Description of the example in the specification Appending A-1 - Example 2: Handling Structured Claims
In this example, the Issuer decided to create a structured object for the address
claim, allowing to separately
disclose individual members of the claim.
val handlingStructuredClaims =
sdJwt {
claim("iss", "")
claim("iat", 1683000000)
claim("exp", 1883000000)
sdClaim("sub", "6c5c0a49-b589-431d-bae7-219122a9ec2c")
sdClaim("given_name", "太郎")
sdClaim("family_name", "山田")
sdClaim("email", "\"unusual email address\"")
sdClaim("phone_number", "+81-80-1234-5678")
sdClaim("birthdate", "1940-01-01")
objClaim("address") {
sdClaim("street_address", "東京都港区芝公園4丁目2−8")
sdClaim("locality", "東京都")
sdClaim("region", "港区")
sdClaim("country", "JP")
"iss": "",
"iat": 1683000000,
"exp": 1883000000,
"_sd": [
"address": {
"_sd": [
"_sd_alg": "sha-256"
and the following disclosures (salt omitted):
["...salt...","email","\"unusual email address\""],
You can get the full code here.