$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
$ docker images
When you run a docker-compose build
, it creates a new image, but it doesn't remove the old one, so you can have a lot of images with the same name but different id. Then, you can remove all of them with the following command:
$ docker rmi $(docker images -f dangling=true -q) -f
Warning: This will remove all containers, images, volumes and networks not used by at least one container.
Its recommended to run this command before docker-compose up
to avoid problems.
$ docker system prune -a --volumes
After any change in pyproject.toml file (always execute this before installing):
$ poetry lock
$ poetry install -E dev
$ poetry install
$ poetry run pytest tests
$ poetry run pytest --cov-report term --cov-report xml:coverage.xml --cov
$ poetry run flake8 --max-line-length=88 app
$ poetry run black --skip-string-normalization app