All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
createWebhook | POST /webhooks | Create new webhook |
deleteWebhook | DELETE /webhooks/{webhookId} | Delete webhook |
getNotification | GET /webhooks/{webhookId}/notifications/{notificationId} | Get notification by id |
getNotifications | GET /webhooks/{webhookId}/notifications | Get all notifications by webhook id |
getWebhook | GET /webhooks/{webhookId} | Get webhook by id |
getWebhooks | GET /webhooks | Get all webhooks |
updateWebhook | PATCH /webhooks/{webhookId} | Update webhook |
Webhook createWebhook(createWebhookRequest)
Creates a new webhook, which will be triggered on the specified events Note: These endpoints are currently in beta and might be subject to changes.
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, WebhooksV2BetaApiCreateWebhookRequest, Webhook } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");
const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();
let body: WebhooksV2BetaApiCreateWebhookRequest = {
// CreateWebhookRequest
createWebhookRequest: param_value,
// string | A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. (optional)
idempotencyKey: idempotencyKey_example,
fireblocks.webhooksV2Beta.createWebhook(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<Webhook>) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
createWebhookRequest | CreateWebhookRequest | ||
idempotencyKey | [string] | A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. | (optional) defaults to undefined |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
201 | created new webhook successfully | * X-Request-ID - |
0 | Error Response | * X-Request-ID - |
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Webhook deleteWebhook()
Delete a webhook by its id Note: These endpoints are currently in beta and might be subject to changes.
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, WebhooksV2BetaApiDeleteWebhookRequest, Webhook } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");
const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();
let body: WebhooksV2BetaApiDeleteWebhookRequest = {
// string | The unique identifier of the webhook
webhookId: 44fcead0-7053-4831-a53a-df7fb90d440f,
fireblocks.webhooksV2Beta.deleteWebhook(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<Webhook>) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
webhookId | [string] | The unique identifier of the webhook | defaults to undefined |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Deleted webhook object | * X-Request-ID - |
0 | Error Response | * X-Request-ID - |
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NotificationWithData getNotification()
Get notification by id Note: These endpoints are currently in beta and might be subject to changes.
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, WebhooksV2BetaApiGetNotificationRequest, NotificationWithData } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");
const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();
let body: WebhooksV2BetaApiGetNotificationRequest = {
// string | The ID of the webhook to fetch
webhookId: webhookId_example,
// string | The ID of the notification to fetch
notificationId: notificationId_example,
// boolean | Include the data of the notification (optional)
includeData: true,
fireblocks.webhooksV2Beta.getNotification(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<NotificationWithData>) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
webhookId | [string] | The ID of the webhook to fetch | defaults to undefined |
notificationId | [string] | The ID of the notification to fetch | defaults to undefined |
includeData | [boolean] | Include the data of the notification | (optional) defaults to undefined |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | * X-Request-ID - |
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NotificationPaginatedResponse getNotifications()
Get all notifications by webhook id (paginated) Note: These endpoints are currently in beta and might be subject to changes.
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, WebhooksV2BetaApiGetNotificationsRequest, NotificationPaginatedResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");
const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();
let body: WebhooksV2BetaApiGetNotificationsRequest = {
// string
webhookId: 44fcead0-7053-4831-a53a-df7fb90d440f,
// 'ASC' | 'DESC' | ASC / DESC ordering (default DESC) (optional)
order: ASC,
// string | Cursor of the required page (optional)
pageCursor: pageCursor_example,
// number | Maximum number of items in the page (optional)
pageSize: 10,
// string | sort by start date (optional)
createdStartDate: 2024-09-24T09:14:38.356Z,
// string | sort by end date (optional)
createdEndDate: 2024-09-24T09:14:38.356Z,
// Array<NotificationStatus> | Filter by Notification statues (optional)
statuses: COMPLETED,
// Array<WebhookEvent> | Filter by Notification eventTypes (optional)
eventTypes: ["transaction.created","transaction.status.updated"],
// string | Filter by resourceId (optional)
resourceId: resourceId_example,
fireblocks.webhooksV2Beta.getNotifications(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<NotificationPaginatedResponse>) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
webhookId | [string] | defaults to undefined | |
order | [**'ASC' | 'DESC'**]Array<'ASC' | 'DESC'> | ASC / DESC ordering (default DESC) |
pageCursor | [string] | Cursor of the required page | (optional) defaults to undefined |
pageSize | [number] | Maximum number of items in the page | (optional) defaults to 100 |
createdStartDate | [string] | sort by start date | (optional) defaults to undefined |
createdEndDate | [string] | sort by end date | (optional) defaults to undefined |
statuses | Array<NotificationStatus> | Filter by Notification statues | (optional) defaults to undefined |
eventTypes | Array<WebhookEvent> | Filter by Notification eventTypes | (optional) defaults to undefined |
resourceId | [string] | Filter by resourceId | (optional) defaults to undefined |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | A paginated response containing NotificationExternalDTO objects | * X-Request-ID - |
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Webhook getWebhook()
Retrieve a webhook by its id Note: These endpoints are currently in beta and might be subject to changes.
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, WebhooksV2BetaApiGetWebhookRequest, Webhook } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");
const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();
let body: WebhooksV2BetaApiGetWebhookRequest = {
// string | The unique identifier of the webhook
webhookId: 44fcead0-7053-4831-a53a-df7fb90d440f,
fireblocks.webhooksV2Beta.getWebhook(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<Webhook>) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
webhookId | [string] | The unique identifier of the webhook | defaults to undefined |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | A webhook object | * X-Request-ID - |
0 | Error Response | * X-Request-ID - |
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WebhookPaginatedResponse getWebhooks()
Get all webhooks (paginated) Note: These endpoints are currently in beta and might be subject to changes.
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, WebhooksV2BetaApiGetWebhooksRequest, WebhookPaginatedResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");
const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();
let body: WebhooksV2BetaApiGetWebhooksRequest = {
// 'ASC' | 'DESC' | ASC / DESC ordering (default DESC) (optional)
order: ASC,
// string | Cursor of the required page (optional)
pageCursor: pageCursor_example,
// number | Maximum number of items in the page (optional)
pageSize: 10,
fireblocks.webhooksV2Beta.getWebhooks(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<WebhookPaginatedResponse>) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
order | [**'ASC' | 'DESC'**]Array<'ASC' | 'DESC'> | ASC / DESC ordering (default DESC) |
pageCursor | [string] | Cursor of the required page | (optional) defaults to undefined |
pageSize | [number] | Maximum number of items in the page | (optional) defaults to 10 |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | A paginated response containing WebhookDto objects | * X-Request-ID - |
0 | Error Response | * X-Request-ID - |
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Webhook updateWebhook(updateWebhookRequest, )
Update a webhook by its id Note: These endpoints are currently in beta and might be subject to changes.
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, WebhooksV2BetaApiUpdateWebhookRequest, Webhook } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");
const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();
let body: WebhooksV2BetaApiUpdateWebhookRequest = {
// UpdateWebhookRequest
updateWebhookRequest: param_value,
// string | The unique identifier of the webhook
webhookId: 44fcead0-7053-4831-a53a-df7fb90d440f,
fireblocks.webhooksV2Beta.updateWebhook(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<Webhook>) => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
updateWebhookRequest | UpdateWebhookRequest | ||
webhookId | [string] | The unique identifier of the webhook | defaults to undefined |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Updated webhook object | * X-Request-ID - |
0 | Error Response | * X-Request-ID - |
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