at https://gitter.im/encryptic-team/Lobby.
Important information
There's been some enhancements made to importing laverna files. Feedback is appreciated.
*Installed and independent of each other, I mean. They both use port 9000, so you will not be able to have both open. If this is an issue, let me know.
Change log
- Changes to OSX build process (and permission issue).
- Fixed 'blinking' bug.
- Better errors when port 9000 is in use.
- Dropdown menu improvement.
- Fixed missing file ids preventing notes from loading.
- Improved side menu interaction with tags and notebooks.
- Incorporated translation updates from Laverna PR.
- Added configuration for Docker.
- Additional improvements to import process (especially with unencrypted notes).
- Changes to dropbox authorization flow.
- Fixed OpenPGP key import method.
- Dark theme button style improvement.
- Filesaver fix.
- Fixed empty search bar returning zero results.
- Fixed app keybindings menu.
- Updated MANY modules to newer and (mostly) supported versions.
- Electron window now remembers location and size.
- Remove electron developer pane from default view.
- Total branding overhaul
- Version reset
- Logout button added to sidebar