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Crawling Hand Project

System requirements

  • Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS-noetic

Installation guide

  • Create a conda environment with python==3.8.18, pygad=3.2.0
  • Install Jupyter notebook
  • Install mujoco by pip install mujoco under the conda environment. The MuJoCo version is tested on 3.0.0
  • Several minutes should be enough for a normal computer.

Kinematics-related packages


  • Run crawling_and_grasp_test04.ipynb, a robotic hand with 5 fingers will be loaded. The robot can crawl to an object and pick it up.
  • In mujoco conda env, python -m mujoco.viewer --mjcf=five_finger_hand_ssss.xml
  • With ROS, roslaunch urdf_tutorial display.launch model:=URDF_finger_ssss.urdf

Explanation of code

  • gait_test/, the optimal structures achieved by optimizing the link lengths and finger placements for grasping one, two, or three objects, respectively.
  • *_replay_*.py replay the crawling in simulation.


  • Under folder singer_finger/, URDF_finger_xxxx.urdf is the urdf file for a single finger.
  • For six fingers, see descriptions/six_fingers_llll.xml, which makes 6 copies of the single finger.
  • To use pytorch_kinematics, modify the function build_chain_from_mjcf in by m = mujoco.MjModel.from_xml_path(data) (line 75)
  • Load the model from .xml by
xml_path = 'descriptions/five_finger_hand_ssss.xml'
chain = pk.build_chain_from_mjcf(xml_path, 'hand')

Dynamixel motor control (without ROS)

Grasping stability in MuJoCo

The following parameters are important:

        <flag gravity="enable" multiccd="enable" />
 <option cone="elliptic" impratio="10"/>

we also need to set the friction coefficients

Steps to connect motors

  • Give access to USB port /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB0 by sudo chmod -R 777 /dev/ttyUSB0
  • Open Dynamixel Wizard and scan motors
  • Set the correct USB port number and baudrate
  • run detach_mechanism/ to control the attachment/detachment mechanism