Make sure you have the latest packages installed
npm install
bower install
Note: If you don't have npm
installed, make sure you have
node installed. If you don't have bower,
npm install -g bower
The above steps will download all the required software to build and run this app, such as grunt, requirejs, and jquery.
You can run your app using grunt serve
. This will start a
server on localhost:8000
Alternatively you can use grunt serve --port xxxx
for custom port
If you'd like to run the compiled version, run
grunt serve
var canvas = new Graph({
$parent: $('.graph-placeholder'),
assetsUrl : '/',
editMode: true
$parent: $('.graph-placeholder'), // required
assetsUrl : '/', // required
TreeModel: TreeModel, // optional: it instantiate tree graph
model: model, // optional: it instantiate DAG graph
editMode: true // optional: enable edit mode; Default: false
treeGraph: true // optional: Sets flag if you want to create new tree graph
constraints: {} // optional: Override global constraitns for elements
*** NOTE:
treeGraph: boolean
- set this flag if you are creating empty treeGraph and you are ensuring that every node that you create via API
has 'parent' property on model set ( if node has parent ) and 'children' property which is array and it's
required ( it represents list of node id's who are direct descendants of that node )
'parent' : string - represents id of parent
'children': [{string}]
var NodeModel = {
id : _.random(100000, 999999) + '',
name : 'Test node',
inputs : [
// Array of terminal models
id : _.random(100000, 999999) + '',
name: 'input'
outputs : [
// Array of terminal models
id : _.random(100000, 999999) + '',
name: 'output'
// additional properties stored in node instance model
properties: {}
var ConnectionModel = {
id: _.random(100000, 999999) + '', // it has to be a string
start_node: n1_id,
end_node: n2_id,
connection_name: connectionName || false, // optional
connection_class_name: connectionClass || false // optional
"model": NodeModel.get(),
"children": [
"model": NodeModel.get(),
"children": [
"model": NodeModel.get(),
"children": [
"model": NodeModel.get()
"model": NodeModel.get(),
"children": [
"model": NodeModel.get()
"model": NodeModel.get(),
"children": [
"model": NodeModel.get()
"model": NodeModel.get()
"model": NodeModel.get(),
"children": [
"model": NodeModel.get(),
"children": [
"model": NodeModel.get()
"model": NodeModel.get()
"model": NodeModel.get()
"model": NodeModel.get(),
"children": [
"model": NodeModel.get()
"model": NodeModel.get()
Just pass array of TreeGraph models to TreeGraph option like this:
[ TreeGraph ]
canvasInstance.zoomIn(); // returns current canvas scale; Canvas zoom in
canvasInstance.zoomOut(); // returns current canvas scale; Canvas zoom out
canvasInstance.adjustSize(); // returns null; Adjust canvas dimensions to fit the parent
canvasInstance.getNodeById(id); // returns node instance; Get Node instance on canvas
canvasInstance.removeNode(id); // returns null; Removes node from canvas
canvasInstance.addNode(nodeModel, coords, rawCoords, constraints, onCreate); // returns node id; Add node to the canvas
canvasInstance.connectNodes(n1, n2, connectionName); // returns null; Connect two nodes
canvasInstance.destroy(); // returns null; Destroys graph and its references
canvasInstance.getJSON(); // returns graph model
canvasInstance.getTreeJSON(); // returns tree graph model
canvasInstance.alignNodes(gap, rootCoords); // returns boolean: Align nodes from rootCoords, only available in treeGraph mode (both params are optional)
constraints: {
radius : 48,
borderWidth: 10,
// labelOffset can be number of function for tweeking position
labelOffset: 15,
//labelOffset: function (el) {} // get native svg el ref and change position of label
icon: true, // false to disable node icon
outdated: {
fill : '#F5AB35',
gradient: ''
deleted: {
fill : 'red',
gradient: ''
selected: {
fill: '#FF9800'
fill : '#424E4F',
stroke : 'none',
strokeWidth: 0
Triggered when you select a node.
: node model
canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('node:select', function (node) {
Triggered when you select a node.
: node model
canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('node:deselected', function (node) {
Triggered when you click node show info button. arguments:
: node model
canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('node:showInfo', function (node) {
Triggered when you hover over node. arguments:
: node model
canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('node:mouseover', function (node) {
Triggered when you leave node boundaries with mouse. arguments:
: node model
canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('node:mouseout', function (node) {
Triggered when you deselect node by clicking outside. arguments:
: node model
canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('node:deselected', function (node) {
Triggered when you deselect node by clicking outside. arguments:
: node modelx
: x coordy
: y coord
canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('node:drag', function (model, x , y) {
Triggered when you deselect node by clicking outside. arguments:
: node model
canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('node:add', function (model) {
Triggered when you deselect node by clicking outside. arguments:
: node model
canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('node:remove', function (model) {
Triggered when nodes are finished aligning.
canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('nodes:align', function () {
Triggered when graph has been changed. arguments:
canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('pipeline:change', function () {
Triggered when whole canvas has been moved. arguments:
canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('canvas:drag:start', function (startCoords) {
Triggered when whole canvas has been moved. arguments:
canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('canvas:drag:move', function (currentCoords) {
Triggered when whole canvas has been moved. arguments:
canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('canvas:drag:end', function (endCoords) {
|| connection:create
Triggered when connection has been added. arguments:
: connection model
canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('connection:add', function (connection) {
|| connection:destroy
Triggered when connection has been removed. arguments:
canvasInstance.Event.subscribe('connection:remove ', function (connection) {
var canvas = new Graph({
$parent: $('.graph-placeholder'),
assetsUrl : '/',
editMode: true,
TreeModel: tree,
constraints: {
node: {
radius : 46,
borderWidth: 8,
labelOffset: 12,
selected: {
fill: '#ffffff'
fill : '#011E37',
stroke : 'none'
connection: {
strokeWidth: 7
terminal: {
radius: 9,
radiusInner: 6
buttons: {
radius: 15,
border: 3, // buttons border width,
stroke : 'none',
strokeWidth: 0
borderFill: '#C8C8C8',
fillOpacity: 0.4,
icons: {
default: 'preview_assets/images/icon-db.png'
Overriding elements add element name as key in constraints object passed in configuration and override propreties.
// Node
radius : 38,
borderWidth: 7,
labelOffset: 12,
selected: {
fill: '#C6D4E2'
fill : '#011E37',
stroke : 'none'
// Terminal
radius: 8,
radiusInner: 4.4,
available: {
gradiant: '',
fill: '#3eb157',
stroke: ''
connected: {
gradiant: '',
fill: '#1E8BC3',
stroke: ''
// defaults
gradiant: '',
fill: '#888888',
stroke: ''
// Connection
strokeWidth: 7,
strokeColor: '#FBFCFC',
labelColor : '#8989FF',
disableWire: false,
images: {
wirePath: 'preview_assets/images/wire-cut.png'
// Buttons
radius: 12,
border: 3,
stroke : 'none',
strokeWidth: 0,
borderFill: '#C8C8C8',
fillOpacity: 0.4,
distance: -nodeRadius * 1.5,
info: {
fill : '#3FC380',
disabled: '#ccc',
// must supply whole image object if you want to override it
image: {
name : 'preview_assets/images/icon-info.png',
width : 6,
height: 11
position: function (el) {} // get native svg el ref and change position of button
delete: {
fill: '#EF4836',
// must supply whole image object if you want to override it
image: {
name : 'preview_assets/images/icon-delete.png',
width : 10,
height: 10
position: function (el) {} // get native svg el ref and change position of button
rename: {
fill: 'transparent',
// must supply whole image object if you want to override it
image: {
name : 'preview_assets/images/icon-pencil.png',
width : 12,
height: 12
position: function (el) {} // get native svg el ref and change position of button
// Icons
input : 'preview_assets/images/icon-input-2.png',
output : 'preview_assets/images/icon-output-2.png',
default: 'preview_assets/images/cloud.png'
- Conflicting lodash will make stuff broke ( try to keep updated lodash on page ). Lib comes with lodash bundled now.