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denovo-qassembler is a software package designed to reconstruct quaispecies variants from a set of next-generation sequencing reads without using a reference sequence.


You can download the source code for the current release of denovo-qassembler below:

denovo qassembler 1.0.3

Older Versions

denovo qassembler 1.0.1

denovo qassembler 1.0.2

Recent Changes


  • Fixed abundance estimation bug: edge weights were not reset prior to estimating abundance.
  • Don't use log1p from boost to calculate relative abundance, use log from cmath.


  • Fixed edge weight bug: edge weights are stored in an unsigned container, when decreasing edge weights make sure to check that the amount to decrease by is less than the current edge weight.
  • Sort starting point vertices before constructing paths so that reconstructed paths are reproducible between executions.



denovo-qassembler uses cmake as a dependency detection and build automation tool. Binaries for cmake are available for most operating systems. denovo-qassembler uses the Boost C++ Libraries extensively for graph construction as well as pointer management. Finally, denovo-qassembler can optionally use log4cxx to display logging information with high granularity.

To install all dependencies in Ubuntu, you can use apt-get:

sudo apt-get install g++ build-essential cmake libboost-all-dev liblog4cxx10-dev

To install all dependencies in Fedora, you can use yum:

sudo yum install gcc-c++ cmake boost-devel log4cxx-devel zlib-devel

To install all dependencies in CentOS or Scientific Linux, you can use yum:

sudo yum install gcc-c++ cmake boost-devel zlib-devel # CentOS and Scientific Linux do not ship log4cxx

Running cmake

One of the primary features of cmake is out-of-source builds, meaning that all binary files will be built outside of the source directory. Out-of-source builds make for a cleaner development environment because binary files are not scattered throughout your source directory.

To build denovo-qassembler, extract the source tarball, change into the build directory, run cmake, then make:

tar xf denovo-qassembler-1.0.3.tar.gz
cd denovo-qassembler-1.0.3/build
cmake ..

denovo-qassembler has a comprehensive test suite which can be executed prior to installation to ensure correctness of the build. To test denovo-qassembler, run:

make test

denovo-qassembler can be installed to the default system directories (i.e., /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/lib) by running:

sudo make install

Disabling log4cxx

If log4cxx does not ship with your operating system (or you wish to disable it), you can still get some logging information from denovo-qassembler by specifying log severity levels at compile time.

To disable log4cxx, pass cmake a compile time:

cmake -DUSE_LOG4CXX=off ..

If you would like to enable some level of logging, you can run:


where 0 <= i <= 2 and larger values for i result in more log output. All logging written by denovo-qassembler when log4cxx is disabled is written to stderr.


denovo-qassembler has a variety of input options which change the way that variants are reconstructed and the way that relative abundance is calculated.

Option Description Default Type Required?
--help Prints out all options and their description. disabled Boolean No
--input-sequences f fasta/fastq file containing sequencing reads. N/A String Yes
Files compressed with gzip are allowed.
--kmer-size i The k-mer size used to construct the de Bruijn graph (k must be odd) 31 Integer No
--pre-hash Hash all reads prior to constructing the graph. disabled Boolean No
May improve graph construction performance when used with --aggressive-edge-removal.
--aggressive-edge-removal i Remove edges from constructed graphs whose edge weight is below i. N/A Integer No
--print-graphs Print the graph structures in DOT format, suitable for rendering with graphviz. disabled Boolean No
--graph-dir d Write DOT formatted graph files to the specified directory d. graphs/ String No
Directory is created if necessary.
--minimum-bases i Remove disconnected sub-graphs with a single vertex referring to fewer N/A Integer No
than i significant base pairs.
--sequences Print the sequences corresponding to the paths generated by the path construction algorithm. N/A Boolean No
--sequence-dir d Write sequences to the specified directory d. Directory is created if necessary. sequences/ String No
--path-method m Specify the method for constructing paths through the de Bruijn graph, one of proportional String No
proportional, markov, or random.
--epsilon e Specify maximum allowable difference e between proportionally similar edge weights. 0.01 Double No
--minimum-length i Do not report sequences that have a length less than i. N/A Integer No
--abundance-method m Specify the method for estimating relative abundance, markov-chain String No
one of markov-chain or forward-algorithm.
--log-config f Specify a custom log4cxx configuration file. N/A String No


Given a compressed fasta file containing reads called reads.fna.gz, you could print out the set of de Bruijn graphs constructed using a k-mer size of 127:

denovo-qassembler --input-sequences reads.fna.gz --kmer-size 127 --print-graphs --graphs-dir read-graphs

Another example is to reconstruct a set of variants using the Proportional method, estimate relative abundance with the markov-chain method and remove edges with edge weight below 2:

denovo-qassembler --input-sequences reads.fna.gz --kmer-size 127 --aggressive-edge-removal 2 --sequences --sequence-dir read-sequences --abundance-method markov-chain


For more information about denovo-qassembler, please contact: