Table of Contents
Backbone.Drupal is a standalone plugin to connect Marionette JS and Backbone JS applications with Drupal 7/8 to execute RESTful States to elaborate operation GET, POST, DELETE etc.
Originally Inspired in JS files from Drupal 7 Module
Backbone.Drupal has compatibility with Backform Drupal 8 return an object for each property if you enable this compatibility attibuttes will be flatten to an array property -> value. But this feature could be used for other implementations.
Also in included in Yeoman Marionette Drupal Generator if you are interested in start with a more sofisticated implementation in a Headless Drupal soltuion
Check test/index.html for Drupal 8 example and indexd7.html for Drupal 7 example.
Before to test in Drupal 8 be sure the REST Resource Content for methods Get, Post, Update , Delete and Patch has json as format and Basic Auth as Authentication method.
You can do this with the contributed module Rest UI I recommend use the git version until Drupal 8 get his first official release.
Your configuration must look similar to following image.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Backbone Drupal Library</title>
<script src="./jquery.js"></script>
<script src="./underscore.js"></script>
<script src="./backbone.js"></script>
<script src="./backbone.drupal.js"></script>
<script src="./"></script>
$(function() {
// Set API Information
Backbone.Drupal.restEndpoint = {
root: '', // Set Drupal Backend Server URL
version: 8
//dataType: '.json', // Only required in Drupal 7
// Define auth object, set crossDomain if is necessary
var Auth = new Backbone.Drupal.Auth({crossDomain: true});
// Request executed in sync mode
// If status is token further ajax will use the proper token
var auth_status = = Auth.login('admin', 'admin');
if(auth_status) {
// Check user retrieve
// Set Backform Compatibility (
var User = new Backbone.Drupal.Models.User({uid: 1, backform: true});
success: function (user) {
// Check information retrived, could be used directly in a template
// Check users retrive
var Users = new Backbone.Drupal.Collections.UserIndex();
success: function (users) {
// Check information retrived, could be used directly in a template
} else {
alert('Auth Error');
Note: This plugin could be used with RequireJS.
If you are using Bower you can download Backbone.drupal following this instructions
$ bower install backbone.drupal
If your application has a list of bower dependencies, you can include as dependency as shown below.
"name": "YOURAPP",
"version": "0.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"backbone.drupal": "~0.2.0-alpha",
Check the releases section to verify the latest version.
Authentication: Option login with Drupal user account to enable to execute REST operation PUT, DELETE, ADD. If Cross-origin is enabled login is required for operations.
REST: Integration with Services Server type REST
Models: Created Backbone models for Nodes, Users and Comments Entities
You can add extra fields to modules to use as extra information in you application, these extra fields could be mark as noSaveAttributes. Check the following example.
var Property = Backbone.Drupal.Models.Node.extend({
initialize : function(options) {
// Setting the Id Attribute for Drupal model
this.attributes.nid = options.property_id;
this.noSaveAttributes = ['property_id'];
// Extended Backbone.Drupal.Models.Node to my own service for Drupal Nodes.
// This Rest service return absolute URL for field pictures
this.urlSource = "node_waterbed";
Right now we have two kind of collections
Entity Collections: Enable to create to generic REST End point in Drupal to fetch list of Users, Nodes and Views.
Generic Collections: Enable to call a Custom REST End Point in Drupal, check the following example
var myCollection = Backbone.Drupal.Collection.extend({
initialize: function() {
console.log("initialize a Custom collection");
this.model = myModel;
this.urlSource = "custon/end/point";
Using CORS we can use Drupal as Backend Server in a Domain i.e and use for instance a Backbone/Marionette App as Front End server in other domain i.e
Because the Drupal module CORS doesn't have a version for Drupal 8 yet and Drupal Core won't have a native solution for that until Drupal 8.1.
I propose a patch for .htacces in order to enable CORS requests using jQuery documented in issue
In summary you only have to accept the OPTIONS requests as you can see in the following instructions to .htacces
# Intercept OPTIONS calls
RewriteRule .* / [R=200,L]
Also we have to enable REST Methdos POST, GET, OPTIONS, PATCH, DELETE and allow request from different origin. Check the instructions below.
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "POST, GET, OPTIONS, PATCH, DELETE"
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization
Also a intructions to enable Basic Auth is required.
When issues and get resolved this implementation will be updated.
Drupal 8 doesn't implement yet the end point /user/login to enable remote login, this method in Drupal allow validate the credentials and request a CRS Token to be used in further request.
Right now there are only two methods of authentications Cookie (same domain) and Basic Auth for remote request, becuase this library is oriented to create a fronted 100% separate of backed the Auth process use Basic Auth.
When function Auth is called the credentials are not validated, they are just encoded using base64 and configured to use the enconded credentials in further request.
Remember the credentials travel to your backend server encoded NOT encrypted for tha reason you MUST use a SSL certificate in your backend site to protect your users.
In your Drupal Server you must setup HTTP Access Control to enable connection, below an example.
You must change the origin to use the domain you are using to run your application.
I strong recommend to use the Drupal module CORS to configure the HTTP Access Control
- Implement Collections for Taxonomies and Search
- Create integration with module Restws in Drupal 7
- Test Drupal 8 POST method and Views integrations.