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Getting Started

Make sure you have the latest packages installed

npm install
bower install

Note: If you don't have npm installed, make sure you have node installed. If you don't have bower, npm install -g bower.

The above steps will download all the required software to build and run this app, such as grunt, requirejs, and jquery.

Running the server

You can run your app using grunt serve. This will start a server on localhost:8000.

Alternatively you can use grunt serve --port xxxx for custom port

If you'd like to run the compiled version, run grunt serve.


Instantiating the canvas

var canvas = new Graph({
    $parent: $('.graph-placeholder'),
    assetsUrl : '/',
    editMode: true

Instantiation Options

    $parent: $('.graph-placeholder'),   // required
    assetsUrl : '/',                    // required
    TreeModel: TreeModel,               // optional: it instantiate tree graph
    model: model,                       // optional: it instantiate DAG graph
    editMode: true                      // optional: enable edit mode; Default: false
    treeGraph: true                     // optional: Sets flag if you want to create new tree graph
    constraints: {}                     // optional: Override global constraitns for elements

*** NOTE:
    treeGraph: boolean
    - set this flag if you are creating empty treeGraph and you are ensuring that every node that you create via API
      has 'parent' property on model set ( if node has parent ) and 'children' property which is array and it's
      required ( it represents list of node id's who are direct descendants of that node )
      'parent' : string - represents id of parent
      'children': [{string}]

Element Models

var NodeModel = {
    id        : _.random(100000, 999999) + '',
    name      : 'Test node',
    inputs    : [
    // Array of terminal models
           id  : _.random(100000, 999999) + '',
           name: 'input'
    outputs   : [
    // Array of terminal models
           id  : _.random(100000, 999999) + '',
           name: 'output'
    // additional properties stored in node instance model
    properties: {}
var ConnectionModel = {
    id: _.random(100000, 999999) + '', // it has to be a string
    start_node: n1_id,
    end_node: n2_id,
    connection_name: connectionName || false, // optional
    connection_class_name: connectionClass || false // optional

TreeModel structure

    "model": NodeModel.get(),
    "children": [
            "model": NodeModel.get(),
            "children": [
                    "model": NodeModel.get(),
                    "children": [
                            "model": NodeModel.get()
                            "model": NodeModel.get(),
                            "children": [
                                    "model": NodeModel.get()
                                    "model": NodeModel.get(),
                                    "children": [
                                            "model": NodeModel.get()
                                            "model": NodeModel.get()
                    "model": NodeModel.get(),
                    "children": [
                            "model": NodeModel.get(),
                            "children": [
                                    "model": NodeModel.get()
                                    "model": NodeModel.get()
                            "model": NodeModel.get()

                    "model": NodeModel.get(),
                    "children": [
                            "model": NodeModel.get()
                            "model": NodeModel.get()
Multiple tree graphs on canvas

Just pass array of TreeGraph models to TreeGraph option like this: [ TreeGraph ]

Graph API

See docs for full spec of Public api calls
canvasInstance.zoomIn();                                                        // returns current canvas scale; Canvas zoom in
canvasInstance.zoomOut();                                                       // returns current canvas scale; Canvas zoom out
canvasInstance.adjustSize();                                                    // returns null; Adjust canvas dimensions to fit the parent
canvasInstance.getNodeById(id);                                                 // returns node instance; Get Node instance on canvas
canvasInstance.removeNode(id);                                                  // returns null; Removes node from canvas
canvasInstance.addNode(nodeModel, coords, rawCoords, constraints, onCreate);    // returns node id; Add node to the canvas
canvasInstance.connectNodes(n1, n2, connectionName);                            // returns null; Connect two nodes
canvasInstance.destroy();                                                       // returns null; Destroys graph and its references
canvasInstance.getJSON();                                                       // returns graph model
canvasInstance.getTreeJSON();                                                   // returns tree graph model
canvasInstance.alignNodes(gap, rootCoords);                                     // returns boolean: Align nodes from rootCoords, only available in treeGraph mode (both params are optional)
Default Node Constraints
constraints: {

    radius     : 48,
    borderWidth: 10,

    // labelOffset can be number of function for tweeking position
    labelOffset: 15,
    //labelOffset: function (el) {} // get native svg el ref and change position of label

    icon: true, // false to disable node icon

    outdated: {
        fill    : '#F5AB35',
        gradient: ''

    deleted: {
        fill    : 'red',
        gradient: ''

    selected: {
        fill: '#FF9800'

    fill    : '#424E4F',
    stroke  : 'none',
    strokeWidth: 0



Triggered when you select a node.


  • node : node model


canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('node:select', function (node) {



Triggered when you select a node.


  • node : node model


canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('node:deselected', function (node) {



Triggered when you click node show info button. arguments:

  • node : node model


canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('node:showInfo', function (node) {



Triggered when you hover over node. arguments:

  • node : node model


canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('node:mouseover', function (node) {



Triggered when you leave node boundaries with mouse. arguments:

  • node : node model


canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('node:mouseout', function (node) {



Triggered when you deselect node by clicking outside. arguments:

  • node : node model


canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('node:deselected', function (node) {



Triggered when you deselect node by clicking outside. arguments:

  • node : node model
  • x : x coord
  • y : y coord


canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('node:drag', function (model, x , y) {



Triggered when you deselect node by clicking outside. arguments:

  • node : node model


canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('node:add', function (model) {



Triggered when you deselect node by clicking outside. arguments:

  • node : node model


canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('node:remove', function (model) {



Triggered when nodes are finished aligning.


canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('nodes:align', function () {



Triggered when graph has been changed. arguments:


canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('pipeline:change', function () {



Triggered when whole canvas has been moved. arguments:


canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('canvas:drag:start', function (startCoords) {



Triggered when whole canvas has been moved. arguments:


canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('canvas:drag:move', function (currentCoords) {



Triggered when whole canvas has been moved. arguments:


canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('canvas:drag:end', function (endCoords) {


####connection:add || connection:create

Triggered when connection has been added. arguments:

  • connection : connection model


canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('connection:add', function (connection) {


####connection:remove || connection:destroy

Triggered when connection has been removed. arguments:


canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('connection:remove ', function (connection) {


Overriding element(s) constraints


var canvas = new Graph({
        $parent: $('.graph-placeholder'),
        assetsUrl : '/',
        editMode: true,
        TreeModel: tree,
        constraints: {
            node: {

                radius     : 46,
                borderWidth: 8,
                labelOffset: 12,

                selected: {
                    fill: '#ffffff'

                fill    : '#011E37',
                stroke  : 'none'
            connection: {
                strokeWidth: 7
            terminal: {
                radius: 9,
                radiusInner: 6
            buttons: {
                radius: 15,

                border: 3, // buttons border width,

                stroke  : 'none',
                strokeWidth: 0

                borderFill: '#C8C8C8',
                fillOpacity: 0.4,

            icons: {
                default: 'preview_assets/images/icon-db.png'

Overriding elements add element name as key in constraints object passed in configuration and override propreties.

Default constraints for every element
// Node

    radius     : 38,
    borderWidth: 7,
    labelOffset: 12,

    selected: {
        fill: '#C6D4E2'

    fill    : '#011E37',
    stroke  : 'none'

// Terminal
    radius: 8,
    radiusInner: 4.4,

    available: {
        gradiant: '',
        fill: '#3eb157',
        stroke: ''

    connected: {
        gradiant: '',
        fill: '#1E8BC3',
        stroke: ''

    // defaults
    gradiant: '',
    fill: '#888888',
    stroke: ''

// Connection
    strokeWidth: 7,
    strokeColor: '#FBFCFC',
    labelColor : '#8989FF',
    disableWire: false,

    images: {
        wirePath: 'preview_assets/images/wire-cut.png'

// Buttons
    radius: 12,
    border: 3,
    stroke  : 'none',
    strokeWidth: 0,

    borderFill: '#C8C8C8',
    fillOpacity: 0.4,

    distance: -nodeRadius * 1.5,

    info: {
        fill    : '#3FC380',
        disabled: '#ccc',
        // must supply whole image object if you want to override it
        image: {
            name  : 'preview_assets/images/icon-info.png',
            width : 6,
            height: 11

        position: function (el) {} // get native svg el ref and change position of button


    delete: {
        fill: '#EF4836',
        // must supply whole image object if you want to override it
        image: {
            name  : 'preview_assets/images/icon-delete.png',
            width : 10,
            height: 10

        position: function (el) {} // get native svg el ref and change position of button


    rename: {
        fill: 'transparent',
        // must supply whole image object if you want to override it
        image: {
            name  : 'preview_assets/images/icon-pencil.png',
            width : 12,
            height: 12

        position: function (el) {} // get native svg el ref and change position of button

// Icons
    input  : 'preview_assets/images/icon-input-2.png',
    output : 'preview_assets/images/icon-output-2.png',
    default: 'preview_assets/images/cloud.png'

Known issues

  • Conflicting lodash will make stuff broke ( try to keep updated lodash on page ). Lib comes with lodash bundled now.


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AGPL-3.0, AGPL-3.0 licenses found

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