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[Nextgen] Open Event Universal Format Specification

Arpit Aggarwal edited this page Jul 6, 2017 · 15 revisions

Event Object

    "identifier": "e4a55e79", 
    "name": "FOSSASIA 2016", 
    "latitude": 1.346, 
    "longitude": 103.686, 
    "location-name": "15 Science Centre Rd, Singapore 609081", 
    "starts-at": "2017-06-05T14:42:19+05:00", 
    "ends-at": "2017-06-05T14:42:19+05:00", 
    "timezone": "Asia/Singapore", 
    "description": "FOSSASIA is the premier Free and Open Source technology ...", 
    "logo-url": "/images/fossasia-dark.png", 
    "organizer-name": "FOSSASIA", 
    "organizer-description": "The Internet of Things for Me at Asia's Premier Open Technology Event", 
    "social-links": [
            "id": 1, 
            "link": "", 
            "name": "Twitter"
    "ticket-url": "", 
    "privacy": "public", 
    "type": "Conference", 
    "topic": "Science & Technology", 
    "sub-topic": null, 
    "code-of-conduct": null, 
    "copyright": {
        "holder": "FOSSASIA", 
        "holder-url": "", 
        "licence": "Creative Commons Attribution License", 
        "licence-url": "", 
        "logo": "", 
        "year": 2016
    "speakers-call": {
        "announcement": "<p>Wanna speak at our prestigious event. Send us a proposal</p>", 
        "starts-at": "2016-03-16T20:30:00+05:00", 
        "privacy": "public", 
        "ends-at": "2016-03-10T19:30:00+05:00"
    "email": "", 
    "is-sessions-speakers-enabled": true, 
    "schedule-published-on": "2017-06-05T14:42:19+05:00", 
    "searchable-location-name": null, 
    "state": "Completed"

Tracks Array

        "id": 1, 
        "name": "OpenTech and IoT", 
        "color": "#3DC8C3",
        "font-color": "#FFFFFF", 
        "sessions": [
                "id": 1, 
                "title": "Grand Opening"

Microlocations Array

        "id": 1, 
        "name": "Dalton Hall", 
        "floor": 1, 
        "latitude": 1.333169, 
        "longitude": 103.735516, 
        "room": null

Sessions Array

        "id": 1, 
        "title": "Grand Opening", 
        "subtitle": null, 
        "short-abstract": "Short Abstract for the event", 
        "long-abstract": "Welcome to the 8th year of FOSSASIA. A friendly community of Open Technologists meets at the Science Centre Singapore.", 
        "starts-at": "2016-03-18T09:30:00+05:30", 
        "ends-at": "2016-03-18T10:00:00+05:30", 
        "session-type": {
            "id": 1, 
            "length": 0.3, 
            "name": "Welcome"
        "track": {
            "id": 1, 
            "name": "OpenTech and IoT"
        "comments": null, 
        "level": null,
        "language": null, 
        "slides-url": null, 
        "audio-url": null, 
        "video-url": null, 
        "microlocation": {
            "id": 1, 
            "name": "Dalton Hall"
        "signup-url": null, 
        "speakers": [
                "id": 1, 
                "name": "Hong Phuc Dang", 
                "organisation": "FOSSASIA"
        "state": "accepted",
        "created-at": "2016-03-18T09:30:00+05:30",
        "deleted-at": "2016-03-18T10:00:00+05:30",
        "submitted-at": "",
        "is-mail-sent": false

Speakers array

        "id": 2, 
        "name": "Mario Behling", 
        "email": "", 
        "mobile": null, 
        "photo": "/images/speakers/MarioBehling_2.jpg", 
        "organisation": "OpenTech Society", 
        "position": null, 
        "country": "Germany", 
        "short-biography": "", 
        "long-biography": "Mario Behling is a German born technologist with more than a decade of experience in software development and start ups. He helped to get the lubuntu community started, and as the founder of FOSSASIA and the OpenTechSummit, he works closely with International partners to develop open ICT solutions for social change in countries such as Afghanistan, Vietnam and Cambodia. Mario presently works on the big data startup loklak from his Berlin base. He also continues to cooperate with organizations like the UNESCO, Mozilla and Intel.",
        "speaking-experience": null,
        "website": "", 
        "twitter": "", 
        "facebook": null, 
        "github": "", 
        "linkedin": "", 
        "is-featured": false, 
        "sessions": [
                "id": 2, 
                "title": "The story of FOSSASIA 2016, The Internet of Things and Me"

Sponsors array

        "id": 1, 
        "name": "Google", 
        "logo-url": "/images/sponsors/Google_1.png", 
        "level": "1", 
        "type": "Diamond", 
        "url": "", 
        "description": null

Session types array

        "id": 1, 
        "name": "Welcome", 
        "length": "00:30"

Form object

  "id": 1,
  "session-form": {
    "short-abstract": {
      "require": false,
      "include": true
    "subtitle": {
      "require": false,
      "include": false
    "session-type": {
      "require": false,
      "include": false
    "track": {
      "require": false,
      "include": false
    "slides": {
      "require": false,
      "include": true
    "video": {
      "require": false,
      "include": false
    "long-abstract": {
      "require": false,
      "include": false
    "language": {
      "require": false,
      "include": false
    "title": {
      "require": true,
      "include": true
    "comments": {
      "require": false,
      "include": true
    "audio": {
      "require": false,
      "include": false
  "speaker-form": {
    "website": {
      "require": false,
      "include": true
    "short-biography": {
      "require": false,
      "include": true
    "photo": {
      "require": false,
      "include": true
    "twitter": {
      "require": false,
      "include": true
    "linkedin": {
      "require": false,
      "include": false
    "facebook": {
      "require": false,
      "include": false
    "github": {
      "require": false,
      "include": false
    "name": {
      "require": true,
      "include": true
    "long-biography": {
      "require": false,
      "include": false
    "mobile": {
      "require": false,
      "include": false
    "country": {
      "require": false,
      "include": true
    "organisation": {
      "require": false,
      "include": true
    "position": {
      "require": false,
      "include": true
    "email": {
      "require": true,
      "include": true

Meta object

    "root-url": ""