Human Genome Class TestRun1
//Your Name: Esha Shivakumar //Class and Section: CIS 35A 64Z ONLINE //Assignment Number: 2 //Due Date: 5/14/23 //Date Submitted: 5/14/23
Enter the of genes in the Mickey Mouse genome: 50000 Enter the number of chromosomes in the Mickey Mouse genome: 32 Enter the number of cells in the Mickey Mouse body (in trillions): 66 Enter the number of genes in the Princess Elsa genome: 20000 Enter the number of chromosomes in the Princess Elsa genome: 87 Enter the number of cells in the Princess Elsa body (in trillions): 44 Enter the number of genes in the Princess Jasmine genome: 30000 Enter the number of chromosomes in the Princess Jasmine genome: 87 Enter the number of cells in the Princess Jasmine body (in trillions): 99
Genome Name: Mickey Mouse Number of Genes: 50000 Number of Chromosomes: 32 Number of Cells: 66
Genome Name: Princess Elsa Number of Genes: 20000 Number of Chromosomes: 87 Number of Cells: 44
Genome Name: Princess Jasmine Number of Genes: 30000 Number of Chromosomes: 87 Number of Cells: 99