Career-Canvas is an application designed to compile all the information relevant to a job hunt into one streamlined location. View statistics of your job search with our dynamic charts which update every time you edit the status of a job. We created this application to make information about each job you're looking at easily accessible to you. This README provides an overview of the application as well as usage instructions.
Login: create an account to keep your information private and easily accessible. Tracker: update or add a job you're interested in and include the status, salary, location and any pertinent notes. Progress chart: view statistics concerning job status divided into the four categories: Applied, Interviewed, Offers and Declines.
Career-Canvas is designed for a simple, note-taking type interface. The following steps are the most effective to use the application: Create an account Create an account or sign in from the login page. Tracker page Add jobs and all relevant details. View Statistics View the progress chart on the profile page that quickly breaks down the statistics surrounding your job hunt. This is linked to and updated automatically with the tracker page.
- Bcrypt
- Chart.js
- Connect Session Sequelize
- Dotenv
- Express Handlebars
- Express Session
- Express.js
- JavaScript
- MySQL2
- Node
- Sequelize
The following resources were utilized for this project:
- KU Coding Bootcamp Spot:
- Provided project requirements and guidelines.
- KU GitLab:
- Referenced for general documentation.
- W3Schools:
- Referenced for general documentation.
- MDN Web Docs:
- Referenced for general documentation.
- Stack Overflow:
- Referenced for general documentation.
- NPM:
- Chart JS:
- MySQL2:
- Sequelize:
- Insomnia:
- Express:
- Express Handlebars:
- Bcrypt:
- Node.js:
- GitHub:
- YouTube:
- WittCode - Sequelize Tutorial: Episode 4 - Model Querying:
- Red Stapler - Chart.js 2.0 Tutorial - Update Chart Data Dynamically
- Sky Data Labs - Chart.js Visualization
- Sky Data Labs - Chart.js Visualization
- Prof Dr Sabri Erdem - Creating Dashboards Using Google Charts, PHP, and MySQL Database
- Chart JS - Fetch and Display Advanced JSON Data in Chart JS
- Chart JS - Fetch Dynamically Update JSON Data in Chart JS
- Chart JS - How to use Fetch API to Automatically Update Data with JSON in Chart JS
This project is available under the following license: MIT. For more information on rights and limitations, please review the LICENSE file.