Penjin is a cross-platform games engine written in c++ with the goal of being very simple to use.
Penjin features a set of classes designed to abstract from the render back-end to try and provide code that is easily portable. It is perfect for fast 2D game development, but also very powerful when creating 3D content.
Currently supported build targets are: Windows (32/64bit), Linux (32/64bit), Pandora (ARM Linux), GP2x, Dingoo, Wii (beta)
It is free to use for non-commercial purposes but can also be licensed for commercial projects (LGPL license). Contact PokeParadox for licensing purposes.
Penjin was created by PokeParadox and is currently maintained by foxblock.
A rewrite of Penjin, called PenjinTwo, is currently in progress at pokeparadox/PenjinTwo.