A curated list of awesome TON ecosystem.
- Original source codes and GitHub repo
- SDKs, Client Libraries and toolkits
- Tutorials
- Block explorers & Dev-ops tools
- Telegram Bots and Faucets
- Articles & Videos
- Local resources & Community
- Contribute
- License
- TON Documentation - TON Blockchain Test Network — files and resources
- ton.org mirror - GitHub mirror with changes history from test.ton.org
- ton-blockchain/ton - GitHub repository linked from ton.org
- Blockchain explorer - Simple blockchain explorer for the TON Blockchain Test Network (testnet)
- Original source codes - is TON client tarball.
- GitHub mirror - unchanged up to date version of tarball on GitHub. Also fresh binaries and docker container.
- Community version on GitHub - community version with added features.
- TON Python API client - Python remote API client for [Telegram Open Network] blockchain
- TON API in Rust - TON SDK Client Library for Rust
- ubuntu16.04.sh - Build instructions for ubuntu 16.04.
- fift-sorting - Implementation of sorting algorithms in the programming language Fift.
- TON Labs Node SE - SDK that contains a Compiler Kit and Client Libraries
- Blockchain explorer (ton.org) - Simple blockchain explorer for the TON Blockchain Test Network (testnet)
- TON explorer - beta explorer for test network
- Open source TON explorer - explorer by @EmelyanenkoK
- Webserver - Realizes a web client for TON
- Public node - Web client for TON.
- Fullnode in docker - Dockerfile for Telegram Open Network Node
- @Gram 50 bot - TON bot wallet with faucet. Allows to create wallet / sent transactions on testnet.
- @buttonwalletbot - Telegram bot with integrate cryptocurrency, supports TON testnet interactions. Has own faucet for Grams.
- @TrackingTONupdates - Telegram bot post message there about any new commits into original repo (03.07.2019: 27 members).
- Faucet for TON - UI friendly faucet to get test Grams.
Telegram Open Network (TON), Polkadot, Cosmos Network - Review by Button wallet.
TON code review - Review by Nikita Kolmogorov.
TON scaling & decentralisationreview - Review by Claudio Weck.
Telegram Open Network Tutorial - How to use light client by @rstormsf.
Telegram Open Network - TON (Promo Final Version) - Promo video about TON by DeCenter
(Chinese)Telegram(电报)中文版白皮书 - article about the TON in Chinese by toozWu.
(Russian) Тестовый клиент TON (Telegram Open Network) и новый язык Fift для смарт-контрактов - by deNULL, May 27, 2019.
- Copperbits community: TON Research (English) - Developer driven updates about project. (09.09.2019: 493 members)
- (Russian) TONgramDev - Russian Telegram chat (03.07.2019: 96 members).
- Tgram 🔜 TON GRAM (Telegram Open Network) - TON news in Russian (03.07.2019: 137 047 members).
- (Chinese) TON whitepaper into Сhinese - (in progress) by toozWu.
- Bitcoinwiki - Wiki-based technical description.
Pull requests are welcome! In the spirit of decentralized applications, however. Feel free to be a part of the community, send your PR to awesome-ton repo with related and useful links to TON ecosystem! 👌