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A solidity smart contract that can emit events to an external compute network, have execution results returned to it to mutate account state.

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Versatus Executable Oracle :: Ethereum Github Actions Foundry License: MIT

A Foundry-based Executable Oracle contract for Ethereum to bridge to the Versatus Network.

What's Inside

  • Forge: compile, test, fuzz, format, and deploy smart contracts
  • Forge Std: collection of helpful contracts and cheatcodes for testing
  • PRBTest: modern collection of testing assertions and logging utilities
  • Prettier: code formatter for non-Solidity files
  • Solhint: linter for Solidity code

This project is based off of the excellent foundry-template project by Paul Berg:

Getting Started

$ git clone
$ bun install # install Solhint, Prettier, and other Node.js deps

If this is your first time with Foundry, check out the installation instructions.


This template builds upon the frameworks and libraries mentioned above, so please consult their respective documentation for details about their specific features.

For example, if you're interested in exploring Foundry in more detail, you should look at the Foundry Book. In particular, you may be interested in reading the Writing Tests tutorial.

Sensible Defaults

This template comes with a set of sensible default configurations for you to use. These defaults can be found in the following files:

├── .editorconfig
├── .gitignore
├── .prettierignore
├── .prettierrc.yml
├── .solhint.json
├── foundry.toml
└── remappings.txt

VSCode Integration

This template is IDE agnostic, but for the best user experience, you may want to use it in VSCode alongside Nomic Foundation's Solidity extension.

For guidance on how to integrate a Foundry project in VSCode, please refer to this guide.

GitHub Actions

This template comes with GitHub Actions pre-configured. Your contracts will be linted and tested on every push and pull request made to the main branch.

You can edit the CI script in .github/workflows/ci.yml.

Installing Dependencies

Foundry typically uses git submodules to manage dependencies, but this template uses Node.js packages because submodules don't scale.

This is how to install dependencies:

  1. Install the dependency using your preferred package manager, e.g. bun install dependency-name
    • Use this syntax to install from GitHub: bun install github:username/repo-name
  2. Add a remapping for the dependency in remappings.txt, e.g. dependency-name=node_modules/dependency-name

Note that OpenZeppelin Contracts is pre-installed, so you can follow that as an example.

Writing Tests

To write a new test contract, you start by importing PRBTest and inherit from it in your test contract. PRBTest comes with a pre-instantiated cheatcodes environment accessible via the vm property. If you would like to view the logs in the terminal output you can add the -vvv flag and use console.log.

This template comes with an example test contract Foo.t.sol


This is a list of the most frequently needed commands.


Build the contracts:

$ forge build


Delete the build artifacts and cache directories:

$ forge clean


Compile the contracts:

$ forge build


Get a test coverage report:

$ forge coverage


Deploy to Anvil:

$ forge script script/Deploy.s.sol --broadcast --fork-url http://localhost:8545

For this script to work, you need to have a MNEMONIC environment variable set to a valid BIP39 mnemonic.

For instructions on how to deploy to a testnet or mainnet, check out the Solidity Scripting tutorial.


Format the contracts:

$ forge fmt

Gas Usage

Get a gas report:

$ forge test --gas-report


Lint the contracts:

$ bun run lint


Run the tests:

$ forge test

Generate test coverage and output result to the terminal:

$ bun run test:coverage

Generate test coverage with lcov report (you'll have to open the ./coverage/index.html file in your browser, to do so simply copy paste the path):

$ bun run test:coverage:report


This project is licensed under MIT.


A solidity smart contract that can emit events to an external compute network, have execution results returned to it to mutate account state.






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