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franglais125 edited this page Dec 8, 2016 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the apt-update-indicator wiki!

This page is under construction. For now you can find information on how to setup the extension to check for updates without entering the password.

Setting up apt to check for updates without password input

These are the instructions to get updates without having to input the password. You can choose from 1a or 1b (both do the same thing!), and then go to 2.

1a With a script

  • The easy way is to download the script:
  • and to execute with sudo: sudo

1b Detailed steps

Setup a script for updates (Debian/Ubuntu)

  • Simply create the file /usr/local/bin/updater with the following content:
apt update
  • Remember to set the proper permissions: sudo chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/updater

Edit a sudoers file

  • Open a sudoers editor and create a new file "update": sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/update
  • In the file include the following content:
Cmnd_Alias UPDATER_ONLY = /usr/local/bin/updater

Where MY_USERNAME is the desired username. For example, if the user is "john", the file would read:

Cmnd_Alias UPDATER_ONLY = /usr/local/bin/updater

2) Extension setting

  • You also need to go to the Advanced settings and check the corresponding option.
  • By default, the command given works with this wiki. If different filenames/paths are used, the command in the settings needs to be tweaked accordingly.
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