There are several ways to help out:
- Submit bug reports in Lighthouse. Search for existing tickets first.
- Clearly describe the issue including steps to reproduce when it is a bug.
- Make sure you fill in the earliest version that you know has the issue.
- Write testcases for open tickets
- Write patches for open bug/feature tickets, preferably with testcases included
- Contribute to the documentation
Fork the repository on GitHub.
Create a topic branch from where you want to base your work:
`git checkout -b my_contribution --no-track origin/master`
It's better to avoid working directly on the
branch to prevent conflicts when you pull in updates from upstream. -
Try to make commits in logical units.
Use descriptive and well formed commit messages and reference the #ticket number when appropriate
Check for unnecessary whitespace with
git diff --check
before committing. -
Core testcases should continue to pass. You can run tests locally, or enable travis-ci on your fork.
Your work should follow the CakePHP coding standards.
Your submission needs to be MIT Licensed, following the original project license. Third party code is acceptable as long as it is compatible with the MIT License.
- Bugfixes should be based on master.
- New features that are backwards compatible should be based on next minor release branch.
- New features or other non-BC changes will go in the next major release branch.
Add new remote for upstream, and fetch changes:
git remote add upstream git://
Fetch latest changes and apply it in your local branch:
git pull --rebase upstream master
For long running topic branch, sometimes it required to rebase your
branch on top ofmaster
branch:git fetch upstream ; git rebase my_contribution upstream/master
Push your changes to a topic branch in your fork of the repository:
git push -u origin my_contribution
flag is only needed during the first push. -
Submit a pull request to the repository in the cakephp organization with the correct target branch.
Croogo tests requires PHPUnit 3.5 or higher. To run the testcases locally use the following command:
./Console/cake test core AllTests --stderr
To run the sniffs using CakePHP coding standards:
phpcs -p --extensions=php --standard=CakePHP .
Check the cakephp-codesniffer repository to setup the CakePHP standard. The README contains installation info for the sniff and phpcs.
- CakePHP coding standards
- Bug tracker
- General GitHub documentation
- GitHub pull request documentation
- #croogo IRC channel on