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533 lines (334 loc) · 20.1 KB

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533 lines (334 loc) · 20.1 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
getAmlPostScreeningPolicy GET /screening/aml/post_screening_policy AML - View Post-Screening Policy
getAmlScreeningPolicy GET /screening/aml/screening_policy AML - View Screening Policy
getPostScreeningPolicy GET /screening/travel_rule/post_screening_policy Travel Rule - View Post-Screening Policy
getScreeningFullDetails GET /screening/transaction/{txId} Provides all the compliance details for the given screened transaction.
getScreeningPolicy GET /screening/travel_rule/screening_policy Travel Rule - View Screening Policy
retryRejectedTransactionBypassScreeningChecks POST /screening/transaction/{txId}/bypass_screening_policy Calling the "Bypass Screening Policy" API endpoint triggers a new transaction, with the API user as the initiator, bypassing the screening policy check
updateAmlScreeningConfiguration PUT /screening/aml/policy_configuration Update AML Configuration
updateScreeningConfiguration PUT /screening/configurations Tenant - Screening Configuration
updateTravelRuleConfig PUT /screening/travel_rule/policy_configuration Update Travel Rule Configuration


ScreeningPolicyResponse getAmlPostScreeningPolicy()

Get the post-screening policy for AML.


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, ScreeningPolicyResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body:any = {};

fireblocks.compliance.getAmlPostScreeningPolicy(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<ScreeningPolicyResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Post-screening policy retrieved successfully. -

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ScreeningProviderRulesConfigurationResponse getAmlScreeningPolicy()

Get the screening policy for AML.


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, ScreeningProviderRulesConfigurationResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body:any = {};

fireblocks.compliance.getAmlScreeningPolicy(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<ScreeningProviderRulesConfigurationResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Screening policy retrieved successfully. -

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ScreeningPolicyResponse getPostScreeningPolicy()

Get the post-screening policy for Travel Rule.


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, ScreeningPolicyResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body:any = {};

fireblocks.compliance.getPostScreeningPolicy(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<ScreeningPolicyResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Post-screening policy retrieved successfully. -

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ComplianceResultFullPayload getScreeningFullDetails()

Provides all the compliance details for the given screened transaction.


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, ComplianceApiGetScreeningFullDetailsRequest, ComplianceResultFullPayload } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body: ComplianceApiGetScreeningFullDetailsRequest = {
  // string | Fireblocks transaction ID of the screened transaction
  txId: 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000,

fireblocks.compliance.getScreeningFullDetails(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<ComplianceResultFullPayload>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
txId [string] Fireblocks transaction ID of the screened transaction defaults to undefined

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 A compliance object * X-Request-ID -
0 Error Response * X-Request-ID -

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ScreeningProviderRulesConfigurationResponse getScreeningPolicy()

Get the screening policy for Travel Rule.


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, ScreeningProviderRulesConfigurationResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body:any = {};

fireblocks.compliance.getScreeningPolicy(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<ScreeningProviderRulesConfigurationResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Screening policy retrieved successfully. -

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CreateTransactionResponse retryRejectedTransactionBypassScreeningChecks()

This endpoint is restricted to Admin API users and is only applicable to outgoing transactions.


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, ComplianceApiRetryRejectedTransactionBypassScreeningChecksRequest, CreateTransactionResponse } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body: ComplianceApiRetryRejectedTransactionBypassScreeningChecksRequest = {
  // string | The transaction id that was rejected by screening checks
  txId: 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000,
  // string | A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. (optional)
  idempotencyKey: idempotencyKey_example,

fireblocks.compliance.retryRejectedTransactionBypassScreeningChecks(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<CreateTransactionResponse>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
txId [string] The transaction id that was rejected by screening checks defaults to undefined
idempotencyKey [string] A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. (optional) defaults to undefined

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
201 A transaction object * X-Request-ID -
0 Error Response * X-Request-ID -

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ScreeningConfigurationsRequest updateAmlScreeningConfiguration()

Updates bypass screening, inbound delay, or outbound delay configurations for AML.


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, ComplianceApiUpdateAmlScreeningConfigurationRequest, ScreeningConfigurationsRequest } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body: ComplianceApiUpdateAmlScreeningConfigurationRequest = {
  // string | A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. (optional)
  idempotencyKey: idempotencyKey_example,

fireblocks.compliance.updateAmlScreeningConfiguration(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<ScreeningConfigurationsRequest>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
idempotencyKey [string] A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. (optional) defaults to undefined

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Configuration updated successfully. -

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ScreeningUpdateConfigurations updateScreeningConfiguration(screeningUpdateConfigurations)

Update tenant screening configuration.


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, ComplianceApiUpdateScreeningConfigurationRequest, ScreeningUpdateConfigurations } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body: ComplianceApiUpdateScreeningConfigurationRequest = {
  // ScreeningUpdateConfigurations
  screeningUpdateConfigurations: param_value,
  // string | A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. (optional)
  idempotencyKey: idempotencyKey_example,

fireblocks.compliance.updateScreeningConfiguration(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<ScreeningUpdateConfigurations>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
screeningUpdateConfigurations ScreeningUpdateConfigurations
idempotencyKey [string] A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. (optional) defaults to undefined

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Tenant Screening configuration updated successfully. -

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ScreeningConfigurationsRequest updateTravelRuleConfig()

Updates bypass screening, inbound delay, or outbound delay configurations for Travel Rule.


import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { Fireblocks, BasePath } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';
import type { FireblocksResponse, ComplianceApiUpdateTravelRuleConfigRequest, ScreeningConfigurationsRequest } from '@fireblocks/ts-sdk';

// Set the environment variables for authentication
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_BASE_PATH = BasePath.Sandbox; // or assign directly to ""
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY = "my-api-key";
process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY = readFileSync("./fireblocks_secret.key", "utf8");

const fireblocks = new Fireblocks();

let body: ComplianceApiUpdateTravelRuleConfigRequest = {
  // string | A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. (optional)
  idempotencyKey: idempotencyKey_example,

fireblocks.compliance.updateTravelRuleConfig(body).then((res: FireblocksResponse<ScreeningConfigurationsRequest>) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
idempotencyKey [string] A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. (optional) defaults to undefined

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Configuration updated successfully. -

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