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Digitised comparative Enggano word list from Oudemans (1889). This publication contains the unpublished Enggano word list by Francis (1870) put in comparison with those by Boewang (1854), van de Straaten & Severijn (1855), von Rosenberg (1855). View the data at


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Digitised comparative Enggano word list derived from Oudemans’ “Engano (bewesten Sumatra), zijne geschiedenis, bewoners en voortbrengselen” from 1889

Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg ORCID iD icon

The University of Oxford Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics, the University of Oxford Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
This work is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) (Grant ID: AH/W007290/1), led by the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics at the University of Oxford, UK. Visit the central webpage of the Enggano project.

The materials in this repository are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International


How to cite

Please cite the source of the data set (Oudemans 1889) (if in APA7th) and the particular version of this repository (Rajeg 2025) (in DataCite) as follows:

Oudemans, J. A. C. (1889). Engano (bewesten Sumatra), zijne geschiedenis, bewoners en voortbrengselen. Tijdschrift van Het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, 6(1), 109–164.

Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya (2025). Digitised comparative Enggano word list derived from Oudemans’ “Engano (bewesten Sumatra), zijne geschiedenis, bewoners en voortbrengselen” from 1889. University of Oxford. Dataset.

For future updates and version of records, please check the Releases page on this GitHub repository and its Zenodo archive.


Hand-digitised comparative Enggano word list from Oudemans (1889, 126–37), containing the unpublished Enggano word list by Francis (1870), put in comparison with those by Boewang (1854), van de Straaten & Severijn (1855), and von Rosenberg (1855).

The data is available in two table formats, long and wide table formats, and in both .csv and .tsv. The orthography has not been adjusted to the Common Enggano orthography. However, such an orthography standard is used when the data set is brought together into EnoLEX, the Enggano diachronic lexical database (Krauße et al. 2024; Rajeg, Krauße, and Pramartha 2024; Rajeg et al. 2025).


Boewang, Djoeragan. 1854. “Verslag Omtrent Het Eiland Enggano.” Tijdschrift Voor Indische Taal-, Land-En Volkenkunde 2: 379–93.

Francis, R. 1870. “Woordenlijstje Der Enganeesche Taal.” Unpublished manuscript.

Krauße, Daniel, Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, Cokorda Rai Adi Pramartha, Erik Zobel, Bernd Nothofer, Charlotte Hemmings, Sarah Ogilvie, I Wayan Arka, and Mary Dalrymple. 2024. “EnoLEX: A Diachronic Lexical Database for the Enggano Language.” Online database. University of Oxford.

Oudemans, Jean Abraham Chrétien. 1889. “Engano (Bewesten Sumatra), Zijne Geschiedenis, Bewoners En Voortbrengselen.” Tijdschrift van Het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap 6 (1): 109–64.

Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya. 2025. “Digitised Comparative Enggano Word List Derived from Oudemans’ ‘Engano (Bewesten Sumatra), Zijne Geschiedenis, Bewoners En Voortbrengselen’ from 1889.” Dataset. University of Oxford.

Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya, Daniel Krauße, and Cokorda Pramartha. 2024. “EnoLEX: A Diachronic Lexical Database for the Enggano Language.” In AsiaLex 2024 Proceedings: Asian Lexicography - Merging Cutting-Edge and Established Approaches, edited by Ai Inoue, Naho Kawamoto, and Makoto Sumiyoshi, 123–32. Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan.

Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya, Daniel Krauße, Cokorda Rai Adi Pramartha, Erik Zobel, Bernd Nothofer, Charlotte Hemmings, Sarah Ogilvie, I Wayan Arka, and Mary Dalrymple. 2025. “R Codes and Curated Dataset for ‘EnoLEX: A Diachronic Lexical Database for the Enggano Language’.” Computer Software. University of Oxford.

Rosenberg, Carl Benjamin Hermann von. 1855. “Beschrijving van Engano En van Deszelfs Bewoners.” Tijdschrift Voor Indische Taal-, Land-En Volkenkunde 3: 370–86.

Van der Straaten, Johannes, and Pieter Severijn. 1855. “Verslag van Een in 1854 Bewerkstelligd Onderzoek Op Het Eiland Engano.” Tijdschrift Voor Indische Taal-, Land-En Volkenkunde 3: 338–69.