Digitised comparative Enggano word list derived from Oudemans’ “Engano (bewesten Sumatra), zijne geschiedenis, bewoners en voortbrengselen” from 1889
LatestDigitised comparative Enggano word list from Oudemans (1889, 126–37), containing the unpublished Enggano word list by Francis (1870), put in comparison with those by Boewang (1854), van de Straaten & Severijn (1855), and von Rosenberg (1855).
The data is available in two table formats, long and wide table formats, and in both .csv and .tsv. The orthography has not been adjusted to the Common Enggano orthography. However, such an orthography standard is used when the data set is brought together into EnoLEX, the Enggano diachronic lexical database (Krauße et al. 2024; Rajeg et al. 2025).