Hello and welcome!
showcases a minimal best-practice setup for running an application on the Entur developer platform.
Use this repository as a reference. Adopt names and placeholders to your specific application. Follow the steps in the accompanying chapter in the DevOps Handbook. Good luck!
Your Golden Path repository will have this structure. When following this structure, you will reap the benefits later. We promise!
├── Dockerfile # Create a runnable container using a Dockerfile
├── README.md # Please explain what your repository achieves and why
├── CONTRIBUTING.md # Instructions for how to get up and running, and how to contribute
├── .github # Configuration and resources for GitHub
│ ├── dependabot.yml # Dependabot configuration for keeping dependencies up to date
│ └── workflows # Your workflows for CI and CD
│ └── ci.yml # Starter Workflow for simple CI, search DevOps Handbook for `Starter Workflows`
├── helm # We use `helm` as a templating engine for kubernetes specs
│ └── getting-started # The name of your chart, same as repository for Golden Path
│ ├── Chart.lock # Version pinning of chart dependencies
│ ├── Chart.yaml # Top level specification, and a list of versioned dependencies
│ ├── env # Environment specific configuration
│ │ ├── values-kub-ent-dev.yaml # Value overrides for dev
│ │ └── values-kub-ent-tst.yaml # Value overrides for tst
│ │ ├── values-kub-ent-prd.yaml # Value overrides for prd
│ └── values.yaml # General values for your application
├── src # Place your application somewhere, typically in `src` folder
└── terraform # Infrastructure as Code, prescribe your infrastructure requirements
├── backend.tf # Where is your state stored?
├── env # Environment specific configuration
│ ├── kub-ent-dev.tfvars # Variable definitions for dev
│ └── kub-ent-tst.tfvars # Variable definitions for tst
│ ├── kub-ent-prd.tfvars # Variable definitions for prd
├── main.tf # Prescribe your infrastructure here (can be split up into multiple .tf files)
├── variables.tf # Declare your variables here
└── versions.tf # Pin down required versions here
- Templated Kubernetes specifications with Helm and our Common Chart
- Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform
- Agree on a formatter and a linter for your source files
- Use Conventional Commits
- Use Semantic Versioning
While we encourage you to follow the guides in the DevOps Handbook, we understand that you may just want to get your hands dirty.
Here's a quick summary of what you should do if you want to adopt this repository for you new application named amazing-app
- Rename the helm chart at
withmv helm/getting-started helm/amazing-app
- Edit the chart files to fit your application, further examples can be found here
- Edit the terraform configuration, at least backend.tf and main.tf