##HomeWork 1: Custom converter from csv to json, and from json to csv without using csv package.
- Implement logic using OOP
- if csv field has more than 1 value, in json it should be list of data
- ' ' should be replaced to " "
- , should be added when it requires
- result of ur formatting should pass validation in json online validator
- please push ur output as separated file, to we can check it through online validator Custom CSV-to-JSON and JSON-to-CSV formatter
##How to Use: Proceed to 'CSV-converter' directory and run command:
python csv-json.py
##JSON structure-type: JSON file input should be in the following form in order to perform convertion successfully:
"Row1" : {
"key": value
"Row2" : {
"key": value
And, similarly, the output would be in the following form:
"Row1" : {
"key": value
"Row2" : {
"key": value
##The end of HomeWork 1