Releases: fer0n/Unwatched
Releases · fer0n/Unwatched
- Fix: light/dark mode issues
- Fix: player UI issue on iPad
Full Changelog: v1.5.4...v1.5.5
- Pop up for description & chapters on iPad/Mac
- Playback destination picker
- “AirPlay HD” option (long press on playback picker or auto enable via Settings → Playback)
- Polish translation (thanks Kroguc)
- French translation
- Option to force-disable captions
- Correct #shorts detection when playing video
- Removed light player appearance option

- Fix: white YouTube player scrubber
- Fix: autoplay with watch history turned off
- Fix: play when dropping top video back into same position
- Fix: sub detail bottom header overflow
- Fix: browser play button overlay during drag & drop
- Fix: youtube urls with additional query parameter
- Fix: next chapter button issues during final chapter
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.5.3...v1.5.4
Small Improvements
- More playback speed options
- Onboarding improvements

- UI improvements (speed selection, player, fullscreen controls, …)
- Defer date pre-fills with next full hour
- Support for google redirect urls
- Export backup

- Fix: ignore tapping on current video url inside the player
- Fix: re-enable timer after having been turned off
- Fix: missing settings in backup
- Fix: browser drop area inaccessible on iPad
- Fix: launching in landscape led to incorrect mini player size
- Fix: open sheet when opening a notification
- Fix: fullscreen popover position
- potential fix for some crashes
- Option to watch video in browser
- Fix: backup device name
- Fix: “add to unwatched” shortcut
Full Changelog: v1.5.2...v1.5.3
- Defer (scheduled or normal) videos to reappear in the future
Small Adjustments
- Adjusted scrubber animation
- Added bluesky link
- Clear empty queue & inbox entries via debug option
- Fix: library crash on iOS 18.3
- Fix: disappearing SponsorBlock chapters
- Fix: auto hide controls on iPad
- Fix: adding embedded youtube urls via library text field
- Fix: endless loop when skipping a final chapter
- Fix: update thumbnail image of playlist subscriptions
Full Changelog: v1.5.1...v1.5.2
- Delete videos (anywhere except queue & inbox)
- Tap videos inside player to queue them
- Loop playback option (long press "next" button)
- Filter chapters automatically using keywords (Settings → Filter)

- Revised bookmark icon & text
- Added haptics for sheet position changes
- Enhanced scrubber visibility
- Potential fix: crashes
- Fix: dismissing shorts tip
- Fix: PiP setting persists during player reload
- Fix: aspect ratio now corrects properly on playback
- Fix: mini player stability with secondary sheet
- Fix: iPad tab view display in portrait mode
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.5.1
- Simplify navigation by keeping sheet always visible
- Combined chapters & description (tap on the title or swipe left on the player)
- Added scrubber with chapter indicators
- double tap left/right on the player background to seek backward/forward
- long press left/right side of player background to slow down/speed up
- “More” button with additional actions accessible in landscape fullscreen & on iPad
- Long press title to view on YouTube
- Pip persisted across launches and videos
- Added “queue last” option
- “Hide #shorts” setting custom per channel
- “Add subscription” shortcut
- New keyboard shortcuts on iPad
- Keyboard shortcuts show up when holding down cmd
- Option to only restore settings from backup
- Option to import playlist videos into the inbox
- Long press fullscreen button to rotate the other way around
Fixes & improvements
- Scroll back to current item after clearing items above
- Improved chapter detection
- Fix: sync indicator missing during initial sync
- Fix: infinite loop when skipping chapters with incorrect start/end time
Full Changelog: v1.4.1...v1.5.0
- Option to remove “watched”-status
- Autoskip for YouTube premium subscribers
Small Improvements
- Stability improvements
- “Bookmarked” list performance
- Chapter/description selection persisted
- Fix: “previous/next chapter”-button ignored active state
- Fix: “bookmark” in all videos & watched list
- Fix: fetch next video correctly on watched with current one not queued up
- Fix: transparent tab bar on iPad
- Fix: "refresh during sync"-debug option
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.1
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.1
- Player ui tweaks
- Dedicated pip button
- Added tips in settings
- Light icon color option
- Video swipe actions: up/down to toggle fullscreen, portrait down for pip
- Added “get current video” shortcut
- Added “watch in Unwatched” shortcut
- “Play from clipboard” home screen action
- "Play now" button in in-app browser
Small Improvements
- “All videos” & “watch history” performance improvements
- Autoscroll to current chapter when opening chapter list
- Slightly wider sidebar on iPad
- Fullscreen controls defaults to right side on iPhone
- Haptics for “queue next” button
- Small animation adjustments
- Fix: SponsorBlock chapters merging
- Fix: shortcut error messages
- Fix: browser page reloading on max/plus devices when changing orientation
- Fix: missing “video ended view” when skipping the final chapter
- Fix: chapter list animation & interaction issues
- Fix: swipe gestures on video ended screen
- Fix: iPad jump back/forth arrow key keyboard shortcuts
- Fix: mini player animation
- Fix: importing backup files
- Fix: transparent tab bar when opening library on iPad
- Fix: moving video when performing swipe gestures
- Fix: update subscription list on iOS 18 when un/subscribing
- Potential fix: videos not getting marked as watched
- Potential fix: video overlay buttons getting stuck
- Potential fix: chapter inconsistencies
- Potential fix: queue order related issues
Full Changelog: v1.3.3...v1.4.0
v1.3.3 & tvOS v1.0.1
- Fix: crash on startup on iOS 18.2 beta 2
- Fix: background fetch & notifications (take two; iOS only)
Full Changelog: v1.3.2...v1.3.3