Package provides a set of "Polymer paper" decorators for checkboxes, radios and other form elements in the way it does paper-input-decorator so they could still be submittable by the old form.
It also provides a submit button decorator which submits the old form.
Decorators extend corresponding paper elements and inherit all attributes/behaviour of their ancestors.
There is no decorators for all kinds of text inputs as there is already paper-input-decorator.
bower install paper-form-element-decorators
- paper-checkbox-decorator for
- paper-toggle-button-decorator for
- paper-radio-button-decorator for
- paper-submit-button-decorator for
Decorators supposed to embed inputs which are invisible for the user (though, they are still visible to the form as they are still in the light DOM) and used only to store the data of the form.
It is possible to include all decorators at once:
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-form-element-decorators/paper-form-element-decorators.html">
<paper-checkbox-decorator label="Check me" checked>
<input type="checkbox" checked/>
<paper-toggle-button-decorator label="Check me" checked>
<input type="checkbox" name="check" value="1" checked/>
<paper-radio-group selected="English">
<paper-radio-button-decorator label="English">
<input type="radio" name="language" value="en" checked="checked"/>
<paper-radio-button-decorator label="Russian (Русский)">
<input type="radio" name="language" value="ru"/>
<button name="op" value="Save" type="submit">Save</button> Save
<input name="op" value="Save" type="submit"/> Save
It is important to synchronize states of paper elements and nested inputs first time you construct the document. This means that if some input is checked, so must be its decorator.
- select
- multiselect