This repository contains all the projects I have done for the common core of 42.
Projects | Grades |
Libft | 125 |
ft_printf | 100 |
Born2beroot | 110 |
get_next_line | 105 |
minitalk | 120 |
push_swap | 100 |
FdF | 103 |
Philosophers | 100 |
minishell | 101 |
NetPractice | 100 |
cub3d | 110 |
Inception | 100 |
CPP Modules 00-09 | 100 |
ft_irc | 125 |
ft_transcendence | 125 |
- The minishell and cub3d projects were done with Victor Burton.
- The ft_irc project was done with Victor Burton and Brieuc Poumeau.