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Nuno Macedo edited this page Oct 25, 2016 · 32 revisions

PTCRISync aims to keep user profiles at the local system with corresponding ORCID profiles.

What it needs

  • Access to the ORCID Member Api
  • The ability to convert research productions from/to the the ORCID schema (currently 2.0rc2)
  • A persistent local notion of "synchronized production", for productions that are to be kept up-to-date
  • The ability to present notifications to the users to indicate newly found productions
  • A fine control on the assignment of external unique identifiers (at least one id, no overlapping ids)

What it can do

  • Keep the selected local works up-to-date in the user's ORCID profile (export works)
  • Notify the user of new unique works found in the ORCID profile (import works)
  • Notify the user of new external identifiers for know works found in the ORCID profile (import updates)

What it cannot do

  • It cannot modify ORCID works created by the user or other sources
  • Directly modify local works (follows a notification paradigm)
  • Synchronize works without valid external identifiers
  • Synchronize productions othar than works (yet)