A python program that converts Abtract Syntax Tree (AST) files represented in the ASDL format into S-expressions
This program converts an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) represented in the ASDL format into a corresponding S-Expression. The S-Expression is then saved to a file and optionally displayed in a GUI window.
- Python 3.x,
- Tcl/tk (wish),
- The file "viewtree.tk" in the current directory.
Clone or download the repository and copy the two files asdl2sexp.py and viewtree.tk into the directory where your input file(s) resides. Then open a terminal from this directory and execute the following commands:
// Displays an abridged version of this readme.
python asdl2sexp.py
// process the file given by <input_filename>. This should be the file containing the AST data
python asdl2sexp.py <input_filename>
// Example:
python asdl2sexp.py myast.ast
The program will produce the output file <input_filename>.sexpr, containing the s-expression corresponding to your supplied AST. If you have Tcl/tk installed and the file viewtree.tk in your current working directory, the graphical tree for the AST will be displayed.
// Example:
python asdl2exp.py myast.abc
// will produce the file
Author: Uzziah Eyee (2016)
License: Potato License--Bake it, fry it, toast it, ...just don't waste it.
GUI Graphing Program "viewtree.tk" written by:
Adwait Ratnaparkhi
Dept. of Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania, 1996