If you have any questions, be sure to check the FAQ. In fact, before you even start anything, go read the FAQ. It has a pleathora of hints, tips and answers to help you ensure you get the most out of this guide.
- Book: You Don't Know JS: Up & Going
- Book: You Don't Know JS: Scope & Closures
- Book: You Don't Know JS: this & Object Prototypes
- Course: Learn to Code HTML & CSS
- Project: Clone this online resume template
- Course: Introduction to Computer Science - CS50
- Book: You Don't Know JS: Types & Grammar
- Book: You Don't Know JS: Async & Performance
- Book: You Don't Know JS: ES6 & Beyond
- Course: Learn to Code Advanced HTML & CSS
- Project: Portfolio from the frontend section of FCC
- Article: Read Project Specification Documents and get in the habit of including every bit of information it details that makes sense for a project in the README.md or other supporting documentation for your projects
- Course: Effective Thinking Through Mathematics
- Book: Setting Up ES6
- Book: JavaScript Allongé, the "Six" Edition
- Course: Getting Sassy with CSS
- Project: Build an online Towers of Hanoi solver that accepts a tower height between 5 and 10, and then displays a graphical (animated) solution, iteratively moving each piece until the puzzle is solved
- Course: How to Code: Simple Data
- Course: How to Code: Complex Data
- Course: Software Construction: Data Abstraction
- Course: Software Construction: Object-Oriented Design
- Software Engineering: Introduction
- Book: DOM Enlightenment
- Project: Simon Game from the frontend section of FCC
- Project: Complete all Classic Puzzles - Easy on CodinGame in JavaScript
- Course - Programming for the Web with JavaScript on edX or M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers on MongoDB University (or both, your choice)
- The FCC Backend Certification - all projects, ignore the tutorials and just read the official docs if you want.
- Course: Calculus One
- Book: JavaScript Design Patterns
- Project: Clone this landing page
- Course: Mathematics for Computer Science
- Article: Read Algorithms and Flowcharts and then familiarize yourself with Pencil ... start flowcharting complex portions of your code logic as part of your documentation
- Project: Clone this Admin template using React, Angular, or Vue
- Book: Think Java - How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
- Book: Open Data Structures
- Course: Algorithms, Part I
- Course: Algorithms, Part II
- Project: Complete all challenges from the Code Jam Qualification Round 2015
- Project: Clone the front page of this website modifying it to highlight a different product or industry. Make special note of the secondary navigation bar at the top. Implementing that is the highlight of this project.
- Course: UX Design for Mobile Developers
- Course: Android Development for Beginners
- Project: Build the Pomodoro project from the FCC frontend curriculum - as an android app
- Book: Professor Frisby's Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming
- Course: Software Testing
- Course: Software Debugging
- Project: Clone the Netflix interface using React, Angular, or Vue - pulling data from the Movie DB API or an API in a backend you create yourself.
- Course: Calculus Two: Sequences and Series
- Project: Complete all Classic Puzzles - Medium on CodinGame in JavaScript
- Course: Software Architecture & Design
- Project: Complete all challenges from the Code Jam Round 1A 2015
- Book: JavaScript Spessore - no longer available - use Programming JavaScript Applications instead.
- Project: Clone this blog template - note that there are multiple pages
- Course: Databases
- Course: Agile Software Development
- Project: Complete all ES6 Katas here
- Course: Introduction to Cloud Infrastructure Technologies
- Project: Complete all challenges from the Code Jam Round 1B 2015
- Project: Build FaceBook: yes, all the functionality. See here for a list of requirements you should fullfill.
- Course: Intro to Theoretical Computer Science
- Project: Complete all challenges from the Code Jam Round 1C 2015
- Course: Introduction to Probability - The Science of Uncertainty
- Project: Write the CSS Necessary to create your own 12 column based grid layout - see here for an example
- Course: Linear Algebra - Foundations to Frontiers
- Project: Complete all Classic Puzzles - Hard on CodinGame in JavaScript
- Course: Cryptography I
- Project: Complete all challenges from the Code Jam Round 2 2015
- Course: Cryptography II
- Project: Clone Twitter - yes, all the functionality
- Course: Computer Architecture
- Project: Complete all challenges from the Code Jam Round 3 2015
- Course: Introduction to Cyber Security
- Project: Complete all Classic Puzzles - Very Hard on CodinGame in JavaScript
- Course: Computer Graphics
- Course: Artificial Intelligence
- Project: Complete all challenges from the Code Jam World Finals 2015
- Course: Machine Learning
- Project: Design, implement, test, and deploy a game that is playable on the web, using the technologies of your choice. The only criteria are that it be playable online, and that it inculde a substantial AI component.
- Course: Operating Systems and System Programming
- Project: Create a node module that will convert markdown to properly formatted html
- Course: Compilers
- Course: Introduction to Natural Language Processing
- Project: Clone Learn Harmony
- Course: Computer Networks
- Course: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming
- Project: Complete all problems from all rounds of the Distributed Google Code Jam 2015 - scroll down to the appropriate section
- Project: Clone Slack - the functionality should be complete to the point that one user can create a room, invite other users, and all users of that room can real-time chat. The room should be secure and inaccessible to anyone but those invited.
- Project: Create an npm module that bootstraps a fullstack application, with Node.js on the backend, and the SPA library/framework of your choice on the frontend. Include a full test suite and comprehensive build processes. Publish it to NPM.
- Project: Complete all problems from all rounds of the Google Code Jam 2016 - scroll down to the appropriate section
- Project: Extend your CSS grid framework to include the CSS and JavaScript required to implement 5 to 10 material design components