This is a work in progress of a javascript template parser and renderer
Here you can find a small demo of Kanban board done with kasper-js
Create a full modern javascript framework
Realistic goal is to write a javascript template parser and use it later to create a base for a javascript framework (components, dependency injection, build, etc..) and learn, research and understand the complexity of the task.
Kasper's template syntax should always be a valid html syntax. Any html editor should work correctly with it. The template language should be cohesive and clean, ideally with no compromises
- html parser
- javascript like syntax parser and interpreter
- template renderer
- re-render on state update
To use kasper you will need to:
- Include the
. - Add a
element - Add a class that extends from
- Render the app by calling
<script src="kasper.min.js"></script>
class MyApp extends KasperApp {
myAppName = "MyAppName"
<div @if="this.something > 20">less 20</div>
<div @elseif="this.something === 30">its 30</div>
<div @else>other</div>
<li @each="item of this.items">
<button @on:click="">{{item}}</button>
Evaluated during element creation
<div @let="student = {name:, degree: 'Masters'}; console.log(">
<span @while="index < 3">
{{index = index + 1}},
<button @on:click="alert('Hello World')">
Evaluates the expression to string and inserts it into the dom as a TextNode
{{ "Hello" + " " + "World" }}
Kasper's expression interpreter emulates basic javascript expressions. So far it implements the following expressions: Assign, Binary, Call, Debug, Dictionary, Each, Get, Grouping, Key, Logical, List, Literal, New, NullCoalescing, Postfix, Set, Template, Ternary, Typeof, Unary, Variable, Void
identifier [operator] expression;
Valid operators are: = += -= *= /=
number = 22;
list = [1, 2, "hello"];
dict = {"green": "#00FF00 };
text += "Hello World";
identifier [operator] expression;
Valid operators are: + - / *
text + list[0] * dict.value;
- fix state re-render