diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/.config/dotnet-tools.json b/Marta/3MPTracker/.config/dotnet-tools.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45b8703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/.config/dotnet-tools.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "version": 1,
+ "isRoot": true,
+ "tools": {
+ "bonsai.sgen": {
+ "version": "0.1.0-build230726",
+ "commands": [
+ "bonsai.sgen"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/.gitattributes b/Marta/3MPTracker/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2d3c41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+* text=auto
+*.cmd text eol=crlf
+*.bat text eol=crlf
+*.bonsai text
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/.gitignore b/Marta/3MPTracker/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e152bdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Bonsai scripting files
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/README.md b/Marta/3MPTracker/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a88627a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# BonFly
+## Setting up
+These should only need to be installed once on a fresh new system, and are not required if simply refreshing the install or deploying to a new folder.
+ * Windows 10
+ * [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) (recommended for editing code scripts and git commits)
+ * [.NET Framework 4.7.2 Developer Pack](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework/thank-you/net472-developer-pack-offline-installer) (required for intellisense when editing code scripts)
+ * [Git for Windows](https://gitforwindows.org/) (recommended for cloning and manipulating this repository)
+ * [Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679) (native dependency for OpenCV)
+ * [FTDI CDM Driver 2.12.28](https://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/CDM/CDM21228_Setup.zip) (serial port drivers for HARP devices)
+ * [Spinnaker SDK](https://www.flir.com/support-center/iis/machine-vision/downloads/spinnaker-sdk-download/spinnaker-sdk--download-files/#anchor4) (device drivers for FLIR cameras)
+You can download the latest release of tensorflow.dll [here](https://www.tensorflow.org/install/lang_c#download_and_extract) and copy it inside your Extensions folder. You can click [here](https://github.com/bonsai-rx/sleap) for further instructions on install sleap in Bonsai.
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/bonsai/Bonsai.config b/Marta/3MPTracker/bonsai/Bonsai.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e855d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/bonsai/Bonsai.config
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/bonsai/Bonsai.exe b/Marta/3MPTracker/bonsai/Bonsai.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c20e591
Binary files /dev/null and b/Marta/3MPTracker/bonsai/Bonsai.exe differ
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/bonsai/NuGet.config b/Marta/3MPTracker/bonsai/NuGet.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1326cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/bonsai/NuGet.config
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/bonsai/setup.cmd b/Marta/3MPTracker/bonsai/setup.cmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c53f3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/bonsai/setup.cmd
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\setup.ps1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/bonsai/setup.ps1 b/Marta/3MPTracker/bonsai/setup.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a6b7e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/bonsai/setup.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+if (!(Test-Path "./Bonsai.exe")) {
+ Invoke-WebRequest "https://github.com/bonsai-rx/bonsai/releases/download/2.7.2/Bonsai.zip" -OutFile "temp.zip"
+ Move-Item -Path "NuGet.config" "temp.config"
+ Expand-Archive "temp.zip" -DestinationPath "." -Force
+ Move-Item -Path "temp.config" "NuGet.config" -Force
+ Remove-Item -Path "temp.zip"
+ Remove-Item -Path "Bonsai32.exe"
+& .\Bonsai.exe --no-editor
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/.gitignore b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dede6da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Bonsai scripting files
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Bonfly_3MPTracker_V1.1.0_ReversedStimState.bonsai b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Bonfly_3MPTracker_V1.1.0_ReversedStimState.bonsai
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..669a77e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Bonfly_3MPTracker_V1.1.0_ReversedStimState.bonsai
@@ -0,0 +1,3630 @@
+ Path
+ E:\Charlie\Startle_Project\Datasets_Loom_Control_BlackOut\Tracked_081924
+ \RawData
+ E:\Charlie\Startle_Project\Datasets_Loom_Control_BlackOut\Tracked_081924
+ *.avi
+ AllDirectories
+ BonflyPaths
+ Source1
+ GetDirectory
+ from System.IO import Path
+def process(value):
+ output = Path.GetDirectoryName(value)
+ return output
+ 1
+ ThisPath
+ VideoPath
+ Avi2Csv
+ it.Replace(".avi", ".csv")
+ CsvPath
+ ThisPath
+ it.Replace("RawData", "PostProcessing")
+ GetDirectory
+ from System.IO import Path
+def process(value):
+ output = Path.GetDirectoryName(value)
+ return output
+ 1
+ PostProcessingPath
+ ThisPath
+ PostProcessingPath
+ VideoPath
+ CsvPath
+ VideoPath
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as RawDataPath,
+Item2 as PostProcessingPath,
+Item3 as VideoPath,
+Item4 as StimCsvPath,
+Item5 as FileName)
+ 1
+ OfflineAnalysis
+ Source1
+ 1
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ VideoPath
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ StimCsvPath
+ Settings
+ 1
+ 1
+ ScalingFactor
+ Size
+ 128
+ 128
+ 1
+ FlyCenteredCropSize
+ FileName
+ E:\Charlie\Startle_Project\Datasets_Loom_Control_BlackOut\Tracked_081924\RawData\FH3\CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-6days-FH3-CamB-2024-08-19T16_06_03.avi
+ 1
+ InputVideoPath
+ FileName
+ E:\Charlie\Startle_Project\Datasets_Loom_Control_BlackOut\Tracked_081924\RawData\FH3\CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-6days-FH3-CamB-2024-08-19T16_06_03.csv
+ 1
+ InputStimCsvPath
+ true
+ 1
+ SaveVideo
+ 70
+ 1
+ ArenaThreshold
+ ModelFileName
+ Extensions\wBackground.frozen_graph.pb
+ TrainingConfig
+ Extensions\wBackground.training_config.json
+ ColorConversion
+ ScaleFactor
+ PartMinConfidence
+ true
+ new(
+Item1 as ModelFileName,
+Item2 as TrainingConfig,
+Item3 as ColorConversion,
+Item4 as ScaleFactor,
+Item5 as PartMinConfience,
+Item6 as EnableSleap)
+ 1
+ SleapModelConfiguration
+ DataLoader
+ InputStimCsvPath
+ InputVideoPath
+ E:\Charlie\Startle_Project\Datasets_Loom_Control_BlackOut\Tracked_081924\RawData\FH3\CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-6days-FH3-CamA-2024-08-19T16_06_03.avi
+ 99999999
+ 0
+ Frames
+ false
+ true
+ E:\Charlie\Startle_Project\Datasets_Loom_Control_BlackOut\Tracked_081924\RawData\FH3\CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-6days-FH3-CamA-2024-08-19T16_06_03.csv
+ %i
+ 1
+ from System import Tuple
+@returns(Tuple[int, int, int])
+def process(value):
+ if value == 0:
+ return Tuple.Create(1,0,0)
+ if value == 4:
+ return Tuple.Create(0,0,0)
+ if value == 1:
+ return Tuple.Create(1,1,0)
+ if value == 8:
+ return Tuple.Create(1,0,1)
+ if value == 5:
+ return Tuple.Create(0,1,0)
+ if value == 9:
+ return Tuple.Create(1,1,1)
+ if value == 12:
+ return Tuple.Create(0,0,1)
+ if value == 13:
+ return Tuple.Create(0,1,1)
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Visual,
+Item2 as Stim0,
+Item3 as Stim1
+ Index
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Stimuli,
+Item2 as Video,
+Item3 as FrameCount_Video
+ Video&Stimuli
+ PT7S
+ ArenaFeeds
+ 1
+ Background
+ InputVideoPath
+ CalculateBackground
+ 5000
+ 1
+ NumberBackgroundFrames
+ E:\Charlie\Startle_Project\Datasets_Loom_Control_BlackOut\Tracked_081924\RawData\FH3\CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-6days-FH3-CamB-2024-08-19T16_06_03.avi
+ 1
+ FileName
+ FileName
+ E:\Charlie\Startle_Project\Datasets_Loom_Control_BlackOut\Tracked_081924\RawData\FH3\CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-6days-FH3-CamB-2024-08-19T16_06_03.avi
+ 99999999
+ 0
+ Frames
+ false
+ true
+ Brightest
+ 0
+ NumberBackgroundFrames
+ 5000
+ 1
+ 1
+ BackgroundImage
+ FindArenas
+ Source1
+ 82
+ 255
+ Binary
+ ConnectedComponent
+ ChainApproxNone
+ 0
+ 0
+ 290000
+ 380000
+ Centroid.X,Centroid.Y
+ 1
+ ArenaROIs
+ CropBackgrounds
+ ArenaROIs
+ 1
+ CropBackgroundArenas
+ Source1
+ 1
+ ArenaDetection
+ ArenaDetection
+ Contour
+ Rect
+ X
+ -3
+ Y
+ -3
+ Width
+ 6
+ Height
+ 6
+ ROIEroded
+ BackgroundImage
+ ROIEroded
+ 873
+ 32
+ 698
+ 701
+ 1
+ CroppedBackground
+ CreateArenaFeeds
+ ArenaROIs
+ 1
+ InputVideoPath
+ TrackArenas
+ E:\Charlie\Startle_Project\Datasets_Loom_Control_BlackOut\Tracked_081924\RawData\FH3\CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-6days-FH3-CamA-2024-08-19T16_06_03.avi
+ 1
+ FileName
+ CroppedBackground
+ Source1
+ CropCenter
+ Source1
+ 1
+ This
+ This
+ Item1
+ 1
+ ThisCropBackground
+ This
+ Item2
+ Contour
+ Rect
+ X
+ -3
+ Y
+ -3
+ Width
+ 2
+ Height
+ 2
+ ROIEroded
+ Video&Stimuli
+ Video
+ ROIEroded
+ Item1
+ 893
+ 4
+ 691
+ 695
+ ThisCropBackground
+ ThisCropBackground
+ Item2
+ Stimuli
+ ArenaMask
+ BackgroundImage
+ This
+ Item1
+ 896
+ 7
+ 685
+ 689
+ This
+ Item2
+ Contour
+ 1
+ -1
+ ROIEroded
+ 691
+ 695
+ Constant
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 3
+ 3
+ Item2
+ new(
+Item1 as RawFrame,
+Item2 as BackgroundSubtractedFrame,
+Item3 as RawBackground,
+Item4 as Stimuli,
+Item5 as MaskedArena)
+ ArenaFeeds
+ AnalysisPipeline
+ ArenaFeeds
+ 1
+ ProcessSingleArenaFrames
+ Source1
+ Data
+ Data
+ Index
+ 1
+ ArenaIndex
+ Data
+ Value
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ CentroidTracking
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ BackgroundSubtractedFrame
+ 76
+ 255
+ Binary
+ External
+ ChainApproxNone
+ 0
+ 0
+ 3
+ Centroid
+ 21
+ 255
+ Binary
+ External
+ ChainApproxNone
+ 0
+ 0
+ 3
+ Centroid
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as SoftCentroid,
+Item2 as HardCentroid)
+ PickBestCentroid
+ it.SoftCentroid.X > 0 ? it.SoftCentroid : it.HardCentroid
+ BestCentroid
+ BestCentroid
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame.RegionOfInterest
+ new(
+Item1.X / Item2.Width as X,
+Item1.Y / Item2.Height as Y
+ X,Y
+ 0.897631764
+ 0.7035003
+ NormalizedBestCentroid
+ PixelChange
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ BackgroundSubtractedFrame
+ 1
+ 1
+ 10
+ Binary
+ Dark
+ External
+ ChainApproxNone
+ 0
+ 0
+ 3
+ 1
+ -1
+ PixelChange
+ Logging
+ SaveArena
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ MaskedArena
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ PostProcessingPath
+ \Arenas
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ FileName
+ ArenaIndex
+ {0}/{1}_fly{2}.png
+ Item1,Item2,Item3
+ Item1
+ E:\Charlie\Startle_Project\Datasets_Loom_Control_BlackOut\Tracked_081924\PostProcessing\Arenas/CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-6days-FH3-CamA-2024-08-19T16_06_03_fly2.png
+ None
+ 1
+ Track
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ PostProcessingPath
+ \Tracked
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ FileName
+ ArenaIndex
+ {0}/{1}_fly{2}_tracked.csv
+ Item1,Item2,Item3
+ Video&Stimuli
+ FrameCount_Video
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ Stimuli.Visual,Stimuli.Stim0,Stimuli.Stim1
+ NormalizedBestCentroid
+ PixelChange
+ Header
+ new(
+Item1 as FrameIndex,
+Item2.Item1 as VisualStim,
+Item2.Item2 as Stim0,
+Item2.Item3 as Stim1,
+Item3.X as NormalizedCentroidX,
+Item3.Y as NormalizedCentroidY,
+Item4 as PixelChange
+ E:\Charlie\Startle_Project\Datasets_Loom_Control_BlackOut\Tracked_081924\PostProcessing\Tracked/CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-6days-FH3-CamA-2024-08-19T16_06_03_fly2_tracked.csv
+ false
+ false
+ None
+ true
+ CropRaw
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ PostProcessingPath
+ \CropRaw
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ FileName
+ ArenaIndex
+ {0}/{1}_fly{2}_crop.avi
+ Item1,Item2,Item3
+ CenteredVideo
+ E:\Charlie\Startle_Project\Datasets_Loom_Control_BlackOut\Tracked_081924\PostProcessing\CropRaw/CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-6days-FH3-CamA-2024-08-19T16_06_03_fly2_crop.avi
+ None
+ true
+ false
+ FMP4
+ 60
+ 0
+ 0
+ NearestNeighbor
+ CropSubtract
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ PostProcessingPath
+ \CropSubtract
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ FileName
+ ArenaIndex
+ {0}/{1}_fly{2}_cropsub.avi
+ Item1,Item2,Item3
+ CenteredVideoBackSub
+ E:\Charlie\Startle_Project\Datasets_Loom_Control_BlackOut\Tracked_081924\PostProcessing\CropSubtract/CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-6days-FH3-CamA-2024-08-19T16_06_03_fly2_cropsub.avi
+ None
+ true
+ false
+ FMP4
+ 60
+ 0
+ 0
+ NearestNeighbor
+ Pose
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ PostProcessingPath
+ \Pose
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ FileName
+ ArenaIndex
+ {0}/{1}_fly{2}_pose.csv
+ Item1,Item2,Item3
+ SleapOutput
+ Video&Stimuli
+ FrameCount_Video
+ NormalizedBodyParts
+ Header
+ new(
+Item1 as FrameIndex,
+Item2.ViewPoints.Left as Left,
+Item2.ViewPoints.Right as Right,
+Item2.ViewPoints.Top as Top,
+Item2.BodyPoints.Head as Head,
+Item2.BodyPoints.Thorax as Thorax,
+Item2.BodyPoints.Abdomen as Abdomen,
+Item2.BodyPoints.LeftWing as LeftWing,
+Item2.BodyPoints.RightWing as RightWing
+ E:\Charlie\Startle_Project\Datasets_Loom_Control_BlackOut\Tracked_081924\PostProcessing\Pose/CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-6days-FH3-CamA-2024-08-19T16_06_03_fly2_pose.csv
+ false
+ false
+ None
+ true
+ SleapModelConfiguration
+ EnableSleap
+ Source1
+ false
+ StimVideo
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ PostProcessingPath
+ \StimVideos
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ FileName
+ ArenaIndex
+ {0}/{1}_fly{2}.avi
+ Item1,Item2,Item3
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ BackgroundSubtractedFrame
+ MaskedArena
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ Stimuli.Visual,Stimuli.Stim0,Stimuli.Stim1
+ PaintEvent
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from math import sin, cos, pi
+font = None
+def load():
+ global font
+ font = Font(1,1)
+def process(value):
+ output = value.Item1.Clone()
+ image = value.Item1.Clone()
+ output = IplImage(image.Size, image.Depth, 3)
+ CV.CvtColor(image,output,ColorConversion.Gray2Bgr)
+ visualState = value.Item2.Item1
+ stim0State = value.Item2.Item2
+ stim1State = value.Item2.Item3
+ if visualState == 1:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(25, 25), 15, Scalar.Rgb(255, 255, 255), -1)
+ else:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(25, 25), 15, Scalar.Rgb(32, 32, 32), -1)
+ CV.PutText(output,'0',Point(43,24),font,Scalar.All(255))
+ CV.PutText(output,'1',Point(43,38),font,Scalar.All(255))
+ if stim0State == 1:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(60, 18), 5, Scalar.Rgb(255, 255, 255), -1)
+ else:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(60, 18), 5, Scalar.Rgb(32, 32, 32), -1)
+ if stim1State == 1:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(60, 33), 5, Scalar.Rgb(255, 255, 255), -1)
+ else:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(60, 33), 5, Scalar.Rgb(32, 32, 32), -1)
+ return output
+ 704
+ 704
+ Linear
+ E:\Charlie\Startle_Project\Datasets_Loom_Control_BlackOut\Tracked_081924\PostProcessing\StimVideos/CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-6days-FH3-CamA-2024-08-19T16_06_03_fly2.avi
+ None
+ true
+ false
+ FMP4
+ 60
+ 0
+ 0
+ NearestNeighbor
+ SaveVideo
+ Source1
+ true
+ SleapTracking
+ CenteredVideo
+ SleapModelConfiguration
+ Extensions\wBackground.frozen_graph.pb
+ Extensions\wBackground.training_config.json
+ PoseStream
+ CenteredVideo
+ RegionOfInterest
+ BestCentroid
+ CropCorrection
+ Returns normalized XY
+1.1 Centroid
+1.2 pointA
+1.3 pointB
+2.1 Head
+2.2 Thorax
+2.3 Abdomen
+2.4 Lwing
+2.5 Rwing
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from System import Tuple, Math, Single
+def process(value):
+ cropMiddle = Point2f(value.Item1.Width / 2, value.Item1.Height / 2)
+ flyCentroid = value.Item2
+ correction = flyCentroid - cropMiddle
+ return correction
+ CropCorrection
+ PoseStream
+ NormalizedBodyParts
+ Source1
+ ViewPoints
+ Source1
+ Left
+ Normalizer
+ Source1
+ Position,Confidence
+ CropCorrection
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame.RegionOfInterest
+ NormalizeXY
+ Returns normalized XY
+1.1 Centroid
+1.2 pointA
+1.3 pointB
+2.1 Head
+2.2 Thorax
+2.3 Abdomen
+2.4 Lwing
+2.5 Rwing
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from System import Tuple, Math, Single
+def process(value):
+ position = value.Item1.Item1
+ confidence = float(value.Item1.Item2)
+ correction = value.Item2
+ arenaWidth = value.Item3.Width
+ arenaHeight = value.Item3.Height
+ corrected = position + correction
+ normalized = Point2f(corrected.X / arenaWidth, corrected.Y / arenaHeight)
+ output = Tuple.Create(normalized, float(confidence))
+ return output
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Position,
+Item2 as Confidence
+ Right
+ Normalizer
+ Source1
+ Position,Confidence
+ CropCorrection
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame.RegionOfInterest
+ NormalizeXY
+ Returns normalized XY
+1.1 Centroid
+1.2 pointA
+1.3 pointB
+2.1 Head
+2.2 Thorax
+2.3 Abdomen
+2.4 Lwing
+2.5 Rwing
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from System import Tuple, Math, Single
+def process(value):
+ position = value.Item1.Item1
+ confidence = float(value.Item1.Item2)
+ correction = value.Item2
+ arenaWidth = value.Item3.Width
+ arenaHeight = value.Item3.Height
+ corrected = position + correction
+ normalized = Point2f(corrected.X / arenaWidth, corrected.Y / arenaHeight)
+ output = Tuple.Create(normalized, float(confidence))
+ return output
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Position,
+Item2 as Confidence
+ Top
+ Normalizer
+ Source1
+ Position,Confidence
+ CropCorrection
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame.RegionOfInterest
+ NormalizeXY
+ Returns normalized XY
+1.1 Centroid
+1.2 pointA
+1.3 pointB
+2.1 Head
+2.2 Thorax
+2.3 Abdomen
+2.4 Lwing
+2.5 Rwing
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from System import Tuple, Math, Single
+def process(value):
+ position = value.Item1.Item1
+ confidence = float(value.Item1.Item2)
+ correction = value.Item2
+ arenaWidth = value.Item3.Width
+ arenaHeight = value.Item3.Height
+ corrected = position + correction
+ normalized = Point2f(corrected.X / arenaWidth, corrected.Y / arenaHeight)
+ output = Tuple.Create(normalized, float(confidence))
+ return output
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Position,
+Item2 as Confidence
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Left,
+Item2 as Right,
+Item3 as Top)
+ BodyPoints
+ Source1
+ Head
+ Normalizer
+ Source1
+ Position,Confidence
+ CropCorrection
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame.RegionOfInterest
+ NormalizeXY
+ Returns normalized XY
+1.1 Centroid
+1.2 pointA
+1.3 pointB
+2.1 Head
+2.2 Thorax
+2.3 Abdomen
+2.4 Lwing
+2.5 Rwing
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from System import Tuple, Math, Single
+def process(value):
+ position = value.Item1.Item1
+ confidence = float(value.Item1.Item2)
+ correction = value.Item2
+ arenaWidth = value.Item3.Width
+ arenaHeight = value.Item3.Height
+ corrected = position + correction
+ normalized = Point2f(corrected.X / arenaWidth, corrected.Y / arenaHeight)
+ output = Tuple.Create(normalized, float(confidence))
+ return output
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Position,
+Item2 as Confidence
+ Thorax
+ Normalizer
+ Source1
+ Position,Confidence
+ CropCorrection
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame.RegionOfInterest
+ NormalizeXY
+ Returns normalized XY
+1.1 Centroid
+1.2 pointA
+1.3 pointB
+2.1 Head
+2.2 Thorax
+2.3 Abdomen
+2.4 Lwing
+2.5 Rwing
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from System import Tuple, Math, Single
+def process(value):
+ position = value.Item1.Item1
+ confidence = float(value.Item1.Item2)
+ correction = value.Item2
+ arenaWidth = value.Item3.Width
+ arenaHeight = value.Item3.Height
+ corrected = position + correction
+ normalized = Point2f(corrected.X / arenaWidth, corrected.Y / arenaHeight)
+ output = Tuple.Create(normalized, float(confidence))
+ return output
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Position,
+Item2 as Confidence
+ Abdomen
+ Normalizer
+ Source1
+ Position,Confidence
+ CropCorrection
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame.RegionOfInterest
+ NormalizeXY
+ Returns normalized XY
+1.1 Centroid
+1.2 pointA
+1.3 pointB
+2.1 Head
+2.2 Thorax
+2.3 Abdomen
+2.4 Lwing
+2.5 Rwing
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from System import Tuple, Math, Single
+def process(value):
+ position = value.Item1.Item1
+ confidence = float(value.Item1.Item2)
+ correction = value.Item2
+ arenaWidth = value.Item3.Width
+ arenaHeight = value.Item3.Height
+ corrected = position + correction
+ normalized = Point2f(corrected.X / arenaWidth, corrected.Y / arenaHeight)
+ output = Tuple.Create(normalized, float(confidence))
+ return output
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Position,
+Item2 as Confidence
+ LeftWing
+ Normalizer
+ Source1
+ Position,Confidence
+ CropCorrection
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame.RegionOfInterest
+ NormalizeXY
+ Returns normalized XY
+1.1 Centroid
+1.2 pointA
+1.3 pointB
+2.1 Head
+2.2 Thorax
+2.3 Abdomen
+2.4 Lwing
+2.5 Rwing
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from System import Tuple, Math, Single
+def process(value):
+ position = value.Item1.Item1
+ confidence = float(value.Item1.Item2)
+ correction = value.Item2
+ arenaWidth = value.Item3.Width
+ arenaHeight = value.Item3.Height
+ corrected = position + correction
+ normalized = Point2f(corrected.X / arenaWidth, corrected.Y / arenaHeight)
+ output = Tuple.Create(normalized, float(confidence))
+ return output
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Position,
+Item2 as Confidence
+ RightWing
+ Normalizer
+ Source1
+ Position,Confidence
+ CropCorrection
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame.RegionOfInterest
+ NormalizeXY
+ Returns normalized XY
+1.1 Centroid
+1.2 pointA
+1.3 pointB
+2.1 Head
+2.2 Thorax
+2.3 Abdomen
+2.4 Lwing
+2.5 Rwing
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from System import Tuple, Math, Single
+def process(value):
+ position = value.Item1.Item1
+ confidence = float(value.Item1.Item2)
+ correction = value.Item2
+ arenaWidth = value.Item3.Width
+ arenaHeight = value.Item3.Height
+ corrected = position + correction
+ normalized = Point2f(corrected.X / arenaWidth, corrected.Y / arenaHeight)
+ output = Tuple.Create(normalized, float(confidence))
+ return output
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Position,
+Item2 as Confidence
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Head,
+Item2 as Thorax,
+Item3 as Abdomen,
+Item4 as LeftWing,
+Item5 as RightWing
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as ViewPoints,
+Item2 as BodyPoints)
+ NormalizedBodyParts
+ SleapModelConfiguration
+ EnableSleap
+ Source1
+ VisualizerOut
+ CenteredVideo
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame
+ BestCentroid
+ FlyCenteredCropSize
+ 128
+ 128
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ CenteredVideo
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ BackgroundSubtractedFrame
+ BestCentroid
+ FlyCenteredCropSize
+ 128
+ 128
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ CenteredVideoBackSub
+ Video&Stimuli
+ FrameCount_Video
+ Header
+ new(it as FrameCount_ArenaStream)
+ Stimuli
+ ArenaIndex
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ FileName
+ Item1.Item2
+ Item1.Item1.Item1
+ Item1.Item1.Item2
+ Item1.Item1.Item3
+ Item2
+ Visualizers
+ Source1
+ Source1
+ Item1
+ 0
+ Item2
+ Source1
+ Item1
+ 1
+ Item2
+ Item4.Visual,Item4.Stim0,Item4.Stim1
+ 128
+ 128
+ U8
+ 3
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ PaintLED
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from math import sin, cos, pi
+font = None
+def load():
+ global font
+ font = Font(2,2)
+def process(value):
+ output = value.Item2.Clone()
+ image = value.Item2.Clone()
+ output = IplImage(image.Size, image.Depth, 3)
+ CV.CvtColor(image,output,ColorConversion.Gray2Bgr)
+ LoomState = value.Item1.Item1
+ RedState = value.Item1.Item2
+ GreenState = value.Item1.Item3
+ if RedState == 1:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(64, 64), 55, Scalar.Rgb(204, 0, 0), -1)
+ if GreenState == 1:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(64, 64), 55, Scalar.Rgb(0, 204, 0), -1)
+ if LoomState == 1:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(64, 64), 40, Scalar.Rgb(255, 255, 255), -1)
+ else:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(64, 64), 40, Scalar.Rgb(32, 32, 32), -1)
+ return output
+ Source1
+ Item1
+ 2
+ Item2
+ Source1
+ Item1
+ 3
+ Item2
+ Item2
+ Item5
+ Index
+ 1
+ Item1
+ Item2
+ Item3.FrameCount_ArenaStream
+ TimeInfo
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from math import sin, cos, pi
+font = None
+def load():
+ global font
+ font = Font(1,1)
+def process(value):
+ output = value.Item1.Clone()
+ image = value.Item1.Clone()
+ output = IplImage(image.Size, image.Depth, 3)
+ CV.CvtColor(image,output,ColorConversion.Gray2Bgr)
+ filenumber = 'File # ' + value.Item2.ToString()
+ CV.PutText(output,filenumber,Point(5,45),font,Scalar.All(255))
+ FrameNumber = '# ' + value.Item3.ToString()
+ CV.PutText(output,'Frame',Point(5,80),font,Scalar.All(255))
+ CV.PutText(output,FrameNumber,Point(5,100),font,Scalar.All(255))
+ return output
+ 3
+ 2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Bonfly_3MPTracker_V1.1.1_ReversedStimState.bonsai b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Bonfly_3MPTracker_V1.1.1_ReversedStimState.bonsai
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c16a2ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Bonfly_3MPTracker_V1.1.1_ReversedStimState.bonsai
@@ -0,0 +1,3760 @@
+ Initialize
+ 0
+ FileFinished
+ Path
+ C:\Users\HugoMarques\Documents\Code\MyReps\cf.labs\Marta\3MPTracker\data
+ C:\Users\HugoMarques\Documents\Code\MyReps\cf.labs\Marta\3MPTracker\data
+ *.avi
+ AllDirectories
+ Get Number of Files
+ Source1
+ Length
+ NumberOfFiles
+ Item1
+ BonflyPaths
+ Source1
+ GetDirectory
+ from System.IO import Path
+def process(value):
+ output = Path.GetDirectoryName(value)
+ return output
+ 1
+ ThisPath
+ VideoPath
+ Avi2Csv
+ it.Replace(".avi", ".csv")
+ CsvPath
+ ThisPath
+ it.Replace("RawData", "PostProcessing")
+ GetDirectory
+ from System.IO import Path
+def process(value):
+ output = Path.GetDirectoryName(value)
+ return output
+ 1
+ PostProcessingPath
+ ThisPath
+ PostProcessingPath
+ VideoPath
+ CsvPath
+ VideoPath
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as RawDataPath,
+Item2 as PostProcessingPath,
+Item3 as VideoPath,
+Item4 as StimCsvPath,
+Item5 as FileName)
+ 1
+ OfflineAnalysis
+ Source1
+ 1
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ VideoPath
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ StimCsvPath
+ Settings
+ 1
+ 1
+ ScalingFactor
+ Size
+ 128
+ 128
+ 1
+ FlyCenteredCropSize
+ FileName
+ C:\Users\HugoMarques\Documents\Code\MyReps\cf.labs\Marta\3MPTracker\data\RawData\FH3\CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-4-5days-FH3-CamA-2024-07-19T11_34_57.avi
+ 1
+ InputVideoPath
+ FileName
+ C:\Users\HugoMarques\Documents\Code\MyReps\cf.labs\Marta\3MPTracker\data\RawData\FH3\CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-4-5days-FH3-CamA-2024-07-19T11_34_57.csv
+ 1
+ InputStimCsvPath
+ true
+ 1
+ SaveVideo
+ 70
+ 1
+ ArenaThreshold
+ ModelFileName
+ Extensions\wBackground.frozen_graph.pb
+ TrainingConfig
+ Extensions\wBackground.training_config.json
+ ColorConversion
+ ScaleFactor
+ PartMinConfidence
+ true
+ new(
+Item1 as ModelFileName,
+Item2 as TrainingConfig,
+Item3 as ColorConversion,
+Item4 as ScaleFactor,
+Item5 as PartMinConfience,
+Item6 as EnableSleap)
+ 1
+ SleapModelConfiguration
+ DataLoader
+ InputStimCsvPath
+ InputVideoPath
+ C:\Users\HugoMarques\Documents\Code\MyReps\cf.labs\Marta\3MPTracker\data\RawData\FH3\CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-4-5days-FH3-CamA-2024-07-19T11_34_57.avi
+ 99999999
+ 0
+ Frames
+ false
+ true
+ C:\Users\HugoMarques\Documents\Code\MyReps\cf.labs\Marta\3MPTracker\data\RawData\FH3\CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-4-5days-FH3-CamA-2024-07-19T11_34_57.csv
+ %i
+ 1
+ from System import Tuple
+@returns(Tuple[int, int, int])
+def process(value):
+ if value == 0:
+ return Tuple.Create(1,0,0)
+ if value == 4:
+ return Tuple.Create(0,0,0)
+ if value == 1:
+ return Tuple.Create(1,1,0)
+ if value == 8:
+ return Tuple.Create(1,0,1)
+ if value == 5:
+ return Tuple.Create(0,1,0)
+ if value == 9:
+ return Tuple.Create(1,1,1)
+ if value == 12:
+ return Tuple.Create(0,0,1)
+ if value == 13:
+ return Tuple.Create(0,1,1)
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Visual,
+Item2 as Stim0,
+Item3 as Stim1
+ Index
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Stimuli,
+Item2 as Video,
+Item3 as FrameCount_Video
+ Video&Stimuli
+ PT7S
+ ArenaFeeds
+ 1
+ Interval.TotalMilliseconds
+ 10
+ 10
+ 0
+ FileFinished
+ Background
+ InputVideoPath
+ CalculateBackground
+ 5000
+ 1
+ NumberBackgroundFrames
+ C:\Users\HugoMarques\Documents\Code\MyReps\cf.labs\Marta\3MPTracker\data\RawData\FH3\CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-4-5days-FH3-CamA-2024-07-19T11_34_57.avi
+ 1
+ FileName
+ FileName
+ C:\Users\HugoMarques\Documents\Code\MyReps\cf.labs\Marta\3MPTracker\data\RawData\FH3\CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-4-5days-FH3-CamA-2024-07-19T11_34_57.avi
+ 99999999
+ 0
+ Frames
+ false
+ true
+ Brightest
+ 0
+ NumberBackgroundFrames
+ 5000
+ 1
+ 1
+ BackgroundImage
+ FindArenas
+ Source1
+ 93
+ 255
+ Binary
+ ConnectedComponent
+ ChainApproxNone
+ 0
+ 0
+ 290000
+ 380000
+ Centroid.X,Centroid.Y
+ 1
+ ArenaROIs
+ CropBackgrounds
+ ArenaROIs
+ 1
+ CropBackgroundArenas
+ Source1
+ 1
+ ArenaDetection
+ ArenaDetection
+ Contour
+ Rect
+ X
+ -1
+ Y
+ -1
+ Width
+ 2
+ Height
+ 2
+ ROIEroded
+ BackgroundImage
+ ROIEroded
+ 834
+ 26
+ 682
+ 688
+ 1
+ CroppedBackground
+ CreateArenaFeeds
+ ArenaROIs
+ 1
+ InputVideoPath
+ TrackArenas
+ C:\Users\HugoMarques\Documents\Code\MyReps\cf.labs\Marta\3MPTracker\data\RawData\FH3\CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-4-5days-FH3-CamA-2024-07-19T11_34_57.avi
+ 1
+ FileName
+ CroppedBackground
+ Source1
+ CropCenter
+ Source1
+ 1
+ This
+ This
+ Item1
+ 1
+ ThisCropBackground
+ This
+ Item2
+ Contour
+ Rect
+ X
+ -1
+ Y
+ -1
+ Width
+ 2
+ Height
+ 2
+ ROIEroded
+ Video&Stimuli
+ Video
+ ROIEroded
+ Item1
+ 834
+ 26
+ 682
+ 688
+ ThisCropBackground
+ ThisCropBackground
+ Item2
+ Stimuli
+ ArenaMask
+ BackgroundImage
+ This
+ Item1
+ 835
+ 27
+ 680
+ 686
+ This
+ Item2
+ Contour
+ 1
+ -1
+ ROIEroded
+ 682
+ 688
+ Constant
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 3
+ 3
+ Item2
+ new(
+Item1 as RawFrame,
+Item2 as BackgroundSubtractedFrame,
+Item3 as RawBackground,
+Item4 as Stimuli,
+Item5 as MaskedArena)
+ ArenaFeeds
+ AnalysisPipeline
+ ArenaFeeds
+ 1
+ ProcessSingleArenaFrames
+ Source1
+ Data
+ Data
+ Index
+ 1
+ ArenaIndex
+ Data
+ Value
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ CentroidTracking
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ BackgroundSubtractedFrame
+ 76
+ 255
+ Binary
+ External
+ ChainApproxNone
+ 0
+ 0
+ 3
+ Centroid
+ 21
+ 255
+ Binary
+ External
+ ChainApproxNone
+ 0
+ 0
+ 3
+ Centroid
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as SoftCentroid,
+Item2 as HardCentroid)
+ PickBestCentroid
+ it.SoftCentroid.X > 0 ? it.SoftCentroid : it.HardCentroid
+ BestCentroid
+ BestCentroid
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame.RegionOfInterest
+ new(
+Item1.X / Item2.Width as X,
+Item1.Y / Item2.Height as Y
+ X,Y
+ 0.6609695
+ 0.9361556
+ NormalizedBestCentroid
+ PixelChange
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ BackgroundSubtractedFrame
+ 1
+ 1
+ 10
+ Binary
+ Dark
+ External
+ ChainApproxNone
+ 0
+ 0
+ 3
+ 1
+ -1
+ PixelChange
+ Logging
+ SaveArena
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ MaskedArena
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ PostProcessingPath
+ \Arenas
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ FileName
+ ArenaIndex
+ {0}/{1}_fly{2}.png
+ Item1,Item2,Item3
+ Item1
+ C:\Users\HugoMarques\Documents\Code\MyReps\cf.labs\Marta\3MPTracker\data\PostProcessing\Arenas/CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-4-5days-FH3-CamA-2024-07-19T11_34_57_fly3.png
+ None
+ 1
+ Track
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ PostProcessingPath
+ \Tracked
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ FileName
+ ArenaIndex
+ {0}/{1}_fly{2}_tracked.csv
+ Item1,Item2,Item3
+ Video&Stimuli
+ FrameCount_Video
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ Stimuli.Visual,Stimuli.Stim0,Stimuli.Stim1
+ NormalizedBestCentroid
+ PixelChange
+ Header
+ new(
+Item1 as FrameIndex,
+Item2.Item1 as VisualStim,
+Item2.Item2 as Stim0,
+Item2.Item3 as Stim1,
+Item3.X as NormalizedCentroidX,
+Item3.Y as NormalizedCentroidY,
+Item4 as PixelChange
+ C:\Users\HugoMarques\Documents\Code\MyReps\cf.labs\Marta\3MPTracker\data\PostProcessing\Tracked/CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-4-5days-FH3-CamA-2024-07-19T11_34_57_fly3_tracked.csv
+ false
+ false
+ None
+ true
+ CropRaw
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ PostProcessingPath
+ \CropRaw
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ FileName
+ ArenaIndex
+ {0}/{1}_fly{2}_crop.avi
+ Item1,Item2,Item3
+ CenteredVideo
+ C:\Users\HugoMarques\Documents\Code\MyReps\cf.labs\Marta\3MPTracker\data\PostProcessing\CropRaw/CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-4-5days-FH3-CamA-2024-07-19T11_34_57_fly3_crop.avi
+ None
+ true
+ false
+ FMP4
+ 60
+ 0
+ 0
+ NearestNeighbor
+ CropSubtract
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ PostProcessingPath
+ \CropSubtract
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ FileName
+ ArenaIndex
+ {0}/{1}_fly{2}_cropsub.avi
+ Item1,Item2,Item3
+ CenteredVideoBackSub
+ C:\Users\HugoMarques\Documents\Code\MyReps\cf.labs\Marta\3MPTracker\data\PostProcessing\CropSubtract/CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-4-5days-FH3-CamA-2024-07-19T11_34_57_fly3_cropsub.avi
+ None
+ true
+ false
+ FMP4
+ 60
+ 0
+ 0
+ NearestNeighbor
+ Pose
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ PostProcessingPath
+ \Pose
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ FileName
+ ArenaIndex
+ {0}/{1}_fly{2}_pose.csv
+ Item1,Item2,Item3
+ SleapOutput
+ Video&Stimuli
+ FrameCount_Video
+ NormalizedBodyParts
+ Header
+ new(
+Item1 as FrameIndex,
+Item2.ViewPoints.Left as Left,
+Item2.ViewPoints.Right as Right,
+Item2.ViewPoints.Top as Top,
+Item2.BodyPoints.Head as Head,
+Item2.BodyPoints.Thorax as Thorax,
+Item2.BodyPoints.Abdomen as Abdomen,
+Item2.BodyPoints.LeftWing as LeftWing,
+Item2.BodyPoints.RightWing as RightWing
+ C:\Users\HugoMarques\Documents\Code\MyReps\cf.labs\Marta\3MPTracker\data\PostProcessing\Pose/CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-4-5days-FH3-CamA-2024-07-19T11_34_57_fly3_pose.csv
+ false
+ false
+ None
+ true
+ SleapModelConfiguration
+ EnableSleap
+ Source1
+ false
+ StimVideo
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ PostProcessingPath
+ \StimVideos
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ FileName
+ ArenaIndex
+ {0}/{1}_fly{2}.avi
+ Item1,Item2,Item3
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ BackgroundSubtractedFrame
+ MaskedArena
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ Stimuli.Visual,Stimuli.Stim0,Stimuli.Stim1
+ PaintEvent
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from math import sin, cos, pi
+font = None
+def load():
+ global font
+ font = Font(1,1)
+def process(value):
+ output = value.Item1.Clone()
+ image = value.Item1.Clone()
+ output = IplImage(image.Size, image.Depth, 3)
+ CV.CvtColor(image,output,ColorConversion.Gray2Bgr)
+ visualState = value.Item2.Item1
+ stim0State = value.Item2.Item2
+ stim1State = value.Item2.Item3
+ if visualState == 1:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(25, 25), 15, Scalar.Rgb(255, 255, 255), -1)
+ else:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(25, 25), 15, Scalar.Rgb(32, 32, 32), -1)
+ CV.PutText(output,'0',Point(43,24),font,Scalar.All(255))
+ CV.PutText(output,'1',Point(43,38),font,Scalar.All(255))
+ if stim0State == 1:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(60, 18), 5, Scalar.Rgb(255, 255, 255), -1)
+ else:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(60, 18), 5, Scalar.Rgb(32, 32, 32), -1)
+ if stim1State == 1:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(60, 33), 5, Scalar.Rgb(255, 255, 255), -1)
+ else:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(60, 33), 5, Scalar.Rgb(32, 32, 32), -1)
+ return output
+ 704
+ 704
+ Linear
+ C:\Users\HugoMarques\Documents\Code\MyReps\cf.labs\Marta\3MPTracker\data\PostProcessing\StimVideos/CR-EmptyTNT-20Control_3BlackOut-Female-4-5days-FH3-CamA-2024-07-19T11_34_57_fly3.avi
+ None
+ true
+ false
+ FMP4
+ 60
+ 0
+ 0
+ NearestNeighbor
+ SaveVideo
+ Source1
+ true
+ SleapTracking
+ CenteredVideo
+ SleapModelConfiguration
+ Extensions\wBackground.frozen_graph.pb
+ Extensions\wBackground.training_config.json
+ PoseStream
+ CenteredVideo
+ RegionOfInterest
+ BestCentroid
+ CropCorrection
+ Returns normalized XY
+1.1 Centroid
+1.2 pointA
+1.3 pointB
+2.1 Head
+2.2 Thorax
+2.3 Abdomen
+2.4 Lwing
+2.5 Rwing
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from System import Tuple, Math, Single
+def process(value):
+ cropMiddle = Point2f(value.Item1.Width / 2, value.Item1.Height / 2)
+ flyCentroid = value.Item2
+ correction = flyCentroid - cropMiddle
+ return correction
+ CropCorrection
+ PoseStream
+ NormalizedBodyParts
+ Source1
+ ViewPoints
+ Source1
+ Left
+ Normalizer
+ Source1
+ Position,Confidence
+ CropCorrection
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame.RegionOfInterest
+ NormalizeXY
+ Returns normalized XY
+1.1 Centroid
+1.2 pointA
+1.3 pointB
+2.1 Head
+2.2 Thorax
+2.3 Abdomen
+2.4 Lwing
+2.5 Rwing
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from System import Tuple, Math, Single
+def process(value):
+ position = value.Item1.Item1
+ confidence = float(value.Item1.Item2)
+ correction = value.Item2
+ arenaWidth = value.Item3.Width
+ arenaHeight = value.Item3.Height
+ corrected = position + correction
+ normalized = Point2f(corrected.X / arenaWidth, corrected.Y / arenaHeight)
+ output = Tuple.Create(normalized, float(confidence))
+ return output
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Position,
+Item2 as Confidence
+ Right
+ Normalizer
+ Source1
+ Position,Confidence
+ CropCorrection
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame.RegionOfInterest
+ NormalizeXY
+ Returns normalized XY
+1.1 Centroid
+1.2 pointA
+1.3 pointB
+2.1 Head
+2.2 Thorax
+2.3 Abdomen
+2.4 Lwing
+2.5 Rwing
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from System import Tuple, Math, Single
+def process(value):
+ position = value.Item1.Item1
+ confidence = float(value.Item1.Item2)
+ correction = value.Item2
+ arenaWidth = value.Item3.Width
+ arenaHeight = value.Item3.Height
+ corrected = position + correction
+ normalized = Point2f(corrected.X / arenaWidth, corrected.Y / arenaHeight)
+ output = Tuple.Create(normalized, float(confidence))
+ return output
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Position,
+Item2 as Confidence
+ Top
+ Normalizer
+ Source1
+ Position,Confidence
+ CropCorrection
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame.RegionOfInterest
+ NormalizeXY
+ Returns normalized XY
+1.1 Centroid
+1.2 pointA
+1.3 pointB
+2.1 Head
+2.2 Thorax
+2.3 Abdomen
+2.4 Lwing
+2.5 Rwing
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from System import Tuple, Math, Single
+def process(value):
+ position = value.Item1.Item1
+ confidence = float(value.Item1.Item2)
+ correction = value.Item2
+ arenaWidth = value.Item3.Width
+ arenaHeight = value.Item3.Height
+ corrected = position + correction
+ normalized = Point2f(corrected.X / arenaWidth, corrected.Y / arenaHeight)
+ output = Tuple.Create(normalized, float(confidence))
+ return output
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Position,
+Item2 as Confidence
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Left,
+Item2 as Right,
+Item3 as Top)
+ BodyPoints
+ Source1
+ Head
+ Normalizer
+ Source1
+ Position,Confidence
+ CropCorrection
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame.RegionOfInterest
+ NormalizeXY
+ Returns normalized XY
+1.1 Centroid
+1.2 pointA
+1.3 pointB
+2.1 Head
+2.2 Thorax
+2.3 Abdomen
+2.4 Lwing
+2.5 Rwing
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from System import Tuple, Math, Single
+def process(value):
+ position = value.Item1.Item1
+ confidence = float(value.Item1.Item2)
+ correction = value.Item2
+ arenaWidth = value.Item3.Width
+ arenaHeight = value.Item3.Height
+ corrected = position + correction
+ normalized = Point2f(corrected.X / arenaWidth, corrected.Y / arenaHeight)
+ output = Tuple.Create(normalized, float(confidence))
+ return output
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Position,
+Item2 as Confidence
+ Thorax
+ Normalizer
+ Source1
+ Position,Confidence
+ CropCorrection
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame.RegionOfInterest
+ NormalizeXY
+ Returns normalized XY
+1.1 Centroid
+1.2 pointA
+1.3 pointB
+2.1 Head
+2.2 Thorax
+2.3 Abdomen
+2.4 Lwing
+2.5 Rwing
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from System import Tuple, Math, Single
+def process(value):
+ position = value.Item1.Item1
+ confidence = float(value.Item1.Item2)
+ correction = value.Item2
+ arenaWidth = value.Item3.Width
+ arenaHeight = value.Item3.Height
+ corrected = position + correction
+ normalized = Point2f(corrected.X / arenaWidth, corrected.Y / arenaHeight)
+ output = Tuple.Create(normalized, float(confidence))
+ return output
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Position,
+Item2 as Confidence
+ Abdomen
+ Normalizer
+ Source1
+ Position,Confidence
+ CropCorrection
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame.RegionOfInterest
+ NormalizeXY
+ Returns normalized XY
+1.1 Centroid
+1.2 pointA
+1.3 pointB
+2.1 Head
+2.2 Thorax
+2.3 Abdomen
+2.4 Lwing
+2.5 Rwing
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from System import Tuple, Math, Single
+def process(value):
+ position = value.Item1.Item1
+ confidence = float(value.Item1.Item2)
+ correction = value.Item2
+ arenaWidth = value.Item3.Width
+ arenaHeight = value.Item3.Height
+ corrected = position + correction
+ normalized = Point2f(corrected.X / arenaWidth, corrected.Y / arenaHeight)
+ output = Tuple.Create(normalized, float(confidence))
+ return output
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Position,
+Item2 as Confidence
+ LeftWing
+ Normalizer
+ Source1
+ Position,Confidence
+ CropCorrection
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame.RegionOfInterest
+ NormalizeXY
+ Returns normalized XY
+1.1 Centroid
+1.2 pointA
+1.3 pointB
+2.1 Head
+2.2 Thorax
+2.3 Abdomen
+2.4 Lwing
+2.5 Rwing
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from System import Tuple, Math, Single
+def process(value):
+ position = value.Item1.Item1
+ confidence = float(value.Item1.Item2)
+ correction = value.Item2
+ arenaWidth = value.Item3.Width
+ arenaHeight = value.Item3.Height
+ corrected = position + correction
+ normalized = Point2f(corrected.X / arenaWidth, corrected.Y / arenaHeight)
+ output = Tuple.Create(normalized, float(confidence))
+ return output
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Position,
+Item2 as Confidence
+ RightWing
+ Normalizer
+ Source1
+ Position,Confidence
+ CropCorrection
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame.RegionOfInterest
+ NormalizeXY
+ Returns normalized XY
+1.1 Centroid
+1.2 pointA
+1.3 pointB
+2.1 Head
+2.2 Thorax
+2.3 Abdomen
+2.4 Lwing
+2.5 Rwing
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from System import Tuple, Math, Single
+def process(value):
+ position = value.Item1.Item1
+ confidence = float(value.Item1.Item2)
+ correction = value.Item2
+ arenaWidth = value.Item3.Width
+ arenaHeight = value.Item3.Height
+ corrected = position + correction
+ normalized = Point2f(corrected.X / arenaWidth, corrected.Y / arenaHeight)
+ output = Tuple.Create(normalized, float(confidence))
+ return output
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Position,
+Item2 as Confidence
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as Head,
+Item2 as Thorax,
+Item3 as Abdomen,
+Item4 as LeftWing,
+Item5 as RightWing
+ Rename
+ new(
+Item1 as ViewPoints,
+Item2 as BodyPoints)
+ NormalizedBodyParts
+ SleapModelConfiguration
+ EnableSleap
+ Source1
+ VisualizerOut
+ CenteredVideo
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ RawFrame
+ BestCentroid
+ FlyCenteredCropSize
+ 128
+ 128
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ CenteredVideo
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ BackgroundSubtractedFrame
+ BestCentroid
+ FlyCenteredCropSize
+ 128
+ 128
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ CenteredVideoBackSub
+ Video&Stimuli
+ FrameCount_Video
+ Header
+ new(it as FrameCount_ArenaStream)
+ Stimuli
+ ArenaIndex
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ FileName
+ Item1.Item2
+ Item1.Item1.Item1
+ Item1.Item1.Item2
+ Item1.Item1.Item3
+ Item2
+ Visualizers
+ Source1
+ Source1
+ Item1
+ 0
+ Item2
+ Source1
+ Item1
+ 1
+ Item2
+ Item4.Visual,Item4.Stim0,Item4.Stim1
+ 128
+ 128
+ U8
+ 3
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ PaintLED
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from math import sin, cos, pi
+font = None
+def load():
+ global font
+ font = Font(2,2)
+def process(value):
+ output = value.Item2.Clone()
+ image = value.Item2.Clone()
+ output = IplImage(image.Size, image.Depth, 3)
+ CV.CvtColor(image,output,ColorConversion.Gray2Bgr)
+ LoomState = value.Item1.Item1
+ RedState = value.Item1.Item2
+ GreenState = value.Item1.Item3
+ if RedState == 1:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(64, 64), 55, Scalar.Rgb(204, 0, 0), -1)
+ if GreenState == 1:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(64, 64), 55, Scalar.Rgb(0, 204, 0), -1)
+ if LoomState == 1:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(64, 64), 40, Scalar.Rgb(255, 255, 255), -1)
+ else:
+ CV.Circle(output, Point(64, 64), 40, Scalar.Rgb(32, 32, 32), -1)
+ return output
+ Source1
+ Item1
+ 2
+ Item2
+ Source1
+ Item1
+ 3
+ Item2
+ Item2
+ Item5
+ Index
+ 1
+ Item1
+ Item2
+ Item3.FrameCount_ArenaStream
+ TimeInfo
+import clr
+from OpenCV.Net import *
+from math import sin, cos, pi
+font = None
+def load():
+ global font
+ font = Font(1,1)
+def process(value):
+ output = value.Item1.Clone()
+ image = value.Item1.Clone()
+ output = IplImage(image.Size, image.Depth, 3)
+ CV.CvtColor(image,output,ColorConversion.Gray2Bgr)
+ filenumber = 'File # ' + value.Item2.ToString()
+ CV.PutText(output,filenumber,Point(5,45),font,Scalar.All(255))
+ FrameNumber = '# ' + value.Item3.ToString()
+ CV.PutText(output,'Frame',Point(5,80),font,Scalar.All(255))
+ CV.PutText(output,FrameNumber,Point(5,100),font,Scalar.All(255))
+ return output
+ 3
+ 2
+ FileFinished
+ 1
+ Source1
+ Index
+ NumberOfFiles
+ 1
+ 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions.csproj b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6fb523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ net472
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/AutomaticGenerators.Generated.cs b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/AutomaticGenerators.Generated.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3b810e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/AutomaticGenerators.Generated.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,1148 @@
+// Generated using the NJsonSchema v10.9.0.0 (Newtonsoft.Json v9.0.0.0) (http://NJsonSchema.org)
+namespace AutomaticGenerators
+ #pragma warning disable // Disable all warnings
+ [Bonsai.CombinatorAttribute()]
+ [Bonsai.WorkflowElementCategoryAttribute(Bonsai.ElementCategory.Source)]
+ public partial class Point
+ {
+ private double _x = 0D;
+ private double _y = 0D;
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="x")]
+ public double X
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _x;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _x = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="y")]
+ public double Y
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _y;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _y = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process()
+ {
+ return System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Defer(() => System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Return(
+ new Point
+ {
+ X = _x,
+ Y = _y
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ [Bonsai.CombinatorAttribute()]
+ [Bonsai.WorkflowElementCategoryAttribute(Bonsai.ElementCategory.Source)]
+ public partial class AnimationSettings
+ {
+ private double _duration = 2D;
+ private double _initialRadius = 0.5D;
+ private double _initialVirtualDistance = 12.5D;
+ private double _linearApproachingVelocity = 25D;
+ private double _maxRadius = 25D;
+ private double _monitorDistance = 25D;
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="duration")]
+ public double Duration
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _duration;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _duration = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="initialRadius")]
+ public double InitialRadius
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _initialRadius;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _initialRadius = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="initialVirtualDistance")]
+ public double InitialVirtualDistance
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _initialVirtualDistance;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _initialVirtualDistance = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="linearApproachingVelocity")]
+ public double LinearApproachingVelocity
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _linearApproachingVelocity;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _linearApproachingVelocity = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="maxRadius")]
+ public double MaxRadius
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _maxRadius;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _maxRadius = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="monitorDistance")]
+ public double MonitorDistance
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _monitorDistance;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _monitorDistance = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process()
+ {
+ return System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Defer(() => System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Return(
+ new AnimationSettings
+ {
+ Duration = _duration,
+ InitialRadius = _initialRadius,
+ InitialVirtualDistance = _initialVirtualDistance,
+ LinearApproachingVelocity = _linearApproachingVelocity,
+ MaxRadius = _maxRadius,
+ MonitorDistance = _monitorDistance
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ [Bonsai.CombinatorAttribute()]
+ [Bonsai.WorkflowElementCategoryAttribute(Bonsai.ElementCategory.Source)]
+ public partial class Color
+ {
+ private double _a = 1D;
+ private double _b = 0D;
+ private double _g = 0D;
+ private double _r = 0D;
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="a")]
+ public double A
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _a;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _a = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="b")]
+ public double B
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _b;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _b = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="g")]
+ public double G
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _g;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _g = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="r")]
+ public double R
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _r;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _r = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process()
+ {
+ return System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Defer(() => System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Return(
+ new Color
+ {
+ A = _a,
+ B = _b,
+ G = _g,
+ R = _r
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ [Bonsai.CombinatorAttribute()]
+ [Bonsai.WorkflowElementCategoryAttribute(Bonsai.ElementCategory.Source)]
+ public partial class ControlNoisyStimuli
+ {
+ private AnimationSettings _animationSettings;
+ private Color _backgroundColor;
+ private double _delayOffset;
+ private double _delayOnset;
+ private double _diameter = 0.1D;
+ private Color _offColor;
+ private Color _onColor;
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="animationSettings")]
+ public AnimationSettings AnimationSettings
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _animationSettings;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _animationSettings = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="backgroundColor")]
+ public Color BackgroundColor
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _backgroundColor;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _backgroundColor = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="delayOffset")]
+ public double DelayOffset
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _delayOffset;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _delayOffset = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="delayOnset")]
+ public double DelayOnset
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _delayOnset;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _delayOnset = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="diameter")]
+ public double Diameter
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _diameter;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _diameter = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="offColor")]
+ public Color OffColor
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _offColor;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _offColor = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="onColor")]
+ public Color OnColor
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _onColor;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _onColor = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process()
+ {
+ return System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Defer(() => System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Return(
+ new ControlNoisyStimuli
+ {
+ AnimationSettings = _animationSettings,
+ BackgroundColor = _backgroundColor,
+ DelayOffset = _delayOffset,
+ DelayOnset = _delayOnset,
+ Diameter = _diameter,
+ OffColor = _offColor,
+ OnColor = _onColor
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ [Bonsai.CombinatorAttribute()]
+ [Bonsai.WorkflowElementCategoryAttribute(Bonsai.ElementCategory.Source)]
+ public partial class LoomingCircleStimuli
+ {
+ private AnimationSettings _animationSettings;
+ private Color _backgroundColor;
+ private Color _color;
+ private double _delayOffset;
+ private double _delayOnset;
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="animationSettings")]
+ public AnimationSettings AnimationSettings
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _animationSettings;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _animationSettings = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="backgroundColor")]
+ public Color BackgroundColor
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _backgroundColor;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _backgroundColor = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="color")]
+ public Color Color
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _color;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _color = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="delayOffset")]
+ public double DelayOffset
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _delayOffset;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _delayOffset = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="delayOnset")]
+ public double DelayOnset
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _delayOnset;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _delayOnset = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process()
+ {
+ return System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Defer(() => System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Return(
+ new LoomingCircleStimuli
+ {
+ AnimationSettings = _animationSettings,
+ BackgroundColor = _backgroundColor,
+ Color = _color,
+ DelayOffset = _delayOffset,
+ DelayOnset = _delayOnset
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ [Bonsai.CombinatorAttribute()]
+ [Bonsai.WorkflowElementCategoryAttribute(Bonsai.ElementCategory.Source)]
+ public partial class LoomingImageStimuli
+ {
+ private AnimationSettings _animationSettings;
+ private Color _backgroundColor;
+ private double _delayOffset;
+ private double _delayOnset;
+ private double _scaleX = 1D;
+ private double _scaleY = 1D;
+ private string _textureName = "";
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="animationSettings")]
+ public AnimationSettings AnimationSettings
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _animationSettings;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _animationSettings = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="backgroundColor")]
+ public Color BackgroundColor
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _backgroundColor;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _backgroundColor = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="delayOffset")]
+ public double DelayOffset
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _delayOffset;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _delayOffset = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="delayOnset")]
+ public double DelayOnset
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _delayOnset;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _delayOnset = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="scaleX")]
+ public double ScaleX
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _scaleX;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _scaleX = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="scaleY")]
+ public double ScaleY
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _scaleY;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _scaleY = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="textureName")]
+ public string TextureName
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _textureName;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _textureName = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process()
+ {
+ return System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Defer(() => System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Return(
+ new LoomingImageStimuli
+ {
+ AnimationSettings = _animationSettings,
+ BackgroundColor = _backgroundColor,
+ DelayOffset = _delayOffset,
+ DelayOnset = _delayOnset,
+ ScaleX = _scaleX,
+ ScaleY = _scaleY,
+ TextureName = _textureName
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ [Bonsai.CombinatorAttribute()]
+ [Bonsai.WorkflowElementCategoryAttribute(Bonsai.ElementCategory.Source)]
+ public partial class MovingCircleStimuli
+ {
+ private Point _startPosition;
+ private Point _endPosition;
+ private Color _backgroundColor;
+ private Color _color;
+ private double _delayOffset;
+ private double _delayOnset;
+ private double _radius = 1D;
+ private double _duration = 1D;
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="startPosition")]
+ public Point StartPosition
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _startPosition;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _startPosition = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="endPosition")]
+ public Point EndPosition
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _endPosition;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _endPosition = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="backgroundColor")]
+ public Color BackgroundColor
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _backgroundColor;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _backgroundColor = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="color")]
+ public Color Color
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _color;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _color = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="delayOffset")]
+ public double DelayOffset
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _delayOffset;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _delayOffset = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="delayOnset")]
+ public double DelayOnset
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _delayOnset;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _delayOnset = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="radius")]
+ public double Radius
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _radius;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _radius = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="duration")]
+ public double Duration
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _duration;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _duration = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process()
+ {
+ return System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Defer(() => System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Return(
+ new MovingCircleStimuli
+ {
+ StartPosition = _startPosition,
+ EndPosition = _endPosition,
+ BackgroundColor = _backgroundColor,
+ Color = _color,
+ DelayOffset = _delayOffset,
+ DelayOnset = _delayOnset,
+ Radius = _radius,
+ Duration = _duration
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ [Bonsai.CombinatorAttribute()]
+ [Bonsai.WorkflowElementCategoryAttribute(Bonsai.ElementCategory.Source)]
+ public partial class OptogeneticsStimuli
+ {
+ private double _amplitude = 1D;
+ private double _duration = 1D;
+ private int _dutyCycle = 50;
+ private double _frequency = 10D;
+ private OptogeneticsStimuliLedTarget _ledTarget = AutomaticGenerators.OptogeneticsStimuliLedTarget.None;
+ private OptogeneticsStimuliMode _mode = AutomaticGenerators.OptogeneticsStimuliMode.Continuous;
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="amplitude")]
+ public double Amplitude
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _amplitude;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _amplitude = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="duration")]
+ public double Duration
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _duration;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _duration = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="dutyCycle")]
+ public int DutyCycle
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _dutyCycle;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _dutyCycle = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="frequency")]
+ public double Frequency
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _frequency;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _frequency = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="ledTarget")]
+ public OptogeneticsStimuliLedTarget LedTarget
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _ledTarget;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _ledTarget = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="mode")]
+ public OptogeneticsStimuliMode Mode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _mode;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _mode = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process()
+ {
+ return System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Defer(() => System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Return(
+ new OptogeneticsStimuli
+ {
+ Amplitude = _amplitude,
+ Duration = _duration,
+ DutyCycle = _dutyCycle,
+ Frequency = _frequency,
+ LedTarget = _ledTarget,
+ Mode = _mode
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ [Bonsai.CombinatorAttribute()]
+ [Bonsai.WorkflowElementCategoryAttribute(Bonsai.ElementCategory.Source)]
+ public partial class TrialSettings
+ {
+ private ControlNoisyStimuli _controlNoisyStimuli;
+ private LoomingCircleStimuli _loomingCircleStimuli;
+ private LoomingImageStimuli _loomingImageStimuli;
+ private OptogeneticsStimuli _optogeneticsStimuli;
+ private MovingCircleStimuli _movingCircleStimuli;
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="controlNoisyStimuli")]
+ public ControlNoisyStimuli ControlNoisyStimuli
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _controlNoisyStimuli;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _controlNoisyStimuli = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="loomingCircleStimuli")]
+ public LoomingCircleStimuli LoomingCircleStimuli
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _loomingCircleStimuli;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _loomingCircleStimuli = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="loomingImageStimuli")]
+ public LoomingImageStimuli LoomingImageStimuli
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _loomingImageStimuli;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _loomingImageStimuli = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="optogeneticsStimuli")]
+ public OptogeneticsStimuli OptogeneticsStimuli
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _optogeneticsStimuli;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _optogeneticsStimuli = value;
+ }
+ }
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="movingCircleStimuli")]
+ public MovingCircleStimuli MovingCircleStimuli
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _movingCircleStimuli;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _movingCircleStimuli = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process()
+ {
+ return System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Defer(() => System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Return(
+ new TrialSettings
+ {
+ ControlNoisyStimuli = _controlNoisyStimuli,
+ LoomingCircleStimuli = _loomingCircleStimuli,
+ LoomingImageStimuli = _loomingImageStimuli,
+ OptogeneticsStimuli = _optogeneticsStimuli,
+ MovingCircleStimuli = _movingCircleStimuli
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ [Bonsai.CombinatorAttribute()]
+ [Bonsai.WorkflowElementCategoryAttribute(Bonsai.ElementCategory.Source)]
+ public partial class BonFlyStimuli
+ {
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List _trials = new System.Collections.Generic.List();
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute()]
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="trials")]
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List Trials
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return _trials;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ _trials = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process()
+ {
+ return System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Defer(() => System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Return(
+ new BonFlyStimuli
+ {
+ Trials = _trials
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ public enum OptogeneticsStimuliLedTarget
+ {
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="None")]
+ None = 0,
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="Led0")]
+ Led0 = 1,
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="Led1")]
+ Led1 = 2,
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="Both")]
+ Both = 3,
+ }
+ public enum OptogeneticsStimuliMode
+ {
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="Continuous")]
+ Continuous = 0,
+ [YamlDotNet.Serialization.YamlMemberAttribute(Alias="Pulsed")]
+ Pulsed = 1,
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Serializes a sequence of data model objects into YAML strings.
+ ///
+ [Bonsai.CombinatorAttribute()]
+ [Bonsai.WorkflowElementCategoryAttribute(Bonsai.ElementCategory.Transform)]
+ [System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute("Serializes a sequence of data model objects into YAML strings.")]
+ public partial class SerializeToYaml
+ {
+ private System.IObservable Process(System.IObservable source)
+ {
+ return System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Defer(() =>
+ {
+ var serializer = new YamlDotNet.Serialization.SerializerBuilder().Build();
+ return System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Select(source, value => serializer.Serialize(value));
+ });
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process(System.IObservable source)
+ {
+ return Process(source);
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process(System.IObservable source)
+ {
+ return Process(source);
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process(System.IObservable source)
+ {
+ return Process(source);
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process(System.IObservable source)
+ {
+ return Process(source);
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process(System.IObservable source)
+ {
+ return Process(source);
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process(System.IObservable source)
+ {
+ return Process(source);
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process(System.IObservable source)
+ {
+ return Process(source);
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process(System.IObservable source)
+ {
+ return Process(source);
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process(System.IObservable source)
+ {
+ return Process(source);
+ }
+ public System.IObservable Process(System.IObservable source)
+ {
+ return Process(source);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Deserializes a sequence of YAML strings into data model objects.
+ ///
+ [System.ComponentModel.DefaultPropertyAttribute("Type")]
+ [Bonsai.WorkflowElementCategoryAttribute(Bonsai.ElementCategory.Transform)]
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(typeof(Bonsai.Expressions.TypeMapping))]
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(typeof(Bonsai.Expressions.TypeMapping))]
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(typeof(Bonsai.Expressions.TypeMapping))]
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(typeof(Bonsai.Expressions.TypeMapping))]
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(typeof(Bonsai.Expressions.TypeMapping))]
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(typeof(Bonsai.Expressions.TypeMapping))]
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(typeof(Bonsai.Expressions.TypeMapping))]
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(typeof(Bonsai.Expressions.TypeMapping))]
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(typeof(Bonsai.Expressions.TypeMapping))]
+ [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(typeof(Bonsai.Expressions.TypeMapping))]
+ [System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute("Deserializes a sequence of YAML strings into data model objects.")]
+ public partial class DeserializeFromYaml : Bonsai.Expressions.SingleArgumentExpressionBuilder
+ {
+ public DeserializeFromYaml()
+ {
+ Type = new Bonsai.Expressions.TypeMapping();
+ }
+ public Bonsai.Expressions.TypeMapping Type { get; set; }
+ public override System.Linq.Expressions.Expression Build(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable arguments)
+ {
+ var typeMapping = (Bonsai.Expressions.TypeMapping)Type;
+ var returnType = typeMapping.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0];
+ return System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Call(
+ typeof(DeserializeFromYaml),
+ "Process",
+ new System.Type[] { returnType },
+ System.Linq.Enumerable.Single(arguments));
+ }
+ private static System.IObservable Process(System.IObservable source)
+ {
+ return System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Defer(() =>
+ {
+ var serializer = new YamlDotNet.Serialization.DeserializerBuilder().Build();
+ return System.Reactive.Linq.Observable.Select(source, value =>
+ {
+ var reader = new System.IO.StringReader(value);
+ var parser = new YamlDotNet.Core.MergingParser(new YamlDotNet.Core.Parser(reader));
+ return serializer.Deserialize(parser);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/BonFlyResources.bonsai b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/BonFlyResources.bonsai
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..812d300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/BonFlyResources.bonsai
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ Source1
+ RandomNoiseCircle
+ BonVision:Shaders.Quad.vert
+ Shaders\RandomNoiseContrast.frag
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/BonFlyView.bonsai b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/BonFlyView.bonsai
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b367b60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/BonFlyView.bonsai
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ Source1
+ -27.185
+ 27.185
+ -15.13
+ 15.13
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/CalculateLoomRadius.cs b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/CalculateLoomRadius.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a90d82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/CalculateLoomRadius.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+using Bonsai;
+using System;
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Reactive.Linq;
+[Description("Generates a virtual loom radius based on the linear approaching velocity of the virtual looming object. See Ache et al. 2019 for details")]
+public class CalculateLoomRadius
+ [Description("The maximum radius of the loom (in centimeters).")]
+ private float maxRadius = 12.5f;
+ public float MaxRadius
+ {
+ get { return maxRadius; }
+ set { maxRadius = value; }
+ }
+ [Description("The distance of the subject to the monitor (in centimeters).")]
+ private float monitorDistance = 18;
+ public float MonitorDistance
+ {
+ get { return monitorDistance; }
+ set { monitorDistance = value; }
+ }
+ [Description("The initial radius of the loom (in centimeters).")]
+ private float initialRadius = 0.5f;
+ public float InitialRadius
+ {
+ get { return initialRadius; }
+ set { initialRadius = value; }
+ }
+ [Browsable(false)]
+ [Description("The initial distance of the virtual loom to the subject (in centimeters).")]
+ private float initialVirtualDistance = 12.5f;
+ public float InitialVirtualDistance
+ {
+ get { return initialVirtualDistance; }
+ set { initialVirtualDistance = value; }
+ }
+ [Description("The linear approaching velocity of the virtual looming object (in cm/s).")]
+ private float linearApproachingVelocity = 25;
+ public float LinearApproachingVelocity
+ {
+ get { return linearApproachingVelocity; }
+ set { linearApproachingVelocity = value; }
+ }
+ public IObservable Process(IObservable source)
+ {
+ return source.Select(value => {
+ var t = value > -Single.Epsilon ? -Single.Epsilon : value;
+ var theta = 2 * Math.Atan(InitialRadius / (-LinearApproachingVelocity * t));
+ var radius = Math.Tan(theta/2) * MonitorDistance;
+ radius = radius > MaxRadius ? MaxRadius : radius;
+ return (float) radius;
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/DrawBackground.bonsai b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/DrawBackground.bonsai
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe497a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/DrawBackground.bonsai
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ Draw
+ BackgroundView
+ Item2
+ StimulusSettings
+ BackgroundColor
+ 2
+ 2
+ 0
+ 0
+ -10
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/DrawCircleWithNoise.bonsai b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/DrawCircleWithNoise.bonsai
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3b46c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/DrawCircleWithNoise.bonsai
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+ Source1
+ X
+ 0.1
+ Transform
+ Source1
+ Prepend
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ Prepend
+ 15
+ 15
+ 1
+ transform
+ RandomNoiseCircle
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ colorOn
+ RandomNoiseCircle
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ colorOff
+ RandomNoiseCircle
+ Value
+ 0.5
+ 1
+ contrast
+ RandomNoiseCircle
+ RandomNoiseCircle
+ Quad
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/InferVisualizerViews.cs b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/InferVisualizerViews.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fedeb84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/InferVisualizerViews.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+using Bonsai;
+using System;
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Reactive.Linq;
+using Bonsai.Sleap;
+using OpenCV.Net;
+[Description("Infers the current view of the subject using the highest confidence of the available bodyparts.")]
+public class InferVisualizerViews
+ private string bodyPart_Left = "L";
+ public string BodyPart_Left
+ {
+ get { return bodyPart_Left; }
+ set { bodyPart_Left = value; }
+ }
+ private string bodyPart_Right = "R";
+ public string BodyPart_Right
+ {
+ get { return bodyPart_Right; }
+ set { bodyPart_Right = value; }
+ }
+ private string bodyPart_Top = "T";
+ public string BodyPart_Top
+ {
+ get { return bodyPart_Top; }
+ set { bodyPart_Top = value; }
+ }
+ private string bodyPart_Bottom = "B";
+ public string BodyPart_Bottom
+ {
+ get { return bodyPart_Bottom; }
+ set { bodyPart_Bottom = value; }
+ }
+ private string bodyPart_Head = "H";
+ public string BodyPart_Head
+ {
+ get { return bodyPart_Head; }
+ set { bodyPart_Head = value; }
+ }
+ private string bodyPart_Thorax = "Trx";
+ public string BodyPart_Thorax
+ {
+ get { return bodyPart_Thorax; }
+ set { bodyPart_Thorax = value; }
+ }
+ private string bodyPart_Abdomen = "Abd";
+ public string BodyPart_Abdomen
+ {
+ get { return bodyPart_Abdomen; }
+ set { bodyPart_Abdomen = value; }
+ }
+ private string bodyPart_LeftWing = "Lw";
+ public string BodyPart_LeftWing
+ {
+ get { return bodyPart_LeftWing; }
+ set { bodyPart_LeftWing = value; }
+ }
+ private string bodyPart_RightWing = "Rw";
+ public string BodyPart_RightWing
+ {
+ get { return bodyPart_RightWing; }
+ set { bodyPart_RightWing = value; }
+ }
+ public IObservable Process(IObservable source)
+ {
+ return source.Select(value => {
+ var bestView = InferBestView(value);
+ var cleanView = InferCleanView(value, bestView);
+ var horizonView = InferHorizon(value, cleanView);
+ return new VisualizerViews() { BestView = bestView, CleanView = cleanView, HorizonView = horizonView};
+ });
+ }
+ static readonly string[] BestViews = { "Left", "Right", "Top", "Bottom" };
+ public InferredView InferBestView(Pose value)
+ {
+ BodyPart[] ViewBodyParts = {
+ value[bodyPart_Left],
+ value[bodyPart_Right],
+ value[bodyPart_Top],
+ value[bodyPart_Bottom]};
+ var Confidence = ViewBodyParts.Select(x => x.Confidence).ToArray();
+ float MaximumConfidence = Confidence.Max();
+ int ArgMax = Array.IndexOf(Confidence, MaximumConfidence);
+ var BestView = ArgMax == -1 ? string.Empty : BestViews[ArgMax];
+ var BestCoordinate = ArgMax == -1 ? new Point2f(float.NaN, float.NaN) : ViewBodyParts[ArgMax].Position;
+ return new InferredView { ViewName = BestView, Position = BestCoordinate, Confidence = MaximumConfidence };
+ }
+ public InferredView InferCleanView(Pose value, InferredView bestView)
+ {
+ BodyPart[] ViewBodyParts = {
+ value[bodyPart_Head],
+ value[bodyPart_Thorax],
+ value[bodyPart_Abdomen]};
+ var N_visible = ViewBodyParts.Count(bp => !float.IsNaN(bp.Position.X));
+ float conf = float.NaN;
+ string view = string.Empty;
+ if (!float.IsNaN(bestView.Position.X)){
+ if (N_visible == 3){
+ view = bestView.ViewName;
+ conf = bestView.Confidence;
+ }
+ else{
+ view = "Angle";
+ conf = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (N_visible == 1){
+ view = "Vertical";
+ conf = 1;
+ }
+ else if (N_visible == 2){
+ view = "Angle";
+ conf = 1;
+ }
+ return new InferredView { ViewName = view, Position = bestView.Position, Confidence = conf };
+ }
+ public Tuple InferHorizon(Pose value, InferredView cleanView){
+ var view = cleanView.ViewName;
+ var forwPoint = new Point2f();
+ var backPoint = new Point2f();
+ if (view == "Vertical"){
+ forwPoint = value[bodyPart_Head].Position;
+ backPoint = value[bodyPart_Head].Position;
+ }
+ else if (view == "Angle"){
+ forwPoint = value[bodyPart_Head].Position;
+ backPoint = value[bodyPart_Abdomen].Position;
+ }
+ else{
+ forwPoint = cleanView.Position;
+ backPoint = value[bodyPart_Thorax].Position;
+ }
+ return Tuple.Create(forwPoint, backPoint);
+ }
+ public struct VisualizerViews{
+ public InferredView BestView;
+ public InferredView CleanView;
+ public Tuple HorizonView;
+ }
+ public struct InferredView{
+ public string ViewName;
+ public Point2f Position;
+ public float Confidence;
+ }
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/LoadSettings.cs b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/LoadSettings.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92cafac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/LoadSettings.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+using Bonsai;
+using System;
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using System.Reactive.Linq;
+using YamlDotNet.Serialization;
+using System.IO;
+using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NamingConventions;
+using YamlDotNet.Core;
+using AutomaticGenerators;
+public class LoadSettings
+ [Editor("Bonsai.Design.OpenFileNameEditor, Bonsai.Design", DesignTypes.UITypeEditor)]
+ public string Path { get; set;}
+ public IObservable Process()
+ {
+ return Observable.Defer(() =>
+ {
+ BonFlyStimuli settings;
+ using (var reader = new StreamReader(Path))
+ {
+ var parser = new MergingParser(new Parser(reader));
+ var deserializer = new DeserializerBuilder()
+ .WithNamingConvention(CamelCaseNamingConvention.Instance)
+ .Build();
+ settings = deserializer.Deserialize(parser);
+ }
+ return Observable.Return(settings);
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/LoomRangeAnimation.bonsai b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/LoomRangeAnimation.bonsai
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..824fb94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/LoomRangeAnimation.bonsai
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ LoomRangeAnimation
+ PT0S
+ 1
+ Duration
+ Duration
+ TotalSeconds
+ Duration
+ TotalSeconds
+ -1
+ 0.5
+ -0.5
+ 0
+ 25
+ 18
+ 0.5
+ 12.5
+ 25
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/NormalizeSleapOutput.cs b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/NormalizeSleapOutput.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28e42c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/NormalizeSleapOutput.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+using Bonsai;
+using System;
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Reactive.Linq;
+using Bonsai.Sleap;
+using OpenCV.Net;
+public class NormalizeSleapOutput
+ private Size cropSize;
+ public Size CropSize
+ {
+ get { return cropSize; }
+ set { cropSize = value; }
+ }
+ [Description("Scaling factor that will be applied after normalizing the positions to the size of the crop.")]
+ private float scalingFactor = 1;
+ public float ScalingFactor
+ {
+ get { return scalingFactor; }
+ set { scalingFactor = value; }
+ }
+ public IObservable Process(IObservable source)
+ {
+ return source.Select(value => {
+ return new NormalizedPose(value, cropSize, scalingFactor);
+ });
+ }
+ public class NormalizedPose : Pose
+ {
+ public NormalizedPose(Pose pose, Size cropSize, float scalingFactor) : base(pose.Image)
+ {
+ var normPose = new Pose(this.Image);
+ normPose.Centroid = this.Centroid;
+ foreach (var bodypart in pose){
+ var normalizedBodyPart = new BodyPart();
+ normalizedBodyPart.Name = bodypart.Name;
+ normalizedBodyPart.Confidence = bodypart.Confidence;
+ normalizedBodyPart.Position = new Point2f(
+ bodypart.Position.X / cropSize.Width * scalingFactor,
+ bodypart.Position.Y / cropSize.Height * scalingFactor
+ );
+ normPose.Add(normalizedBodyPart);
+ }
+ Normalized = normPose;
+ }
+ public Pose Normalized { get; set; }
+ }
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/TurnSyncOff.bonsai b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/TurnSyncOff.bonsai
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3209e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/TurnSyncOff.bonsai
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ Source1
+ TurnOffSync
+ Source1
+ false
+ SyncState
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/TurnSyncOn.bonsai b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/TurnSyncOn.bonsai
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41034c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/TurnSyncOn.bonsai
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ Source1
+ TurnOnSync
+ Source1
+ true
+ SyncState
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/VideoName.bonsai b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/VideoName.bonsai
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e03f61f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/VideoName.bonsai
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ PostProcessingVideos
+ ThisSessionPaths
+ FileName
+ ArenaVideoStream
+ BackgroundSubtractedFrame.Width
+ BackgroundSubtractedFrame.Height
+ ArenaIndex
+ {2}_w{0}Xh{1}
+ Item1,Item2,Item3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/tensorflow.lib b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/tensorflow.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93e1bcb
Binary files /dev/null and b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/tensorflow.lib differ
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/wBackground.frozen_graph.pb b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/wBackground.frozen_graph.pb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7f65cb
Binary files /dev/null and b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/wBackground.frozen_graph.pb differ
diff --git a/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/wBackground.training_config.json b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/wBackground.training_config.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..710ac0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marta/3MPTracker/src/Extensions/wBackground.training_config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,2583 @@
+ "data": {
+ "labels": {
+ "training_labels": "D:/Documents/Bonfly/Bonfly_SLEAP/Merge/Final_Background_2200.v004.slp",
+ "validation_labels": null,
+ "validation_fraction": 0.1,
+ "test_labels": null,
+ "split_by_inds": false,
+ "training_inds": [
+ 854,
+ 1154,
+ 514,
+ 1445,
+ 1978,
+ 757,
+ 919,
+ 741,
+ 500,
+ 1748,
+ 1470,
+ 1155,
+ 797,
+ 1850,
+ 362,
+ 1957,
+ 250,
+ 912,
+ 739,
+ 330,
+ 1233,
+ 770,
+ 1287,
+ 1051,
+ 970,
+ 1907,
+ 97,
+ 1996,
+ 1954,
+ 1122,
+ 1502,
+ 1789,
+ 263,
+ 1536,
+ 1801,
+ 937,
+ 87,
+ 865,
+ 1806,
+ 2051,
+ 1639,
+ 632,
+ 1136,
+ 1244,
+ 1797,
+ 878,
+ 1047,
+ 812,
+ 101,
+ 169,
+ 1139,
+ 1651,
+ 601,
+ 545,
+ 1406,
+ 809,
+ 2050,
+ 604,
+ 178,
+ 130,
+ 69,
+ 389,
+ 765,
+ 670,
+ 1440,
+ 1568,
+ 133,
+ 1596,
+ 360,
+ 79,
+ 280,
+ 1460,
+ 825,
+ 763,
+ 1772,
+ 1114,
+ 359,
+ 73,
+ 1888,
+ 94,
+ 2016,
+ 58,
+ 338,
+ 261,
+ 960,
+ 1976,
+ 2104,
+ 1333,
+ 2121,
+ 639,
+ 945,
+ 1301,
+ 1190,
+ 1778,
+ 1130,
+ 1390,
+ 631,
+ 384,
+ 1284,
+ 963,
+ 1855,
+ 213,
+ 906,
+ 1452,
+ 2045,
+ 808,
+ 968,
+ 407,
+ 628,
+ 281,
+ 1176,
+ 941,
+ 455,
+ 2093,
+ 1722,
+ 329,
+ 1873,
+ 8,
+ 182,
+ 350,
+ 75,
+ 1599,
+ 1538,
+ 167,
+ 207,
+ 283,
+ 149,
+ 1796,
+ 1884,
+ 1744,
+ 553,
+ 1226,
+ 366,
+ 1009,
+ 427,
+ 1472,
+ 1477,
+ 308,
+ 659,
+ 1471,
+ 423,
+ 1512,
+ 790,
+ 1861,
+ 679,
+ 2195,
+ 170,
+ 1262,
+ 259,
+ 1282,
+ 1908,
+ 241,
+ 1511,
+ 132,
+ 29,
+ 1041,
+ 1171,
+ 454,
+ 1998,
+ 185,
+ 1557,
+ 497,
+ 364,
+ 590,
+ 1082,
+ 1951,
+ 1540,
+ 785,
+ 333,
+ 1140,
+ 582,
+ 1895,
+ 749,
+ 1251,
+ 695,
+ 31,
+ 1469,
+ 1847,
+ 1909,
+ 1409,
+ 1695,
+ 983,
+ 1014,
+ 482,
+ 1823,
+ 710,
+ 1117,
+ 425,
+ 2197,
+ 2025,
+ 229,
+ 6,
+ 127,
+ 921,
+ 1878,
+ 1589,
+ 176,
+ 1767,
+ 1058,
+ 1276,
+ 1278,
+ 61,
+ 2158,
+ 470,
+ 2097,
+ 1054,
+ 951,
+ 1968,
+ 1490,
+ 1694,
+ 1736,
+ 437,
+ 516,
+ 1942,
+ 1426,
+ 1597,
+ 33,
+ 1945,
+ 720,
+ 826,
+ 657,
+ 1088,
+ 904,
+ 903,
+ 1338,
+ 240,
+ 643,
+ 1773,
+ 388,
+ 300,
+ 307,
+ 1953,
+ 1083,
+ 529,
+ 1564,
+ 2049,
+ 1497,
+ 312,
+ 1514,
+ 925,
+ 1910,
+ 244,
+ 1714,
+ 1020,
+ 1123,
+ 38,
+ 2047,
+ 1862,
+ 2181,
+ 509,
+ 1098,
+ 998,
+ 1994,
+ 289,
+ 675,
+ 563,
+ 2151,
+ 1070,
+ 1793,
+ 2149,
+ 1585,
+ 1179,
+ 654,
+ 1018,
+ 1549,
+ 22,
+ 608,
+ 1036,
+ 1125,
+ 1213,
+ 121,
+ 918,
+ 799,
+ 445,
+ 1309,
+ 609,
+ 1576,
+ 463,
+ 1173,
+ 1037,
+ 1281,
+ 1240,
+ 824,
+ 1897,
+ 1353,
+ 872,
+ 1745,
+ 12,
+ 1854,
+ 1699,
+ 301,
+ 2005,
+ 1056,
+ 63,
+ 82,
+ 1673,
+ 894,
+ 1231,
+ 1686,
+ 110,
+ 2172,
+ 1515,
+ 984,
+ 1080,
+ 2169,
+ 252,
+ 2165,
+ 1388,
+ 2167,
+ 1534,
+ 1558,
+ 1955,
+ 1613,
+ 923,
+ 734,
+ 370,
+ 433,
+ 1531,
+ 1667,
+ 1297,
+ 1930,
+ 1614,
+ 28,
+ 404,
+ 2042,
+ 1187,
+ 418,
+ 581,
+ 2103,
+ 1963,
+ 93,
+ 107,
+ 1150,
+ 421,
+ 768,
+ 284,
+ 72,
+ 1993,
+ 1655,
+ 697,
+ 1753,
+ 1332,
+ 1712,
+ 2065,
+ 1982,
+ 993,
+ 416,
+ 642,
+ 1918,
+ 1335,
+ 1064,
+ 125,
+ 1034,
+ 2179,
+ 1055,
+ 1365,
+ 1890,
+ 1741,
+ 78,
+ 2084,
+ 165,
+ 1342,
+ 83,
+ 272,
+ 1068,
+ 204,
+ 1165,
+ 108,
+ 1184,
+ 15,
+ 1422,
+ 2100,
+ 726,
+ 1565,
+ 922,
+ 1513,
+ 1376,
+ 351,
+ 1419,
+ 150,
+ 1705,
+ 1197,
+ 982,
+ 1118,
+ 2190,
+ 961,
+ 1620,
+ 1290,
+ 1811,
+ 1702,
+ 1503,
+ 1115,
+ 19,
+ 2063,
+ 756,
+ 1836,
+ 2130,
+ 319,
+ 70,
+ 1521,
+ 236,
+ 1691,
+ 1069,
+ 147,
+ 35,
+ 2024,
+ 189,
+ 1237,
+ 304,
+ 1715,
+ 1180,
+ 1386,
+ 1848,
+ 1986,
+ 336,
+ 1958,
+ 1209,
+ 725,
+ 1121,
+ 1483,
+ 1158,
+ 1384,
+ 979,
+ 1012,
+ 518,
+ 54,
+ 1630,
+ 1375,
+ 1817,
+ 1039,
+ 867,
+ 625,
+ 2119,
+ 560,
+ 855,
+ 473,
+ 186,
+ 1090,
+ 74,
+ 1193,
+ 517,
+ 498,
+ 1834,
+ 206,
+ 2029,
+ 396,
+ 1827,
+ 1350,
+ 946,
+ 1650,
+ 2131,
+ 188,
+ 439,
+ 34,
+ 230,
+ 1619,
+ 1750,
+ 1631,
+ 1013,
+ 398,
+ 1883,
+ 1794,
+ 1703,
+ 1687,
+ 2001,
+ 594,
+ 1293,
+ 613,
+ 1200,
+ 1509,
+ 889,
+ 773,
+ 2143,
+ 442,
+ 694,
+ 1710,
+ 1904,
+ 205,
+ 160,
+ 21,
+ 1010,
+ 599,
+ 446,
+ 869,
+ 664,
+ 365,
+ 1720,
+ 209,
+ 572,
+ 862,
+ 1393,
+ 1,
+ 2030,
+ 570,
+ 390,
+ 606,
+ 1685,
+ 1112,
+ 401,
+ 834,
+ 1906,
+ 1367,
+ 1198,
+ 1869,
+ 2187,
+ 1252,
+ 1275,
+ 354,
+ 228,
+ 2192,
+ 508,
+ 1588,
+ 1102,
+ 1911,
+ 2161,
+ 1633,
+ 1214,
+ 143,
+ 740,
+ 2186,
+ 750,
+ 184,
+ 104,
+ 1670,
+ 2101,
+ 2122,
+ 1700,
+ 1021,
+ 1326,
+ 1572,
+ 2185,
+ 2034,
+ 251,
+ 678,
+ 383,
+ 18,
+ 1042,
+ 1505,
+ 98,
+ 2145,
+ 816,
+ 2109,
+ 37,
+ 24,
+ 231,
+ 1743,
+ 1637,
+ 641,
+ 1774,
+ 630,
+ 114,
+ 892,
+ 457,
+ 1566,
+ 1387,
+ 627,
+ 1395,
+ 849,
+ 322,
+ 2191,
+ 197,
+ 1995,
+ 821,
+ 2071,
+ 1006,
+ 817,
+ 928,
+ 541,
+ 451,
+ 607,
+ 542,
+ 353,
+ 1465,
+ 2125,
+ 1690,
+ 565,
+ 1837,
+ 1443,
+ 2108,
+ 1228,
+ 1805,
+ 2085,
+ 1763,
+ 1770,
+ 637,
+ 1454,
+ 26,
+ 211,
+ 476,
+ 1315,
+ 818,
+ 585,
+ 10,
+ 1979,
+ 546,
+ 1607,
+ 492,
+ 1849,
+ 156,
+ 453,
+ 1357,
+ 477,
+ 1701,
+ 738,
+ 814,
+ 1626,
+ 1604,
+ 1086,
+ 405,
+ 1428,
+ 715,
+ 674,
+ 931,
+ 180,
+ 1004,
+ 1510,
+ 271,
+ 1432,
+ 1740,
+ 196,
+ 1879,
+ 2091,
+ 882,
+ 1295,
+ 488,
+ 793,
+ 1683,
+ 655,
+ 1601,
+ 59,
+ 1581,
+ 1285,
+ 1764,
+ 2082,
+ 801,
+ 358,
+ 871,
+ 940,
+ 957,
+ 776,
+ 1735,
+ 102,
+ 2178,
+ 2046,
+ 2138,
+ 616,
+ 1135,
+ 1259,
+ 2168,
+ 1885,
+ 2188,
+ 718,
+ 1157,
+ 1544,
+ 155,
+ 415,
+ 2077,
+ 1002,
+ 791,
+ 400,
+ 1575,
+ 1675,
+ 1946,
+ 879,
+ 1603,
+ 126,
+ 561,
+ 238,
+ 321,
+ 275,
+ 614,
+ 848,
+ 264,
+ 1201,
+ 1845,
+ 422,
+ 1625,
+ 67,
+ 1612,
+ 962,
+ 466,
+ 841,
+ 2170,
+ 1437,
+ 452,
+ 1061,
+ 1556,
+ 1754,
+ 743,
+ 123,
+ 933,
+ 394,
+ 1826,
+ 1519,
+ 258,
+ 1761,
+ 368,
+ 105,
+ 9,
+ 788,
+ 1405,
+ 863,
+ 810,
+ 265,
+ 1539,
+ 468,
+ 1760,
+ 1664,
+ 677,
+ 56,
+ 784,
+ 1363,
+ 1825,
+ 2126,
+ 1356,
+ 510,
+ 249,
+ 1196,
+ 1100,
+ 426,
+ 1586,
+ 1159,
+ 2128,
+ 1580,
+ 1739,
+ 1727,
+ 1134,
+ 1362,
+ 1156,
+ 1689,
+ 1841,
+ 1840,
+ 1453,
+ 138,
+ 1833,
+ 1622,
+ 201,
+ 633,
+ 924,
+ 988,
+ 1508,
+ 1608,
+ 938,
+ 914,
+ 162,
+ 1024,
+ 1269,
+ 1358,
+ 829,
+ 1084,
+ 1015,
+ 25,
+ 1656,
+ 2035,
+ 760,
+ 727,
+ 1261,
+ 1402,
+ 1067,
+ 1786,
+ 1704,
+ 172,
+ 17,
+ 1868,
+ 1430,
+ 846,
+ 1708,
+ 796,
+ 605,
+ 971,
+ 775,
+ 1337,
+ 1178,
+ 1073,
+ 1813,
+ 663,
+ 210,
+ 742,
+ 574,
+ 1971,
+ 999,
+ 399,
+ 95,
+ 1542,
+ 1819,
+ 1031,
+ 1821,
+ 1529,
+ 349,
+ 2086,
+ 297,
+ 598,
+ 1219,
+ 900,
+ 1172,
+ 944,
+ 1600,
+ 1369,
+ 1265,
+ 217,
+ 876,
+ 171,
+ 660,
+ 1417,
+ 161,
+ 177,
+ 1412,
+ 985,
+ 754,
+ 1271,
+ 1688,
+ 1132,
+ 995,
+ 525,
+ 2113,
+ 1026,
+ 1129,
+ 489,
+ 1913,
+ 1480,
+ 566,
+ 1804,
+ 1311,
+ 1765,
+ 1985,
+ 1696,
+ 1669,
+ 1967,
+ 1316,
+ 1421,
+ 668,
+ 619,
+ 1584,
+ 266,
+ 1011,
+ 168,
+ 208,
+ 523,
+ 861,
+ 2018,
+ 1491,
+ 615,
+ 1145,
+ 1400,
+ 1238,
+ 1256,
+ 154,
+ 1420,
+ 1066,
+ 1992,
+ 2146,
+ 1195,
+ 1791,
+ 1977,
+ 1755,
+ 1578,
+ 1932,
+ 1224,
+ 673,
+ 700,
+ 1094,
+ 978,
+ 2105,
+ 1648,
+ 1107,
+ 721,
+ 932,
+ 1313,
+ 1127,
+ 2059,
+ 992,
+ 571,
+ 1407,
+ 1646,
+ 239,
+ 51,
+ 1984,
+ 1838,
+ 1354,
+ 1128,
+ 1852,
+ 367,
+ 417,
+ 340,
+ 1325,
+ 116,
+ 1899,
+ 86,
+ 302,
+ 758,
+ 221,
+ 1191,
+ 881,
+ 1808,
+ 175,
+ 1217,
+ 164,
+ 1022,
+ 1990,
+ 324,
+ 1711,
+ 1816,
+ 873,
+ 450,
+ 372,
+ 1642,
+ 120,
+ 1997,
+ 1435,
+ 1870,
+ 2112,
+ 2057,
+ 1730,
+ 2076,
+ 371,
+ 1507,
+ 148,
+ 1436,
+ 1372,
+ 1227,
+ 1153,
+ 1092,
+ 1425,
+ 1657,
+ 1940,
+ 1846,
+ 917,
+ 858,
+ 2135,
+ 44,
+ 32,
+ 2066,
+ 447,
+ 1592,
+ 909,
+ 1075,
+ 1273,
+ 1636,
+ 109,
+ 762,
+ 1481,
+ 1653,
+ 930,
+ 729,
+ 507,
+ 1660,
+ 1893,
+ 1382,
+ 344,
+ 2003,
+ 1679,
+ 145,
+ 511,
+ 1771,
+ 337,
+ 662,
+ 1457,
+ 1210,
+ 967,
+ 1551,
+ 36,
+ 1028,
+ 897,
+ 2171,
+ 282,
+ 234,
+ 1493,
+ 1371,
+ 913,
+ 2039,
+ 223,
+ 84,
+ 253,
+ 1950,
+ 929,
+ 667,
+ 276,
+ 1749,
+ 714,
+ 629,
+ 491,
+ 2147,
+ 1467,
+ 496,
+ 1396,
+ 1731,
+ 1399,
+ 1623,
+ 1532,
+ 1961,
+ 1113,
+ 137,
+ 990,
+ 71,
+ 1820,
+ 779,
+ 558,
+ 794,
+ 1541,
+ 1416,
+ 2021,
+ 1871,
+ 1060,
+ 2070,
+ 1147,
+ 1149,
+ 819,
+ 1518,
+ 1174,
+ 461,
+ 1734,
+ 1126,
+ 538,
+ 153,
+ 1062,
+ 644,
+ 474,
+ 1368,
+ 1392,
+ 1164,
+ 1411,
+ 737,
+ 767,
+ 996,
+ 2148,
+ 1988,
+ 52,
+ 2006,
+ 227,
+ 1450,
+ 981,
+ 1248,
+ 870,
+ 943,
+ 838,
+ 385,
+ 1141,
+ 88,
+ 1071,
+ 1242,
+ 1787,
+ 481,
+ 181,
+ 2155,
+ 306,
+ 1609,
+ 311,
+ 2087,
+ 1553,
+ 382,
+ 1439,
+ 1798,
+ 745,
+ 1330,
+ 191,
+ 1045,
+ 163,
+ 1528,
+ 64,
+ 649,
+ 1466,
+ 225,
+ 1863,
+ 723,
+ 141,
+ 1255,
+ 314,
+ 1501,
+ 2156,
+ 1559,
+ 2133,
+ 843,
+ 1692,
+ 1459,
+ 1038,
+ 267,
+ 1839,
+ 315,
+ 2055,
+ 780,
+ 48,
+ 334,
+ 1329,
+ 936,
+ 836,
+ 1678,
+ 1915,
+ 1288,
+ 328,
+ 2096,
+ 2173,
+ 1912,
+ 146,
+ 90,
+ 115,
+ 974,
+ 1250,
+ 1175,
+ 1035,
+ 1444,
+ 2132,
+ 255,
+ 55,
+ 840,
+ 1938,
+ 256,
+ 717,
+ 1638,
+ 2054,
+ 2075,
+ 916,
+ 898,
+ 3,
+ 1033,
+ 1527,
+ 42,
+ 761,
+ 471,
+ 557,
+ 2176,
+ 976,
+ 495,
+ 1486,
+ 472,
+ 724,
+ 603,
+ 1875,
+ 363,
+ 1537,
+ 828,
+ 587,
+ 2062,
+ 346,
+ 1379,
+ 1652,
+ 1903,
+ 827,
+ 411,
+ 1462,
+ 378,
+ 260,
+ 676,
+ 49,
+ 1526,
+ 1448,
+ 1346,
+ 1264,
+ 183,
+ 832,
+ 1336,
+ 589,
+ 467,
+ 279,
+ 1872,
+ 1936,
+ 577,
+ 331,
+ 1003,
+ 1473,
+ 706,
+ 247,
+ 1803,
+ 1243,
+ 2037,
+ 81,
+ 847,
+ 1258,
+ 535,
+ 959,
+ 1874,
+ 1757,
+ 1280,
+ 691,
+ 1001,
+ 305,
+ 1433,
+ 1933,
+ 326,
+ 1562,
+ 2083,
+ 1965,
+ 888,
+ 1079,
+ 1317,
+ 2094,
+ 245,
+ 2123,
+ 635,
+ 2164,
+ 373,
+ 539,
+ 1928,
+ 435,
+ 1775,
+ 2124,
+ 1824,
+ 612,
+ 856,
+ 1398,
+ 1008,
+ 1215,
+ 520,
+ 653,
+ 519,
+ 117,
+ 622,
+ 2116,
+ 1799,
+ 1495,
+ 429,
+ 2031,
+ 1920,
+ 652,
+ 140,
+ 129,
+ 215,
+ 1347,
+ 1947,
+ 2022,
+ 671,
+ 777,
+ 1617,
+ 1166,
+ 732,
+ 112,
+ 1674,
+ 2134,
+ 1707,
+ 1364,
+ 1929,
+ 1643,
+ 1414,
+ 369,
+ 142,
+ 805,
+ 1768,
+ 1941,
+ 556,
+ 403,
+ 345,
+ 1822,
+ 1324,
+ 684,
+ 316,
+ 53,
+ 1602,
+ 323,
+ 487,
+ 1076,
+ 1449,
+ 1896,
+ 600,
+ 465,
+ 409,
+ 190,
+ 113,
+ 432,
+ 174,
+ 2095,
+ 1341,
+ 1717,
+ 379,
+ 596,
+ 755,
+ 1550,
+ 278,
+ 1023,
+ 1960,
+ 524,
+ 1230,
+ 46,
+ 753,
+ 348,
+ 1973,
+ 1925,
+ 2110,
+ 1299,
+ 747,
+ 1516,
+ 1109,
+ 1451,
+ 2020,
+ 1052,
+ 1668,
+ 1476,
+ 857,
+ 1865,
+ 212,
+ 1204,
+ 1723,
+ 2117,
+ 13,
+ 1654,
+ 1991,
+ 575,
+ 1138,
+ 815,
+ 1458,
+ 1627,
+ 1212,
+ 647,
+ 1916,
+ 502,
+ 203,
+ 1207,
+ 576,
+ 597,
+ 342,
+ 1665,
+ 880,
+ 1307,
+ 965,
+ 2011,
+ 713,
+ 1032,
+ 1050,
+ 413,
+ 2196,
+ 1167,
+ 246,
+ 484,
+ 1843,
+ 1434,
+ 1881,
+ 2089,
+ 769,
+ 2175,
+ 1725,
+ 195,
+ 335,
+ 915,
+ 515,
+ 711,
+ 490,
+ 232,
+ 620,
+ 2032,
+ 1192,
+ 891,
+ 885,
+ 434,
+ 1182,
+ 1065,
+ 1496,
+ 730,
+ 235,
+ 99,
+ 1059,
+ 1952,
+ 1348,
+ 1424,
+ 193,
+ 430,
+ 1381,
+ 1706,
+ 764,
+ 179,
+ 464,
+ 1239,
+ 1579,
+ 977,
+ 1860,
+ 1676,
+ 1016,
+ 62,
+ 501,
+ 1732,
+ 144,
+ 443,
+ 424,
+ 1810,
+ 1300,
+ 1349,
+ 1378,
+ 544,
+ 1999,
+ 41,
+ 1517,
+ 537,
+ 2013,
+ 1355,
+ 1632,
+ 2118,
+ 1595,
+ 2144,
+ 325,
+ 2052,
+ 1078,
+ 1530,
+ 2012,
+ 975,
+ 1319,
+ 1091,
+ 1345,
+ 1110,
+ 1905,
+ 1283,
+ 1461,
+ 580,
+ 902,
+ 1921,
+ 617,
+ 733,
+ 1007,
+ 131,
+ 1442,
+ 1124,
+ 973,
+ 1429,
+ 661,
+ 43,
+ 1956,
+ 1202,
+ 1983,
+ 2189,
+ 1641,
+ 410,
+ 680,
+ 1587,
+ 935,
+ 1561,
+ 1611,
+ 1205,
+ 1830,
+ 1160,
+ 1072,
+ 60,
+ 1208,
+ 689,
+ 1590,
+ 30,
+ 159,
+ 2127,
+ 420,
+ 1886,
+ 1320,
+ 837,
+ 1681,
+ 1310,
+ 1747,
+ 1832,
+ 1962,
+ 1663,
+ 1752,
+ 480,
+ 549,
+ 248,
+ 1975,
+ 1389,
+ 1223,
+ 787,
+ 964,
+ 392,
+ 696,
+ 1782,
+ 1889,
+ 1029,
+ 218,
+ 831,
+ 1085,
+ 1829,
+ 222,
+ 377,
+ 436,
+ 1815,
+ 1492,
+ 1218,
+ 2139,
+ 395,
+ 1970,
+ 1987,
+ 1485,
+ 1533,
+ 1733,
+ 1554,
+ 2027,
+ 505,
+ 100,
+ 997,
+ 2184,
+ 1268,
+ 1972,
+ 1235,
+ 1858,
+ 1853,
+ 896,
+ 752,
+ 685,
+ 2114,
+ 1203,
+ 2141,
+ 1321,
+ 744,
+ 704,
+ 2007,
+ 1144,
+ 2079,
+ 895,
+ 1186,
+ 478,
+ 1866,
+ 202,
+ 1867,
+ 1101,
+ 1800,
+ 1900,
+ 1624,
+ 709,
+ 1523,
+ 2159,
+ 835,
+ 1116,
+ 1844,
+ 243,
+ 966,
+ 1959,
+ 1729,
+ 1199,
+ 1552,
+ 1340,
+ 540,
+ 634,
+ 1000,
+ 199,
+ 1361,
+ 2014,
+ 751,
+ 1980,
+ 1697,
+ 1063,
+ 356,
+ 1318,
+ 820,
+ 1506,
+ 1802,
+ 173,
+ 1593,
+ 1594,
+ 1618,
+ 1446,
+ 1756,
+ 731,
+ 1577,
+ 233,
+ 374,
+ 2002,
+ 1274,
+ 254,
+ 1189,
+ 2026,
+ 318,
+ 1403,
+ 802,
+ 911,
+ 1621,
+ 1488,
+ 1682,
+ 823,
+ 584,
+ 136,
+ 534,
+ 735,
+ 20,
+ 621,
+ 92,
+ 45,
+ 1842,
+ 972,
+ 950,
+ 1716,
+ 5,
+ 2043,
+ 934,
+ 842,
+ 387,
+ 1658,
+ 640,
+ 1877,
+ 994,
+ 1742,
+ 886,
+ 586,
+ 528,
+ 1922,
+ 1277,
+ 1312,
+ 1926,
+ 953,
+ 1758,
+ 1573,
+ 268,
+ 1106,
+ 504,
+ 1291,
+ 1659,
+ 291,
+ 2153,
+ 1105,
+ 1751,
+ 1236,
+ 2152,
+ 666,
+ 1438,
+ 1917,
+ 1119,
+ 449,
+ 952,
+ 1418,
+ 877,
+ 1391,
+ 2080,
+ 759,
+ 2142,
+ 875,
+ 1571,
+ 860,
+ 1746,
+ 656,
+ 1788,
+ 1093,
+ 942,
+ 552,
+ 462,
+ 1327,
+ 1644,
+ 431,
+ 798,
+ 1162,
+ 402,
+ 1464,
+ 1645,
+ 339,
+ 1374,
+ 386,
+ 2019,
+ 1046,
+ 687,
+ 1535,
+ 237,
+ 1974,
+ 166,
+ 1302,
+ 293,
+ 1776,
+ 698,
+ 782,
+ 376,
+ 50,
+ 1726,
+ 1795,
+ 327,
+ 458,
+ 692,
+ 2072,
+ 1828,
+ 688,
+ 1111,
+ 1279,
+ 1131,
+ 2058,
+ 646,
+ 868,
+ 593,
+ 216,
+ 1019,
+ 2048,
+ 299,
+ 47,
+ 85,
+ 298,
+ 1404,
+ 286,
+ 699,
+ 1671,
+ 907,
+ 939,
+ 187,
+ 1934,
+ 866,
+ 2106,
+ 296,
+ 1790,
+ 1334,
+ 1137,
+ 1719,
+ 1784,
+ 139,
+ 295,
+ 1548,
+ 1661,
+ 807,
+ 1522,
+ 1221,
+ 1216,
+ 290,
+ 1272,
+ 890,
+ 1385,
+ 626,
+ 1339,
+ 844,
+ 419,
+ 1966,
+ 789,
+ 947,
+ 850,
+ 1721,
+ 969,
+ 893,
+ 1500,
+ 1792,
+ 198,
+ 1475,
+ 2137,
+ 440,
+ 77,
+ 1499,
+ 1408,
+ 1163,
+ 1410,
+ 748,
+ 1662,
+ 948,
+ 899,
+ 573,
+ 650,
+ 1380,
+ 313,
+ 493,
+ 1077,
+ 1546,
+ 2041,
+ 701,
+ 1415,
+ 1294,
+ 991,
+ 543,
+ 1246,
+ 219,
+ 428,
+ 287,
+ 569,
+ 2157,
+ 1831,
+ 357,
+ 294,
+ 567,
+ 1266,
+ 1304,
+ 1944,
+ 532,
+ 1152,
+ 1487,
+ 583,
+ 122,
+ 499,
+ 1738,
+ 1222,
+ 1574,
+ 1628,
+ 1185,
+ 39,
+ 1247,
+ 954,
+ 483,
+ 1859,
+ 257,
+ 1096,
+ 303,
+ 702,
+ 783,
+ 774,
+ 341,
+ 591,
+ 1777,
+ 1087,
+ 475,
+ 1647,
+ 292,
+ 1456,
+ 1359,
+ 1305,
+ 1151,
+ 1606,
+ 391,
+ 2074,
+ 1296,
+ 1563,
+ 2129,
+ 568,
+ 2060,
+ 884,
+ 1693,
+ 2198,
+ 1709,
+ 746,
+ 910,
+ 1027,
+ 274,
+ 1463,
+ 220,
+ 317,
+ 1478,
+ 1880,
+ 1427,
+ 332,
+ 859,
+ 1598,
+ 1441,
+ 1005,
+ 1170,
+ 690,
+ 1030,
+ 1634,
+ 503,
+ 397,
+ 708,
+ 1351,
+ 103,
+ 1616,
+ 1146,
+ 1567,
+ 1479,
+ 1360,
+ 226,
+ 1161,
+ 1254,
+ 106,
+ 1713,
+ 1809,
+ 157,
+ 2078,
+ 1728,
+ 1520,
+ 1225,
+ 1902,
+ 200,
+ 693,
+ 118,
+ 1234,
+ 375,
+ 1939,
+ 1680,
+ 2067,
+ 352,
+ 2061,
+ 288,
+ 1025,
+ 1043,
+ 76,
+ 1366,
+ 1298,
+ 1489,
+ 562,
+ 1097,
+ 521,
+ 1044,
+ 1120,
+ 192,
+ 1253,
+ 456,
+ 559,
+ 1737,
+ 578,
+ 1927,
+ 65,
+ 494,
+ 2000,
+ 1394,
+ 874,
+ 224,
+ 320,
+ 1785,
+ 1482,
+ 926,
+ 987,
+ 527,
+ 1095,
+ 2069,
+ 2090,
+ 636,
+ 624,
+ 579,
+ 1864,
+ 1857,
+ 448,
+ 1177,
+ 803,
+ 811,
+ 2044,
+ 1629,
+ 722,
+ 1232,
+ 1818,
+ 901,
+ 1104,
+ 786,
+ 1666,
+ 736,
+ 135,
+ 1267,
+ 128,
+ 2136,
+ 669,
+ 1220,
+ 1759,
+ 2015,
+ 554,
+ 1525,
+ 2056,
+ 1308,
+ 822,
+ 550,
+ 2038,
+ 1343,
+ 2033,
+ 781,
+ 57,
+ 547,
+ 1856,
+ 485,
+ 989,
+ 1781,
+ 1779,
+ 309,
+ 1892,
+ 1635,
+ 68,
+ 111,
+ 1397,
+ 1923,
+ 522,
+ 852,
+ 96,
+ 1891,
+ 1133,
+ 438,
+ 1935,
+ 2107,
+ 1241,
+ 1524,
+ 2183,
+ 2194,
+ 2140,
+ 441,
+ 1605,
+ 533,
+ 683,
+ 1142,
+ 771,
+ 1543,
+ 833,
+ 1263,
+ 611,
+ 1560,
+ 1780,
+ 1413,
+ 864,
+ 2023,
+ 1649,
+ 792,
+ 152,
+ 277,
+ 1322,
+ 4,
+ 813,
+ 1981,
+ 1103,
+ 1901,
+ 1081,
+ 2177,
+ 839,
+ 1089,
+ 766,
+ 1718,
+ 242,
+ 2008,
+ 1099,
+ 2088,
+ 1698
+ ],
+ "validation_inds": [
+ 1969,
+ 658,
+ 1783,
+ 134,
+ 986,
+ 555,
+ 800,
+ 1314,
+ 460,
+ 531,
+ 1924,
+ 1040,
+ 2160,
+ 806,
+ 194,
+ 1931,
+ 1851,
+ 1894,
+ 1148,
+ 1914,
+ 955,
+ 1474,
+ 479,
+ 1323,
+ 2102,
+ 2162,
+ 665,
+ 1591,
+ 2004,
+ 686,
+ 1447,
+ 623,
+ 1289,
+ 285,
+ 1053,
+ 795,
+ 705,
+ 214,
+ 1377,
+ 778,
+ 2081,
+ 2,
+ 1555,
+ 1762,
+ 1812,
+ 119,
+ 270,
+ 1206,
+ 1882,
+ 151,
+ 1949,
+ 2174,
+ 530,
+ 91,
+ 2009,
+ 592,
+ 1989,
+ 1547,
+ 949,
+ 1257,
+ 712,
+ 648,
+ 1229,
+ 23,
+ 1610,
+ 1401,
+ 2010,
+ 1181,
+ 2073,
+ 1168,
+ 1545,
+ 1331,
+ 707,
+ 905,
+ 703,
+ 40,
+ 564,
+ 1948,
+ 2068,
+ 444,
+ 2099,
+ 1169,
+ 1423,
+ 1569,
+ 1286,
+ 273,
+ 1504,
+ 2111,
+ 381,
+ 672,
+ 1211,
+ 269,
+ 651,
+ 883,
+ 1876,
+ 1724,
+ 1048,
+ 1270,
+ 804,
+ 536,
+ 66,
+ 887,
+ 2120,
+ 2036,
+ 1074,
+ 89,
+ 1057,
+ 158,
+ 408,
+ 1677,
+ 588,
+ 1887,
+ 1769,
+ 645,
+ 1583,
+ 406,
+ 2163,
+ 80,
+ 548,
+ 486,
+ 2028,
+ 526,
+ 1943,
+ 412,
+ 310,
+ 1352,
+ 1919,
+ 1494,
+ 2040,
+ 361,
+ 1835,
+ 2053,
+ 1188,
+ 347,
+ 638,
+ 124,
+ 16,
+ 1306,
+ 851,
+ 1328,
+ 14,
+ 1183,
+ 1049,
+ 2115,
+ 1640,
+ 1898,
+ 2092,
+ 1260,
+ 380,
+ 355,
+ 27,
+ 1498,
+ 920,
+ 1194,
+ 1373,
+ 845,
+ 414,
+ 513,
+ 469,
+ 1484,
+ 1937,
+ 2182,
+ 1383,
+ 1814,
+ 1455,
+ 2166,
+ 1766,
+ 728,
+ 2193,
+ 1249,
+ 1143,
+ 1108,
+ 830,
+ 602,
+ 2017,
+ 595,
+ 980,
+ 1582,
+ 506,
+ 1468,
+ 610,
+ 1615,
+ 393,
+ 681,
+ 0,
+ 1684,
+ 719,
+ 1245,
+ 853,
+ 2150,
+ 551,
+ 2154,
+ 956,
+ 1964,
+ 1303,
+ 2199,
+ 908,
+ 618,
+ 1292,
+ 1370,
+ 1431,
+ 1672,
+ 459,
+ 7,
+ 1017,
+ 2098,
+ 262,
+ 927,
+ 512,
+ 1570,
+ 958,
+ 2180,
+ 1807,
+ 2064,
+ 11,
+ 772,
+ 1344,
+ 343,
+ 716,
+ 682
+ ],
+ "test_inds": null,
+ "search_path_hints": [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "skeletons": [
+ {
+ "directed": true,
+ "graph": {
+ "name": "Skeleton-2",
+ "num_edges_inserted": 47
+ },
+ "links": [
+ {
+ "key": 0,
+ "source": {
+ "py/object": "sleap.skeleton.Node",
+ "py/state": {
+ "py/tuple": [
+ "Left",
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "target": {
+ "py/object": "sleap.skeleton.Node",
+ "py/state": {
+ "py/tuple": [
+ "Right",
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "py/reduce": [
+ {
+ "py/type": "sleap.skeleton.EdgeType"
+ },
+ {
+ "py/tuple": [
+ 2
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": 0,
+ "source": {
+ "py/id": 2
+ },
+ "target": {
+ "py/id": 1
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "py/id": 3
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "edge_insert_idx": 43,
+ "key": 0,
+ "source": {
+ "py/object": "sleap.skeleton.Node",
+ "py/state": {
+ "py/tuple": [
+ "Thorax",
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "target": {
+ "py/object": "sleap.skeleton.Node",
+ "py/state": {
+ "py/tuple": [
+ "Top",
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "py/reduce": [
+ {
+ "py/type": "sleap.skeleton.EdgeType"
+ },
+ {
+ "py/tuple": [
+ 1
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "edge_insert_idx": 44,
+ "key": 0,
+ "source": {
+ "py/id": 4
+ },
+ "target": {
+ "py/id": 1
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "py/id": 6
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "edge_insert_idx": 45,
+ "key": 0,
+ "source": {
+ "py/id": 4
+ },
+ "target": {
+ "py/id": 2
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "py/id": 6
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": 0,
+ "source": {
+ "py/object": "sleap.skeleton.Node",
+ "py/state": {
+ "py/tuple": [
+ "LeftWing",
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "target": {
+ "py/object": "sleap.skeleton.Node",
+ "py/state": {
+ "py/tuple": [
+ "RightWing",
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "py/id": 3
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": 0,
+ "source": {
+ "py/id": 8
+ },
+ "target": {
+ "py/id": 7
+ },
+ "type": {
+ "py/id": 3
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "multigraph": true,
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ "id": {
+ "py/id": 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {
+ "py/id": 2
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {
+ "py/object": "sleap.skeleton.Node",
+ "py/state": {
+ "py/tuple": [
+ "Head",
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {
+ "py/id": 4
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {
+ "py/id": 7
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {
+ "py/id": 8
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {
+ "py/id": 5
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {
+ "py/object": "sleap.skeleton.Node",
+ "py/state": {
+ "py/tuple": [
+ "Abdomen",
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "preprocessing": {
+ "ensure_rgb": false,
+ "ensure_grayscale": false,
+ "imagenet_mode": null,
+ "input_scaling": 1.0,
+ "pad_to_stride": 16,
+ "resize_and_pad_to_target": true,
+ "target_height": 128,
+ "target_width": 128
+ },
+ "instance_cropping": {
+ "center_on_part": null,
+ "crop_size": null,
+ "crop_size_detection_padding": 16
+ }
+ },
+ "model": {
+ "backbone": {
+ "leap": null,
+ "unet": {
+ "stem_stride": null,
+ "max_stride": 16,
+ "output_stride": 2,
+ "filters": 16,
+ "filters_rate": 2.0,
+ "middle_block": true,
+ "up_interpolate": true,
+ "stacks": 1
+ },
+ "hourglass": null,
+ "resnet": null,
+ "pretrained_encoder": null
+ },
+ "heads": {
+ "single_instance": {
+ "part_names": [
+ "Left",
+ "Right",
+ "Head",
+ "Thorax",
+ "LeftWing",
+ "RightWing",
+ "Top",
+ "Abdomen"
+ ],
+ "sigma": 2.5,
+ "output_stride": 2,
+ "loss_weight": 1.0,
+ "offset_refinement": false
+ },
+ "centroid": null,
+ "centered_instance": null,
+ "multi_instance": null,
+ "multi_class_bottomup": null,
+ "multi_class_topdown": null
+ }
+ },
+ "optimization": {
+ "preload_data": true,
+ "augmentation_config": {
+ "rotate": true,
+ "rotation_min_angle": -180.0,
+ "rotation_max_angle": 180.0,
+ "translate": false,
+ "translate_min": -5,
+ "translate_max": 5,
+ "scale": true,
+ "scale_min": 0.4,
+ "scale_max": 3.1,
+ "uniform_noise": true,
+ "uniform_noise_min_val": 0.0,
+ "uniform_noise_max_val": 10.0,
+ "gaussian_noise": true,
+ "gaussian_noise_mean": 7.0,
+ "gaussian_noise_stddev": 1.0,
+ "contrast": true,
+ "contrast_min_gamma": 0.25,
+ "contrast_max_gamma": 2.5,
+ "brightness": true,
+ "brightness_min_val": 0.0,
+ "brightness_max_val": 10.0,
+ "random_crop": false,
+ "random_crop_height": 256,
+ "random_crop_width": 256,
+ "random_flip": false,
+ "flip_horizontal": true
+ },
+ "online_shuffling": true,
+ "shuffle_buffer_size": 128,
+ "prefetch": true,
+ "batch_size": 7,
+ "batches_per_epoch": 282,
+ "min_batches_per_epoch": 200,
+ "val_batches_per_epoch": 31,
+ "min_val_batches_per_epoch": 10,
+ "epochs": 999,
+ "optimizer": "adam",
+ "initial_learning_rate": 0.0001,
+ "learning_rate_schedule": {
+ "reduce_on_plateau": true,
+ "reduction_factor": 0.5,
+ "plateau_min_delta": 1e-06,
+ "plateau_patience": 5,
+ "plateau_cooldown": 3,
+ "min_learning_rate": 1e-08
+ },
+ "hard_keypoint_mining": {
+ "online_mining": false,
+ "hard_to_easy_ratio": 2.0,
+ "min_hard_keypoints": 2,
+ "max_hard_keypoints": null,
+ "loss_scale": 5.0
+ },
+ "early_stopping": {
+ "stop_training_on_plateau": true,
+ "plateau_min_delta": 1e-08,
+ "plateau_patience": 99
+ }
+ },
+ "outputs": {
+ "save_outputs": true,
+ "run_name": "240819_202332.single_instance.n=2200",
+ "run_name_prefix": "",
+ "run_name_suffix": "",
+ "runs_folder": "D:/Documents/Bonfly/Bonfly_SLEAP/Merge\\models",
+ "tags": [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "save_visualizations": true,
+ "delete_viz_images": true,
+ "zip_outputs": false,
+ "log_to_csv": true,
+ "checkpointing": {
+ "initial_model": false,
+ "best_model": true,
+ "every_epoch": false,
+ "latest_model": false,
+ "final_model": false
+ },
+ "tensorboard": {
+ "write_logs": false,
+ "loss_frequency": "epoch",
+ "architecture_graph": false,
+ "profile_graph": false,
+ "visualizations": true
+ },
+ "zmq": {
+ "subscribe_to_controller": true,
+ "controller_address": "tcp://",
+ "controller_polling_timeout": 10,
+ "publish_updates": true,
+ "publish_address": "tcp://"
+ }
+ },
+ "name": "",
+ "description": "",
+ "sleap_version": "1.2.9",
+ "filename": "D:/Documents/Bonfly/Bonfly_SLEAP/Merge\\models\\240819_202332.single_instance.n=2200\\training_config.json"
\ No newline at end of file