released this
25 Jul 11:49
3.6.0 - 2019-07-25
Add OG image width & height meta tags (Fixes #220 )
Update minimum Craft CMS requirement to 3.2.x
Social titles and descriptions can now be edited independently of the main snippet (Fixed #185 )
Fix entry preview error on keyword checklist (Fixes #224 )
Fix SEO field error when changing entry types (Fixes #215 )
Fix entire image meta data being saved with SEO field (Fixes #142 )
Fix sitemap error when SEO field doesn't have any advanced data (Fixes #96 )
Fix keyword checklist reading title length incorrectly (Fixes #199 )
Fix social meta outputting encoded characters (Fixes #198 )
Fix social description not updating correctly (Fixes #213 )
Fix multi-word keyword not checking slug correctly (Fixes #152 )
Fix CraftQL integration (Fixes #187 )
Fix SEO field erring in globals (Fixes #226 )
Fix section and type not being available in tokens (Fixes #221 )
Improve alt text judgment in keyword checklist
Check for keyword in first paragraph of body, main, and article tags
Improve page meta field instructions in SEO settings
Ensure canonical is always an absolute URL (Fixes #202 )
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