All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Fix the build
- Added gosh feature
- Use modern crates anyhow and thiserror instead of failure
- Mesh and common message structures support
- No due payments on credit phase and add payed dues to storage fee in TVM
- the crate was renamed from
- supported renaming of other crates
- Do not delete frozen accounts (if related capability set)
- Deny non-zero cell level in code/data/lib
- Remove compiler warning
- Remove unwraps that lead to panic
- Deny ChangeLibrary action when CapSetLibCode is unset
- Disable debug symbols by default
- Skiped compute phase for suspended addresses
- Removed extra crates bas64
- Minor refactoring
- Supported ever-types version 2.0
- Add test for CapFeeInGasUnits
- check capability for calculating forward and storage fees
- check gas limit and credit for overflow
- capability CapBounceAfterFailedAction: if transaction fails on Action phase, bounced message will be produced
- add common submodule
- minor refactor for clippy
- support other libs changes
- backward compatibility to prev nodes in bounced fee calculating
- support behavior modifier mechanism for TVM