3.7.1 (2025-01-28)
3.7.0 (2025-01-15)
- config: add
counterparts to jump split actions (#584) (928e6d0) - preview: allow sources to decorate the preview buffer/window (affd249)
- sources: added snacks picker source (fa32f71)
- format: for "attempt to index local 'signs' (a boolean value)" errors in nvim-0.10.1+ (#579) (2e7cb80)
- lsp: always use actual symbol kind names. See #568 (11bcbc0)
- lsp: handle invalid line positions (1a2efaf)
- lsp: use new vim.str_byteindex if available to calculate start positions of LSP ranges (86746d2)
- lsp: use old-style args for vim.str_byteindex. Fixes #604 (c633e85)
- snacks: use filtered items instead of all (2423cd2)
3.6.0 (2024-07-21)
- allow disabling a key (891e76d)
3.5.2 (2024-07-19)
- util: concealcursor (e01c99e)
- treesitter: incremental parsing for highlighter (85154ce)
3.5.1 (2024-07-04)
- command: weird issue with number keys. no idea when this happens. oh well... Fixes #528 (95568c6)
- diagnostics: ruff generates a
diag code. Closes #527 (edd9684) - lsp: use caller text for call locations in incoming lsp calls. Fixes #529 (12dc19a)
3.5.0 (2024-07-04)
- added explicit support for mini.icons (42dcb58)
- telescope: item path. Fixes #521 (6e19371)
- telescope: use (lnum, 0) for telescope item without col (#524) (25204b7)
3.4.3 (2024-06-23)
- item: empty filenames (77f17d1)
- promise: vim.loop. Fixes #513 (1acfb6c)
- util: crlf. Fixes #518 (032fa2c)
- utils: use
vim.loop or vim.ev
declared in the beginning of a file (#519) (235dc61)
3.4.2 (2024-06-14)
- correct invalid float positions. Fixes #502 (88a40f1)
- diagnostics: custom format for code. Fixes #508 (ada78fa)
- fixup (60b0ac3)
- highlights: link TroubleBasename to TroubleFilename. Fixes #507 (276e7b7)
- main: handle windows with changed buffers (286c044)
- view: dont go to main when not in the trouble window when closing (8d5e05c)
3.4.1 (2024-06-12)
- fzf: added descriptions (5e45bb7)
3.4.0 (2024-06-11)
- added fzf-lua integration (d14323f)
- fzf-lua: added smart open/add that will use selection or all when nothing selected. (bed3c5b)
- fzf-lua: smart-open on windows (4d0f045)
- initialize
. Fixes #489 (0793267) - spec: properly process actions. Fixes #494 (3082f4b)
- telescope: autmatically select telescope_files mode if list are files without locations. Fixes #466 (1ad6b14)
- telescope: set end_pos to end of word (4deb811)
- views: pending should be considered open. Fixes #492 (57b50a6)
3.3.0 (2024-06-07)
- lsp: most lsp sources now support
. Fixes #482 (29d19d4) - window: more options for mapping keys (fdcfc5a)
- you can now use
to delete items in the trouble list. Fixes #149. Fixes #347 (e879302)
- api: only refresh on open if there's no action. Fixes #488 (2661f46)
- preview: fixed mouse clicks in the preview main window. Fixes #484 (98d9ed7)
- telescope: show error when use tries to add when telescope picker does not exist (c11dc27)
- use vim.loop for nvim 0.9 in view/init.lua (#487) (791278e)
- view: when calling open when the view is already open, do a refresh. See #485 (39595e8)
3.2.0 (2024-06-06)
- lsp: add incoming/outgoing calls to lsp mode (8adafc1)
- lsp: added support for showing locations from lsp execute commands (b1d16ac)
- promise class (84f0c6d)
- api: show error when an invalid mode was used. Fixes #465 (4b1914c)
- format: pos format. See #472 (abdfa1d)
- lsp: check for nil on faulty lsp results (d7f69ff)
- lsp: dont process nil results (06a4892)
- lsp: send request only to needed clients (c147a75)
- lsp: use document uri of document symbols don't have an uri set. Fixes #480 (358f0ee)
- preview: hide winbar when previewing in main. Fixes #464 (250ea79)
- preview: respect fold settings. Fixes #459 (29d1bb8)
- preview: set correct extmark priorities in preview highlight. Fixes #476 (13ad959)
- view: correctly set folding options to wo. See #477 (9151797)
- view: ensure fold settings are correct for the trouble views. See #477 (b5181b6)
- view: execute actions on first render (97bfb74)
- window: account for winbar for preview in main. Fixes #468 (23ded52)
- window: set default winblend=0. See #468 (e296940)
- use promises for fetching sections (e49a490)
3.1.0 (2024-05-31)
- added severity filter keymap and improved filtering actions (7842dbb)
- only open trouble when results (optionally). Fixes #450 (8fbd2ab)
- telescope: allow passing additional trouble options to telescope open/add. Fixes #457 (4eaaf9c)
- close section session when needed (2caf73d)
- fold: start folding with closest non leaf node. Fixes #420 (f248c69)
- follow: improve the way follow works (cf81aac)
- format: compat old signs (0e843ed)
- format: fallback to sign_defined. Fixes #448 (36545cb)
- lsp: batch get offset position for lsp results. See #452 (96c30dc)
- lsp: correctly clear location cache (7ea94a6)
- lsp: exclude locations that match the current line (8c03e13)
- make sure line is always a string passed to get_line_col (5a12185)
- preview: correctly load non-scratch buffers (965f56f)
- preview: correctly pass options to create scratch buffers. Fixes #451 (c50c7e3)
- preview: don't error on invalid positions (6112c3c)
- qf: only listen for TextChanged in the main buffer. See #201 (f75992f)
- qf: update qflist on TextChanged to update pos. Fixes #201 (c1d9294)
- stop (bda8de4)
- telescope: remove filter on
buf = 0
. See #399 (f776ab0) - view: restore loc on first render and dont delete last loc if trouble window was never visisted. See #367 (51bf510)
- lsp: cache location requests (6053627)
- lsp: optimize batch fetching lsp item locations. Fixes #452 (a6f1af5)
- much faster treesitter highlighter (d4de08d)
- prevent autocmd leaks (9e3391c)
- preview: re-use existing preview when preview is for the same file (a415b64)
3.0.0 (2024-05-30)
- Trouble v3 is now merged in main. You may need to update your configs.
now shows vim.ui.select to chose a mode (0189184)- added basename/dirname (bb3740a)
- added help (68ac238)
- added kind symbol highlights (de08657)
- added lpeg parser for parsing
args into lua tables (b25ef53) - added missing fold keymaps. folding is now feature complete (9fb1be0)
- added multiline option back (d80e978)
- added proper api (a327003)
- added support for formatting fields with a treesitter language (21cfee9)
- allow items without buf (c3b01ce)
- allow top-level filter (12447df)
- config: added
to jump to the item when there's only one. Fixes #409 (94a84ab) - config: added keymap to inspect an item. Useful for dev (9da1a47)
- config: set
by default (c7e5398) - diagnostics: added support for diagnostics signs on Neovim >= 0.10.0. Fixes #369, fixes #389 (6303740)
- filter: added filetype filter (e541444)
- filter: easier filtering of any values (1b528d8)
- filter: range filter (34a06d6)
- filters, formatters and sorters are now configurable (c16679d)
- format: formats now support
. First field that returns a value will be used (26ad82e) - global view filters and easy toggling of just items of the current buffer (11e7c39)
- improved commandline parser and completion (f7eccfb)
- initial commit of rewrite (d9542ca)
- item hierarchies and directory grouping (d2ed413)
- Item.get_lang and Item.get_ft (498da6b)
- item: util method to add missing text to items (de9e7e6)
- lsp: added
. Closes #222 (b855469) - lsp: document symbols caching and compat with Neovim 0.9.5 (2f49b92)
- main window tracking (23a0631)
- make the preview action a toggle (86da179)
- preview can now be shown in a split/float (e2919eb)
- preview is now fully configurable (b99110a)
- preview: option to force loading real buffers in preview. Fixes #435 (ccacba2)
- preview: use a float to show preview in the main window instead of messing with the main window itself (9e0311d)
- preview: window var to know a window is a preview win (dcecbb9)
- qf: add treesitter highlighting to quickfix/loclist. Fixes #441 (325d681)
- render:
will now use the treesitter lang of the item buffer for highlighting (21af85c) - render: added support for rendering multiple sections (332b25b)
- source: added lsp source (3969907)
- source: added quickfix source (3507b7b)
- sources: added support for loading external sources (89ac6f1)
- sources: added telescope source (39069e2)
- source: sources can now have multiple child sources (c433301)
- source: sources now always execute in the context of the main window even when a preview is active (4eab561)
- statusline: added statusline component (5c0b163)
- statusline: allow 'fixing' the statusline bg color based on a hl_group. Fixes #411 (986b44d)
- statusline: statusline api (c219a1a)
- telescope: added option to add telescope results to trouble, without clearing the existing results. Fixes #370 (a7119ab)
- tree: added
to get all items from the tree (35c0236) - Trouble v3 is now merged in main. You may need to update your configs. (1b362b8)
- util: better notify functions (c68c915)
- util: fast get_lines for a buffer (6940cd8)
- util: fast plain text split (6a30aec)
- util: make throttles configurable (8c297c1)
- view: added support for pinned views. Main window of the view will stay the same as long as its a valid window (17131e2)
- view: expose some params in the trouble window var. Fixes #357 (a4b9849)
- view: follow now also scrolls to the file in the list when not on an item (30b939e)
- view: follow the current item in the list (e76e280)
- view: when toggling a trouble list, restore to the last location. Fixes #367 (1d951f5)
- window: added possibility to override TroubleNormalNC. Fixes #216 (daa5157)
- window: added support for showing a floating window over the main window (3525169)
- window: allow setting width/height a size for splits. either will be used based on position (e8ee9b0)
- window: expose some window vars for integration with other plugins (edgy.nvim) (aae1da8)
- add vim to parser globals (6077342)
- api: make sure new=true works when opening with a mode string (398ac76)
- better defaults for lsp/diagnostics (569416d)
- better way of creating preview buffers (667b010)
- command: improved command completion (9f59aac)
- commmand: show mode descriptions (ce488b9)
- config: fixed some highlights to use the latest treesitter hl groups (63313cd)
- deprecated tbl_islist (#436) (5aa7993)
- diagnostics sections (27efb63)
- diagnostics: use main buffer for buffer-local diags (259770d)
- filter: fix range filter to include col (6cae8af)
- filter: range should also check that the buffer is the same (fdd27d8)
- format: always pass a valid buffer to ftdetect even just the current onw (b01b11e)
- help: sort keymaps case incensitive (5d81927)
- highlights: reset statusline hl groups when colorscheme changes (a665272)
- item: clamp pos (6c0204c)
- jump: save current main cursor to jump list before jumping. Fixes #385 (bd8bfc8)
- lsp: check if buf is still valid after receiving document symbols (33ec71c)
- lsp: handle invalid positions. Fixes #434 (371cf26)
- lsp: refresh on LspAttach (17afc44)
- main: always return a main window, even when no main. Fixes #426 (bda72a5)
- make focus the default (ba1ae49)
- parser: handle empty args (e667da7)
- preview: better preview for multiline items (60c9fdc)
- preview: center preview location and open folds. See #408 (a87fa2a)
- preview: clear highlights of preview buffer (d590491)
- preview: dont show preview for directories. Fixes #410 (769ee0f)
- preview: fixup for directory check (eed25b2)
- preview: pass valid buffer so that ftdetect works for ts files. See #435 (65f2430)
- preview: set correct winhighlight for preview window in main. See #408 (8c3c1db)
- preview: unload preview buffer again when closing and when it wasnt loaded before (8cc680a)
- proper deprecated fix ffs... Fixes #438 (a8264a6)
- properly deal with multiline treesitter segments (31681a9)
- qf: col/row offsets (8ad817f)
- remove
buf = 0
sorting since it acts weirdly with next/prev (2b589e9) - remove space from
zz zv
command (ca2cd56) - require Neovim >= 0.9.2 (2448521)
- section: dont trigger on invalid buffers (29ee890)
- setup: add check for NEovim 0.10.0 or markdown parsers. Fixes #413 (6267ef1)
- sources: always load sources when not registered yet. Fixes #393 (1470302)
- specs and tests (315f624)
- statusline: double escape
. Fixes #424 (9ddfd47) - statusline: make sure max_items is honored (da8ba7d)
- statusline: schedule statusline refresh (f000daa)
- telescope: close telescope after sending results to trouble (2753932)
- telescope: deprecation warning for old telescope provider (0d7cdeb)
- throttle: fixed throttling so that it now only gets scheduled when there are pending args (0db2084)
- tree: fixed tree item count. Fixes #419 (cb59440)
- tree: make sure qf items always have a unique id. Fixes #367 (c0755d5)
- treesitter: show warning for missing treesitter parsers (4253652)
- tree: use format as node id for group without fields (a29c293)
- ui: better deal with invalid items positions and extmarks. Fixes #404 (bc0a194)
- util: deprecation warnings for tbl_islist (7577f3a)
- util: typo (37f6266)
- util: use xpcall in throttle for better stack traces (6d9a0ba)
- view: check if trouble win is still valid in OptionSet. Fixes #400 (e9fae8c)
- view: check that window is open before checking active item (5b5446d)
- view: do
norm! zz zv
after jump. See #408 (74e31e7) - view: dont refresh items when calling
and already open (7485aa7) - view: dont trigger follow when moving. Fixes #3359 (7cc4df2)
- view: store restore locations when moving the cursor. See #367 (d8265a6)
- window: main window float should have regular winhighlight (6ccd579)
- window: properly deal with alien buffers opening in trouble windows (92832c4)
- windows: Corrected regex matching path with backslash. (#396) (a784506)
- window: set cursorlineopt for the trouble window. Fixes #356 (4c07228)
- better throttle (c10d53d)
- only trigger refresh when event happens in main for some sources (6eac568)
- use weak references to prevent memory leaks (4d31d77)
- util: get_lines can now use a buf or filename or both (e987642)
2.10.0 (2023-10-18)
now works as intended (600fe24)
2.9.1 (2023-10-09)
2.9.0 (2023-10-07)
- check that view is valid before render and focus (#319) (81e1643)
- only filter msg if sev is hardcoded (#328) (0ccc43d)
- qf: properly deal with invalid qf entries. Fixes #87. Fixes #188. Fixes #336 (46b60e9)
2.8.0 (2023-07-25)
2.7.0 (2023-07-25)
- Expose help action (#311) (467dc20)
- Use code descriptions for opening URIs with extra information (#309) (d2b0f1d)
2.6.0 (2023-07-22)
- make multiline the default (1f2eb71)
2.5.0 (2023-07-22)
- add multiline diagnostic support (#305) (7a6abd7)
- Map double click to jump action (#158) (ef53b9a)
- use markdown to render hover (835b87d)
- util: trigger TroubleJump on jump. Closes #248 (d91f3b3)
2.4.0 (2023-07-16)
- add option to control cycling of result list (#302) (e7805dc)
- rendering messages from provider (#304) (a66a78b)
- Check parent window is valid before setting active (#291) (c14786d)
- move end of doc pos to last line. Fixes #151 (cb4da04)
2.3.0 (2023-05-25)
2.2.3 (2023-05-22)
2.2.2 (2023-04-17)
- util: auto_jump when trouble is open. Fixes #144 (e4f1623)
- util: save position in jump list before jump. Fixes #143 Fixes #235 (f0477b0)
2.2.1 (2023-03-26)
- icons: fixed deprecated icons with nerdfix (39db399)
2.2.0 (2023-02-28)
2.1.1 (2023-02-19)
- ensure that the diagnostic parameters are complete (#179) (210969f)
- icorrect row/line in diagnostics. Fixes #264 (32fa4ed)
2.1.0 (2023-02-18)
- expose
2.0.1 (2023-02-16)
- init: version check (73eea32)
2.0.0 (2023-02-16)
- Trouble now requires Neovim >= 0.7.2
- Trouble now requires Neovim >= 0.7.2 (ef93259)
- Focus parent before closing (#259) (66b057b)
- preview: properly load buffer when showing preview (949199a)
- util: properly load a buffer when jumping to it (bf0eeea)
- dont load buffers when processing items. Get line with luv instead (82c9a9a)
1.0.2 (2023-02-10)
1.0.1 (2023-01-23)
- ensure first line is selected when padding is false (#233) (b2d6ac8)
- telescope: correctly use cwd for files. Fixes #250 (3174767)
- renamed use_lsp_diagnostic_signs to use_diagnostic_signs
- removed deprecated commands
- added "hover" action that defaults to "K" to show the full multiline text #11 (9111a5e)
- added actions for opening in new tab, split and vsplit. Fixes #36 (c94cc59)
- added mapping for jump & close (defaults to "o") #15 (09de784)
- added support for vim.diagnostics and Neovim 0.7 (735dcd5)
- allow proper passing of plugin options (79513ed)
- Api to go to first and last items (#157) (0649811)
- better preview and mode (160fa6c)
- command complete (9923b01)
- comments to open/toggle workspace or ducument mode directly (f7db1c2)
- config for auto_preview (0ad97fb)
- define multiple keybindings for the same action (better for defaults) (bf8e8ee)
- expose items (#41) (4f84ca4)
- indent lines (f9e6930)
- inital version (980fb07)
- Lsp implementation (#50) (069cdae)
- lsp references, loclist and quickfix lists! (0b852c8)
- made it easier to integrate with trouble (1dd72c2)
- make file grouping and padding configurable (#66) (ff40475)
- make position of the trouble list configurable (top, bottom, left or right) #27 (0c9ca5e)
- make signs configurable (ff9fd51)
- make sorting keys configurable (#190) (68d3dc5)
- next/previous API. Implements #44 (a2a7dbf)
- option to automatically jump when there is only one result (fixes #57) (#79) (09fafb2)
- providers.lsp: Add definitions support (#20) (a951198)
- sort files by current directory and prefer non-hidden (ea9a5e3)
- sort items by severity / filename / lnum / col (4a45782)
- sort results by row and column isntead of just row (#118) (5897b09)
- telescope provider: (Smart) multiselect (#39) (45ff198)
- Telescope support (9c81e16)
- use vim.notify for logging (293118e)
- Add nowait option to keymap (#30) (4375f1f)
- added additional space between message and code (aae12e7)
- added compatibility to retrieve signs from vim.diagnostic (dab82ef)
- added suport for vim.diagnostic hl groups (d25a8e6)
- added support for new handler signatures (backward compatible with 0.5) (87cae94)
- auto_open was broken. Fixed now #29 (a2f2b92)
- better detection of the parent window (4c5fd8a)
- default to current window in jump_to_item (#175) (ec24219)
- don't "edit" en existing buffer. Use "buffer" instead. (#5, #6) (abef115)
- don't steal focus on auto_open. Fixes #48 (36b6813)
- don't try to fetch sign for "other" (5b50990)
- don't use file sorter for items without a valid filename (20469be)
- dont advance two items at a time. Fixes folke/todo-comments.nvim#39 (7de8bc4)
- files without col/row should be set to col=1 and row=1 #22 (fcd5f1f)
- filetype set too early (#230) (c4da921)
- fixed auto_open swicth_to_parent. Fixes #7 (7cf1aa1)
- give focus back to correct window when closing (#72) (a736b8d)
- handle normal api calls to trouble as it should #42 (52b875d)
- if grouping is off, decrease indent (#140) (ed65f84)
- lazy include telescope when needed (7e3d4f9)
- lsp diag creates ugly buffers for unopened files in the workspace. Fixed now (91d1139)
- lsp diagnostics codes (dbbd523)
- lsp handler error log (#95) (063aefd)
- lsp: avoid overwriting uri of result (#60) (655391c)
- only use old hl groups when they exist (Fixes #49) (d4ce76f)
- possible vim.NIL on diagnostics code (1faa347)
- prevent segfault on closing (756f09d)
- properly close trouble window on close (d10ee4b)
- properly exit when trouble is the last window. Fixes #24 (2b27b96)
- remove useless "no results" notification (#164) (da61737), closes #154
- removed space betweend rendering of source + code (b676029)
- removed unused plenary require. Fixes #1 (1ff45e2)
- replace possible newlines in rendered text (08d068f)
- restore item indentation (7c93271)
- set buftype before filetype (#67) (169b2ec)
- set EndOfBuffer to LspTroubleNormal and hide ~ #23 (7d67f34)
- set nowrap for the trouble window. Fixes #69 (51dd917)
- set the filetype lastly so autocmd's can override options from it (#126) (b5353dd)
- show warning when icons=true but devicons is not installed (7aabea5)
- support LocationLink (#94) (7f3761b)
- typos (#55) (059ea2b)
- use deprecated vim.lsp.diagnostics for now (afb300f)
- use new DiagnosticChanged event (#127) (4d0a711), closes #122
- use vim.diagnostic instead of vim.lsp.diagnostic when available (a2e2e7b)
- workspace and document diagnostics were switched around (1fa8469)
- debounce auto refresh when diagnostics get updated (068476d)
- much faster async preview (2c9b319)
- only fetch line when needed. Fixes #26 (52f18fd)
- only update diagnostics once when window changes (d965d22)
- prevent nested loading of preview #2 (b20a784)
- use vim.lsp.util.get_line to get line instad of bufload (607b1d5)