This project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.3.4.
It allows to standardise data according to a provided data model. It is e.g. possible to standardise timespans from a given structure to ISO norm.
First install all dependencies by running the following command in a CLI.
user@pc:~$ npm install
To build and run the project execute the following command in a CLI and navigate in your browser to http://localhost:4200
user@pc:~$ npm run start
We provide a template spreadsheet where you can plug-in your own data to display in the PolyCube.
The spreadsheet is seperated into different sections. We go over the sections and provide an explanation and example of values the properties can have.
- | - |
ID | Number (Integer) - The objects identifier |
data_type | Text - The data type of the object, e.g., '' |
title | Text - The objects title, e.g., '' |
description | Text - A textual description of the object |
media_url | URL - The URL to the image, video, media resource, e.g., '' |
external_url | URL - The URL to an external resource, e.g., '' |
comments | Text - The users comments for the object |
- | - |
date_time | Defines the temporal interval where the object is valid. The first argument is the start date and the second argument is the end date. If no end date is provided we assume its ongoing for Network and point in time for Geo and Sets, e.g., 2013-12-31T12:34:56 - 2014-12-31T12:34:56 |
date_time_uncert | Number (Integer) - A number in the range 0-100 |
- | - |
location_name | Text - The address of the location, e.g., Opernring 2, 1010 Wien |
latitude | Number (Float) - Latitude of the locations, e.g., 48.202760 |
longitude | Number (Float) - Latitude of the locations, e.g., 16.368798 |
location_granularity | Text (Predefined) - Selected from the dropdown menu, e.g., 'City', 'Region', 'Country' |
location_uncert | Number (Integer) - A number in the range 0-100 |
- | - |
category_1 | Text - User defined category, e.g., 'Architectural Photographs' |
category_2 | Text - User defined category, e.g., 'Identification Photographs' |
category_3 | Text - User defined category, e.g., 'Cityscapes' |
category_4 | Text - User defined category |
category_5 | Text - User defined category |
- | - |
target | Number - The ID of the target node that the current node (source) is related to |
directed | Boolean - Defines if the relationship should be directed or not |
label | Text - The label that should appear on the relationship |
range | Date - Defines the temporal interval where the relationship is valid. The first argument is the start date and the second argument is the end date. If no end date is provided we assume its an ongoing relationship, e.g., 2013-12-31T12:34:56 - 2014-12-31T12:34:56 |