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Fingerprint Pro Vue 3 SDK

Fingerprint is a device intelligence platform offering 99.5% accurate visitor identification.

Fingerprint Pro Vue SDK is an easy way to integrate Fingerprint Pro into your Vue 3 application. It supports all capabilities of the Fingerprint JavaScript agent and provides a built-in caching mechanism.


  • For Typescript users: Typescript 4.5 or higher
  • Vue 3.1 or higher
  • For Nuxt users: Nuxt 3.0 or higher

This package works with the commercial Fingerprint platform. It is not compatible with the source-available FingerprintJS library. Learn more about the differences between Fingerprint and FingerprintJS.

⚠️ We no longer provide SDK for Vue2, due to the end of support. We recommend upgrading to Vue 3.


To install the plugin run:

yarn add @fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro-vue-v3


npm install @fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro-vue-v3
pnpm add @fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro-vue-v3

Getting started

To identify visitors, you'll need a Fingerprint Pro account (you can sign up for free). Get your API key and get started with the Fingerprint Pro documentation.

Register our plugin in your Vue application.

  • Set a region if you have chosen a non-global region during registration.
  • Set endpoint and scriptUrlPattern if you are using one of our proxy integrations to increase the accuracy and effectiveness of visitor identification.
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import {
} from '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro-vue-v3';

const app = createApp(App);

const apiKey = '<public-api-key>'

  .use(fpjsPlugin, {
    loadOptions: {
      apiKey: '<your-public-api-key>',
      endpoint: [
        // "", 
      scriptUrlPattern: [
        // "<version>/<apiKey>/loader_v<loaderVersion>.js",
      // region: 'eu',
  } as FpjsVueOptions)

You can use the plugin with Composition API, Options API, or Mixins, with or without Nuxt. See the usage examples below.

Composition API

The plugin provides a useVisitorData function you can use to identify visitors:

<script setup>
import { useVisitorData } from '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro-vue-v3';
import { watch } from 'vue';

const { data, error, isLoading, getData } = useVisitorData(
  { extendedResult: true }, 
  // Set to true to fetch data on mount
  { immediate: false }

watch(data, (currentData) => {
  if (currentData) {
    // Do something with the data

  <button @click='getData'>Get visitor data</button>

Options API

The plugin injects a $fpjs object into your components that you can use to identify visitors:

<script lang='ts'>
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';

export default defineComponent({
  methods: {
    async getVisitorData() {
      const visitorData = await this.$fpjs.getVisitorData({
        extendedResult: true

      // Do something with visitorData

  <button @click='getVisitorData'>Get visitor data</button>


For your convenience, we also provide mixins that handle all query states.

For the extended result:

<script lang='ts'>
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import { fpjsGetVisitorDataExtendedMixin } from '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro-vue-v3';

export default defineComponent({
  // Include our mixin
  mixins: [fpjsGetVisitorDataExtendedMixin],
  async mounted() {
    // You can also fetch data on mount
    // await this.$getVisitorDataExtended();

    <button @click='$getVisitorDataExtended'>
      Get visitor data
    <span v-if='visitorDataExtended.isLoading'>
    <span v-else-if='visitorDataExtended.isError'>
      Error: {{ visitorDataExtended.error }}
    <span v-else>
      <!--Do something with visitorData here-->

For the default result:

<script lang='ts'>
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import { fpjsGetVisitorDataMixin } from '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro-vue-v3';

export default defineComponent({
  // Include our mixin
  mixins: [fpjsGetVisitorDataMixin],
  async mounted() {
    // You can also fetch data on mount
    // await this.$getVisitorData();

    <button @click='$getVisitorData'>
      Get visitor data
    <span v-if='visitorData.isLoading'>
    <span v-else-if='visitorData.isError'>
      Error: {{ visitorData.error }}
    <span v-else>
      <!--Do something with visitorData here-->


The plugin works with Nuxt out of the box, however, you need to register it on the client side only.

// plugins/fingerprintjs.client.ts
import { defineNuxtPlugin, useRuntimeConfig } from '#app';
import {
} from '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro-vue-v3';

export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
  const config = useRuntimeConfig();

  nuxtApp.vueApp.use(fpjsPlugin, {
    loadOptions: {
      apiKey: config.public.API_KEY,
      endpoint: [
        // "", 
      scriptUrlPattern: [
        // "<version>/<apiKey>/loader_v<loaderVersion>.js",
      // region: 'eu',
  } as FpjsVueOptions);

import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt';
import path from 'path';

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  runtimeConfig: {
    public: {
      // Inject Fingerprint Pro API key
      API_KEY: process.env.API_KEY,

See the example Nuxt Application for more details.

Linking and tagging information

The visitorId provided by Fingerprint Identification is especially useful when combined with information you already know about your users, for example, account IDs, order IDs, etc. To learn more about various applications of the linkedId and tag, see Linking and tagging information.

Associate your data with a visitor ID using the linkedId or tag parameter of the options object passed into the useVisitorData() hook or the getData function:

<script setup>
 import { useVisitorData } from '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro-vue-v3';

 const { data, error, isLoading, getData } = useVisitorData({
  linkedId: 'user_1234',
  tag: {
   userAction: 'login',
   analyticsId: 'UA-5555-1111-1',



You can find detailed documentation in the API reference.

Caching strategy

Fingerprint Pro usage is billed per API call. To avoid unnecessary API calls, it is a good practice to cache identification results. By default, the SDK uses sessionStorage to cache results.

  • Specify cacheLocation in FpjsVueOptions to instead store results in memory or localStorage. Use none to disable caching completely.
  • Specify cache in FpjsVueOptions to use your custom cache implementation instead. For more details, see Creating a custom cache in the Fingerprint Pro SPA repository (a lower-level Fingerprint library used by this SDK).
  • Pass {ignoreCache: true} to the getData()/getVisitorData()/getVisitorDataExtended() function to ignore cached results for that specific API call.


If you use data from extendedResult, pay additional attention to your caching strategy. Some fields, for example, ip or lastSeenAt, might change over time for the same visitor. Use getData({ ignoreCache: true }) to fetch the latest identification results.

Support and feedback

To ask questions or provide feedback, use Issues. If you need private support, please email us at If you'd like to have a similar Vue wrapper for the source-available FingerprintJS, consider creating an issue in the main FingerprintJS repository.


You can find the following examples in the examples directory:


This project is licensed under the MIT license.