Near Testnet Faucet consists of two Smart Contracts witten in Rust and a TailwindCSS and AlpineJs frontend, currently deployed at It aims to help developers coming from other blockchains who are used to the concept of Faucets and people who for some reason are in need of Testnet Near.
In order to compile and run everything you will need:
- Node and near-cli installed
- Rust and WASM toolchain detailed steps here
Before building and deploying you should change to these contract settings (found in with the following snippet
// sets the maximum amount an user can request to 10 near
const MAX_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT: Balance = 10 * ONE_NEAR;
// sets the the time (in ms) that user shall wait before subsequent request to 1 min
const REQUEST_GAP_LIMITER: u64 = 60000;
// sets the vault contract (you cna leave that if you don't plan to deploy the one found int the vault branch)
const VAULT_ID: &str = "vault.nonofficial.testnet";
// sets the balance threshold required to make a call to the vault contract for additional liquidity
If you want to test/experiment without using the vault contract you should omit the env::account_balance()
check at the end of the request_funds
78 // check if additional liquidity is needed
79 // if env::account_balance() <MIN_BALANCE_THRESHOLD {
80 // self.request_additional_liquidity();
81 //}
RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release
near deploy --wasmFile PATH_TO.wasm --accountId ACCOUNT_YOU_HAVE_KEYS_FOR
Alternatively, you can make use of near dev deploy
pub fn request_funds(...) {
// requests funds to be sent to certain receiver_id
pub fn contribute(...) {
// records the contributor to the contributors (sorts the Vec before inserting)...
pub fn get_top_contributors(...) {
// retrieves the top ten contributors
pub fn add_to_blacklist(...) {
// adds an AccountId to the blacklist
pub fn remove_from_blacklist(...) {
// removes an AccountId from the blacklist
pub fn clear_recent_receivers(...) {
// clears the recent_receivers map, thus removing all current time constrains
fn request_additional_liquidity(...) {
// this makes XCC to an vault contract (can be found in vault branch) if the faucets account balance goes bellow certain threshold
Currently the project makes use of Rusts Unit testing (ish), Integration tests are a bit hard since the tooling is under restructuring/refactoring at the moment.
cargo test
Frontend consists of a static web app built with TailwindCSS, AlpineJs and near-api-js which can be found on the frontend branch.
- Add workspaces-rs integration tests. (currently blocked by: #110)
- Make the contract emit custom events
- Move the frontend to Yew
- Improve defensive mechanics
- Stake percentage of the vault/account balance with a testnet validator
- Add ability to request USN (either trough XCC to usdn.testnet or via contract ballance support)
- Explore the idea to support other FTs
- maybe airdrop mechanics(via collaborative effort) to some kind of Dev FT/NFT holders