- Install appium
- Install UIAutomator2 (for android)
- Install XCUITest (for ios)
- Don't forget about this (for ios)
- Run yarn install
- Check file .env, there are some necessary env variables
ANDROID_DEVICE_NAME - name of your android device, if not set test would not start on android can be checked using: adb devices -l
ANDROID_APP_PATH - Path to .apk file on your computer, to generate it:
- In folder example run: cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease
- Yor path should look like this your/path/to/repo/example/android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk
IOS_DEVICE_ID - id of your ios device, can be obtained using: xcrun xctrace list devices
IOS_TEAM_ID - id of your team, can be obtained at apple developer page
IOS_APP_PATH - Path to .ipa file on your computer, to generate it:
- open example app in xcode, tap on product > archive
- choose archive and tap on distribute > custom > development > next ... > automatically manage signing > export
- choose file to export your app, recommend to do it in ios folder
- your path should look like path/to/your/app/FishjamExample.ipa
ip_address:port number
of the server - FISHJAM_HOST_MOBILE =
of the mobile phone
Run yarn install in webdriveio-test folder
install wdio cli (Do not run npx wdio config, it is not necessary because it is already configured)
Run fishjam ( if locally this command can be handy:
docker run -p 50000-50050:50000-50050/udp
-p 5002:5002/tcp
-e FJ_HOST=localhost:5002
-e FJ_PORT="5002"
-e FJ_WEBRTC_TURN_IP=[ip address]
-e FJ_SERVER_API_TOKEN=development
ghcr.io/fishjam-dev/fishjam:0.6.2 -
Run test in webdriveio-test folder : npx wdio wdio.conf.ts