A math-themed tower defense game written in C and raylib for the GMTK Jam 2024.
You can play the game in your browser here: https://foxblock.itch.io/math-td
- Install any Visual Studio version with the "Desktop development with C++" workload OR just the Microsoft C/C++ Build Tools
- clone the repo and cd into folder
- run
> creates build folder and exe inside- you can pass the following options to the script: debug, run
- like
build_msvc.bat debug run
- you are on your own for now, sorry
gcc -o build\mathtd src\main.c -Iinclude -Isrc -Llib\libraylib.a
might work (you will have to supply the libraylib.a)
- (Linux and WSL only for now, because I could not get emsdk working on Windows directly)
- this guide assumes you have raylib cloned next to this repo on your disk
- follow this guide (until the steps compiling the raylib examples) to intall emscripten SDK and setup raylib: https://stackoverflow.com/a/70640781
- you should have a libraylib.a file in the raylib/src folder
- cd back to this repository
- run
from this folder