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939 lines (607 loc) · 46 KB

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939 lines (607 loc) · 46 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
checkThirdPartyRouting GET /network_connections/{connectionId}/is_third_party_routing/{assetType} Retrieve third-party network routing validation by asset type.
createNetworkConnection POST /network_connections Creates a new network connection
createNetworkId POST /network_ids Creates a new Network ID
deleteNetworkConnection DELETE /network_connections/{connectionId} Deletes a network connection by ID
deleteNetworkId DELETE /network_ids/{networkId} Deletes specific network ID.
getNetwork GET /network_connections/{connectionId} Get a network connection
getNetworkConnections GET /network_connections List network connections
getNetworkId GET /network_ids/{networkId} Returns specific network ID.
getNetworkIds GET /network_ids Returns all network IDs, both local IDs and discoverable remote IDs
getRoutingPolicyAssetGroups GET /network_ids/routing_policy_asset_groups Returns all enabled routing policy asset groups
searchNetworkIds GET /network_ids/search Search network IDs, both local IDs and discoverable remote IDs
setNetworkIdDiscoverability PATCH /network_ids/{networkId}/set_discoverability Update network ID's discoverability.
setNetworkIdName PATCH /network_ids/{networkId}/set_name Update network ID's name.
setNetworkIdRoutingPolicy PATCH /network_ids/{networkId}/set_routing_policy Update network id routing policy.
setRoutingPolicy PATCH /network_connections/{connectionId}/set_routing_policy Update network connection routing policy.


ThirdPartyRouting checkThirdPartyRouting()

The Fireblocks Network allows for flexibility around incoming deposits. A receiver can receive network deposits to locations other than Fireblocks. This endpoint validates whether future transactions are routed to the displayed recipient or to a 3rd party.


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, NetworkConnectionsApiCheckThirdPartyRoutingRequest, ThirdPartyRouting } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body: NetworkConnectionsApiCheckThirdPartyRoutingRequest = {
  // string | The ID of the network connection
  connectionId: connectionId_example,
  // string | The destination asset type
  assetType: assetType_example,

fireblocks.networkConnections.checkThirdPartyRouting(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<ThirdPartyRouting>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
connectionId [string] The ID of the network connection defaults to undefined
assetType [string] The destination asset type defaults to undefined

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 result for the validation * X-Request-ID -
0 Error Response * X-Request-ID -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


NetworkConnectionResponse createNetworkConnection()

Initiates a new network connection. Note: This API call is subject to Flexible Routing Schemes. Your routing policy defines how your transactions are routed. You can choose 1 of the 3 different schemes mentioned below for each asset type: - None; Defines the profile routing to no destination for that asset type. Incoming transactions to asset types routed to None will fail. - Custom; Route to an account that you choose. If you remove the account, incoming transactions will fail until you choose another one. - Default; Use the routing specified by the network profile the connection is connected to. This scheme is also referred to as "Profile Routing" Default Workspace Presets: - Network Profile Crypto → Custom - Network Profile FIAT → None - Network Connection Crypto → Default - Network Connection FIAT → Default Supported asset groups for routing police can be found at /network_ids/routing_policy_asset_groups - Note: By default, Custom routing scheme uses (dstId = 0, dstType = VAULT).


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, NetworkConnectionsApiCreateNetworkConnectionRequest, NetworkConnectionResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body: NetworkConnectionsApiCreateNetworkConnectionRequest = {
  // NetworkConnection (optional)
  networkConnection: param_value,
  // string | A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. (optional)
  idempotencyKey: idempotencyKey_example,

fireblocks.networkConnections.createNetworkConnection(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<NetworkConnectionResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
networkConnection NetworkConnection
idempotencyKey [string] A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. (optional) defaults to undefined

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
201 A Network Connection object * X-Request-ID -
0 Error Response * X-Request-ID -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


NetworkIdResponse createNetworkId()

Creates a new Network ID. Note: This API call is subject to Flexible Routing Schemes. Your routing policy defines how your transactions are routed. You can choose 1 of the 3 different schemes mentioned below for each asset type: - None; Defines the profile routing to no destination for that asset type. Incoming transactions to asset types routed to None will fail. - Custom; Route to an account that you choose. If you remove the account, incoming transactions will fail until you choose another one. - Default; Use the routing specified by the network profile the connection is connected to. This scheme is also referred to as "Profile Routing" Default Workspace Presets: - Network Profile Crypto → Custom - Network Profile FIAT → None - Network Connection Crypto → Default - Network Connection FIAT → Default Supported asset groups for routing police can be found at /network_ids/routing_policy_asset_groups - Note: By default, Custom routing scheme uses (dstId = 0, dstType = VAULT).


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, NetworkConnectionsApiCreateNetworkIdRequest, NetworkIdResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body: NetworkConnectionsApiCreateNetworkIdRequest = {
  // CreateNetworkIdRequest (optional)
  createNetworkIdRequest: param_value,
  // string | A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. (optional)
  idempotencyKey: idempotencyKey_example,

fireblocks.networkConnections.createNetworkId(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<NetworkIdResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
createNetworkIdRequest CreateNetworkIdRequest
idempotencyKey [string] A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. (optional) defaults to undefined

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
201 Returns the new network ID in your workspace * X-Request-ID -
0 Error Response * X-Request-ID -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


DeleteNetworkConnectionResponse deleteNetworkConnection()

Deletes an existing network connection specified by its connection ID. Note: This API call is subject to Flexible Routing Schemes. Your routing policy defines how your transactions are routed. You can choose 1 of the 3 different schemes mentioned below for each asset type: - None; Defines the profile routing to no destination for that asset type. Incoming transactions to asset types routed to None will fail. - Custom; Route to an account that you choose. If you remove the account, incoming transactions will fail until you choose another one. - Default; Use the routing specified by the network profile the connection is connected to. This scheme is also referred to as "Profile Routing" Default Workspace Presets: - Network Profile Crypto → Custom - Network Profile FIAT → None - Network Connection Crypto → Default - Network Connection FIAT → Default - Note: By default, Custom routing scheme uses (dstId = 0, dstType = VAULT).


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, NetworkConnectionsApiDeleteNetworkConnectionRequest, DeleteNetworkConnectionResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body: NetworkConnectionsApiDeleteNetworkConnectionRequest = {
  // string | The ID of the network connection to delete
  connectionId: connectionId_example,

fireblocks.networkConnections.deleteNetworkConnection(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<DeleteNetworkConnectionResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
connectionId [string] The ID of the network connection to delete defaults to undefined

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Network ID * X-Request-ID -
0 Error Response * X-Request-ID -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


DeleteNetworkIdResponse deleteNetworkId()

Deletes a network by its ID. Note: This API call is subject to Flexible Routing Schemes. Your routing policy defines how your transactions are routed. You can choose 1 of the 3 different schemes mentioned below for each asset type: - None; Defines the profile routing to no destination for that asset type. Incoming transactions to asset types routed to None will fail. - Custom; Route to an account that you choose. If you remove the account, incoming transactions will fail until you choose another one. - Default; Use the routing specified by the network profile the connection is connected to. This scheme is also referred to as "Profile Routing" Default Workspace Presets: - Network Profile Crypto → Custom - Network Profile FIAT → None - Network Connection Crypto → Default - Network Connection FIAT → Default - Note: By default, Custom routing scheme uses (dstId = 0, dstType = VAULT).


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, NetworkConnectionsApiDeleteNetworkIdRequest, DeleteNetworkIdResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body: NetworkConnectionsApiDeleteNetworkIdRequest = {
  // string | The ID of the network
  networkId: networkId_example,

fireblocks.networkConnections.deleteNetworkId(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<DeleteNetworkIdResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
networkId [string] The ID of the network defaults to undefined

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Network ID -
0 Error Response * X-Request-ID -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


NetworkConnectionResponse getNetwork()

Gets a network connection by ID. Note: This API call is subject to Flexible Routing Schemes. Your routing policy defines how your transactions are routed. You can choose 1 of the 3 different schemes mentioned below for each asset type: - None; Defines the profile routing to no destination for that asset type. Incoming transactions to asset types routed to None will fail. - Custom; Route to an account that you choose. If you remove the account, incoming transactions will fail until you choose another one. - Default; Use the routing specified by the network profile the connection is connected to. This scheme is also referred to as "Profile Routing" Default Workspace Presets: - Network Profile Crypto → Custom - Network Profile FIAT → None - Network Connection Crypto → Default - Network Connection FIAT → Default - Note: By default, Custom routing scheme uses (dstId = 0, dstType = VAULT).


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, NetworkConnectionsApiGetNetworkRequest, NetworkConnectionResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body: NetworkConnectionsApiGetNetworkRequest = {
  // string | The ID of the connection
  connectionId: connectionId_example,

fireblocks.networkConnections.getNetwork(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<NetworkConnectionResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
connectionId [string] The ID of the connection defaults to undefined

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 A network connection * X-Request-ID -
0 Error Response * X-Request-ID -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


GetNetworkConnectionsResponse getNetworkConnections()

Returns all network connections. Note: This API call is subject to Flexible Routing Schemes. Your routing policy defines how your transactions are routed. You can choose 1 of the 3 different schemes mentioned below for each asset type: - None; Defines the profile routing to no destination for that asset type. Incoming transactions to asset types routed to None will fail. - Custom; Route to an account that you choose. If you remove the account, incoming transactions will fail until you choose another one. - Default; Use the routing specified by the network profile the connection is connected to. This scheme is also referred to as "Profile Routing" Default Workspace Presets: - Network Profile Crypto → Custom - Network Profile FIAT → None - Network Connection Crypto → Default - Network Connection FIAT → Default - Note: By default, Custom routing scheme uses (dstId = 0, dstType = VAULT).


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, GetNetworkConnectionsResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body:any = {};

fireblocks.networkConnections.getNetworkConnections(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<GetNetworkConnectionsResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 A list of network connections * X-Request-ID -
0 Error Response * X-Request-ID -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


NetworkIdResponse getNetworkId()

Retrieves a network by its ID. Note: This API call is subject to Flexible Routing Schemes. Your routing policy defines how your transactions are routed. You can choose 1 of the 3 different schemes mentioned below for each asset type: - None; Defines the profile routing to no destination for that asset type. Incoming transactions to asset types routed to None will fail. - Custom; Route to an account that you choose. If you remove the account, incoming transactions will fail until you choose another one. - Default; Use the routing specified by the network profile the connection is connected to. This scheme is also referred to as "Profile Routing" Default Workspace Presets: - Network Profile Crypto → Custom - Network Profile FIAT → None - Network Connection Crypto → Default - Network Connection FIAT → Default - Note: By default, Custom routing scheme uses (dstId = 0, dstType = VAULT).


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, NetworkConnectionsApiGetNetworkIdRequest, NetworkIdResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body: NetworkConnectionsApiGetNetworkIdRequest = {
  // string | The ID of the network
  networkId: networkId_example,

fireblocks.networkConnections.getNetworkId(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<NetworkIdResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
networkId [string] The ID of the network defaults to undefined

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Network ID * X-Request-ID -
0 Error Response * X-Request-ID -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


GetNetworkIdsResponse getNetworkIds()

Retrieves a list of all local and discoverable remote network IDs. Note: This API call is subject to Flexible Routing Schemes. Your routing policy defines how your transactions are routed. You can choose 1 of the 3 different schemes mentioned below for each asset type: - None; Defines the profile routing to no destination for that asset type. Incoming transactions to asset types routed to None will fail. - Custom; Route to an account that you choose. If you remove the account, incoming transactions will fail until you choose another one. - Default; Use the routing specified by the network profile the connection is connected to. This scheme is also referred to as "Profile Routing" Default Workspace Presets: - Network Profile Crypto → Custom - Network Profile FIAT → None - Network Connection Crypto → Default - Network Connection FIAT → Default - Note: By default, Custom routing scheme uses (dstId = 0, dstType = VAULT).


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, GetNetworkIdsResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body:any = {};

fireblocks.networkConnections.getNetworkIds(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<GetNetworkIdsResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 A list of network IDs * X-Request-ID -
0 Error Response * X-Request-ID -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


GetRoutingPolicyAssetGroupsResponse getRoutingPolicyAssetGroups()

Retrieves a list of all enabled routing policy asset groups. Your routing policy defines how your transactions are routed. You can use one or more enabled routing policy asset groups to describe connection or network id routing policy.


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, GetRoutingPolicyAssetGroupsResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body:any = {};

fireblocks.networkConnections.getRoutingPolicyAssetGroups(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<GetRoutingPolicyAssetGroupsResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 A list of enabled routing policy asset groups * X-Request-ID -
0 Error Response * X-Request-ID -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


SearchNetworkIdsResponse searchNetworkIds()

Retrieves a list of all local and discoverable remote network IDs. Can be filtered. Note: This API call is subject to Flexible Routing Schemes. Your routing policy defines how your transactions are routed. You can choose 1 of the 3 different schemes mentioned below for each asset type: - None; Defines the profile routing to no destination for that asset type. Incoming transactions to asset types routed to None will fail. - Custom; Route to an account that you choose. If you remove the account, incoming transactions will fail until you choose another one. - Default; Use the routing specified by the network profile the connection is connected to. This scheme is also referred to as "Profile Routing" Default Workspace Presets: - Network Profile Crypto → Custom - Network Profile FIAT → None - Network Connection Crypto → Default - Network Connection FIAT → Default - Note: By default, Custom routing scheme uses (dstId = 0, dstType = VAULT).


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, NetworkConnectionsApiSearchNetworkIdsRequest, SearchNetworkIdsResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body: NetworkConnectionsApiSearchNetworkIdsRequest = {
  // string | Search string - displayName networkId. Optional (optional)
  search: search_example,
  // boolean | Exclude your networkIds. Optional, default false (optional)
  excludeSelf: true,
  // boolean | Exclude connected networkIds. Optional, default false (optional)
  excludeConnected: true,
  // string | ID of the record after which to fetch $limit records (optional)
  pageCursor: pageCursor_example,
  // number | Number of records to fetch. By default, it is 50 (optional)
  pageSize: 8.14,

fireblocks.networkConnections.searchNetworkIds(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<SearchNetworkIdsResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
search [string] Search string - displayName networkId. Optional (optional) defaults to undefined
excludeSelf [boolean] Exclude your networkIds. Optional, default false (optional) defaults to undefined
excludeConnected [boolean] Exclude connected networkIds. Optional, default false (optional) defaults to undefined
pageCursor [string] ID of the record after which to fetch $limit records (optional) defaults to undefined
pageSize [number] Number of records to fetch. By default, it is 50 (optional) defaults to 50

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 A list of network IDs * X-Request-ID -
0 Error Response * X-Request-ID -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


SetNetworkIdResponse setNetworkIdDiscoverability(setNetworkIdDiscoverabilityRequest, )

Update whether or not the network ID is discoverable by others. Note: This API call is subject to Flexible Routing Schemes. Your routing policy defines how your transactions are routed. You can choose 1 of the 3 different schemes mentioned below for each asset type: - None; Defines the profile routing to no destination for that asset type. Incoming transactions to asset types routed to None will fail. - Custom; Route to an account that you choose. If you remove the account, incoming transactions will fail until you choose another one. - Default; Use the routing specified by the network profile the connection is connected to. This scheme is also referred to as "Profile Routing" Default Workspace Presets: - Network Profile Crypto → Custom - Network Profile FIAT → None - Network Connection Crypto → Default - Network Connection FIAT → Default - Note: By default, Custom routing scheme uses (dstId = 0, dstType = VAULT).


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, NetworkConnectionsApiSetNetworkIdDiscoverabilityRequest, SetNetworkIdResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body: NetworkConnectionsApiSetNetworkIdDiscoverabilityRequest = {
  // SetNetworkIdDiscoverabilityRequest
  setNetworkIdDiscoverabilityRequest: param_value,
  // string | The ID of the network
  networkId: networkId_example,

fireblocks.networkConnections.setNetworkIdDiscoverability(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<SetNetworkIdResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
setNetworkIdDiscoverabilityRequest SetNetworkIdDiscoverabilityRequest
networkId [string] The ID of the network defaults to undefined

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Network ID * X-Request-ID -
0 Error Response * X-Request-ID -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


SetNetworkIdResponse setNetworkIdName(setNetworkIdNameRequest, )

Updates name of a specified network ID. Note: This API call is subject to Flexible Routing Schemes. Your routing policy defines how your transactions are routed. You can choose 1 of the 3 different schemes mentioned below for each asset type: - None; Defines the profile routing to no destination for that asset type. Incoming transactions to asset types routed to None will fail. - Custom; Route to an account that you choose. If you remove the account, incoming transactions will fail until you choose another one. - Default; Use the routing specified by the network profile the connection is connected to. This scheme is also referred to as "Profile Routing" Default Workspace Presets: - Network Profile Crypto → Custom - Network Profile FIAT → None - Network Connection Crypto → Default - Network Connection FIAT → Default - Note: By default, Custom routing scheme uses (dstId = 0, dstType = VAULT).


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, NetworkConnectionsApiSetNetworkIdNameRequest, SetNetworkIdResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body: NetworkConnectionsApiSetNetworkIdNameRequest = {
  // SetNetworkIdNameRequest
  setNetworkIdNameRequest: param_value,
  // string | The ID of the network
  networkId: networkId_example,

fireblocks.networkConnections.setNetworkIdName(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<SetNetworkIdResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
setNetworkIdNameRequest SetNetworkIdNameRequest
networkId [string] The ID of the network defaults to undefined

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Network ID * X-Request-ID -
0 Error Response * X-Request-ID -

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SetNetworkIdResponse setNetworkIdRoutingPolicy()

Updates the routing policy of a specified network ID. Note: This API call is subject to Flexible Routing Schemes. Your routing policy defines how your transactions are routed. You can choose 1 of the 3 different schemes mentioned below for each asset type: - None; Defines the profile routing to no destination for that asset type. Incoming transactions to asset types routed to None will fail. - Custom; Route to an account that you choose. If you remove the account, incoming transactions will fail until you choose another one. - Default; Use the routing specified by the network profile the connection is connected to. This scheme is also referred to as "Profile Routing" Default Workspace Presets: - Network Profile Crypto → Custom - Network Profile FIAT → None - Network Connection Crypto → Default - Network Connection FIAT → Default Supported asset groups for routing police can be found at /network_ids/routing_policy_asset_groups - Note: By default, Custom routing scheme uses (dstId = 0, dstType = VAULT).


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, NetworkConnectionsApiSetNetworkIdRoutingPolicyRequest, SetNetworkIdResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body: NetworkConnectionsApiSetNetworkIdRoutingPolicyRequest = {
  // string | The ID of the network
  networkId: networkId_example,
  // SetNetworkIdRoutingPolicyRequest (optional)
  setNetworkIdRoutingPolicyRequest: param_value,

fireblocks.networkConnections.setNetworkIdRoutingPolicy(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<SetNetworkIdResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
setNetworkIdRoutingPolicyRequest SetNetworkIdRoutingPolicyRequest
networkId [string] The ID of the network defaults to undefined

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Network ID * X-Request-ID -
0 Error Response * X-Request-ID -

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SetRoutingPolicyResponse setRoutingPolicy()

Updates an existing network connection's routing policy. Note: This API call is subject to Flexible Routing Schemes. Your routing policy defines how your transactions are routed. You can choose 1 of the 3 different schemes mentioned below for each asset type: - None; Defines the profile routing to no destination for that asset type. Incoming transactions to asset types routed to None will fail. - Custom; Route to an account that you choose. If you remove the account, incoming transactions will fail until you choose another one. - Default; Use the routing specified by the network profile the connection is connected to. This scheme is also referred to as "Profile Routing" Default Workspace Presets: - Network Profile Crypto → Custom - Network Profile FIAT → None - Network Connection Crypto → Default - Network Connection FIAT → Default Supported asset groups for routing police can be found at /network_ids/routing_policy_asset_groups - Note: By default, Custom routing scheme uses (dstId = 0, dstType = VAULT).


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, NetworkConnectionsApiSetRoutingPolicyRequest, SetRoutingPolicyResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body: NetworkConnectionsApiSetRoutingPolicyRequest = {
  // string | The ID of the network connection
  connectionId: connectionId_example,
  // SetRoutingPolicyRequest (optional)
  setRoutingPolicyRequest: param_value,

fireblocks.networkConnections.setRoutingPolicy(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<SetRoutingPolicyResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
setRoutingPolicyRequest SetRoutingPolicyRequest
connectionId [string] The ID of the network connection defaults to undefined

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Network ID * X-Request-ID -
0 Error Response * X-Request-ID -

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