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File metadata and controls

265 lines (182 loc) · 6.35 KB


Communication and Service Discovery

This is a demo project to understanding microservices

  • Microservices
  • Book Catalog Service
  • Book Info Service
  • Book Rating Service


  • When you want change from something which is not an object to an Object,

    • provide a no args constructor
  • Web client (recommended now) vs rest template

public Mono<List<BookCatalog>> getCatalog(@PathVariable String userId) {

    List<Rating> ratings = Arrays.asList(
            new Rating("b7709", 9),
            new Rating("b9901", 2),
            new Rating("b0882", 1),
            new Rating("b7881", 10)

    return Flux.fromIterable(ratings)
            .flatMap(rating ->
                    .uri("http://localhost:8083/books/" + rating.getBookId())
                    .map(book -> BookCatalog.builder()
                            .description("this is a description")
            .collectList(); // Converts Flux<BookCatalog> into Mono<List<BookCatalog>>

public List<BookCatalog> getCatalog(@PathVariable String userId) {
    List<Rating> ratings = Arrays.asList(
            new Rating("b7709", 9),
            new Rating("b9901", 2),
            new Rating("b0882", 1),
            new Rating("b7881", 10)

    return ratings.parallelStream()
            .map(rating -> {
                Book book =
                        .uri("http://localhost:8083/books/" + rating.getBookId())
                        .block(); // Still blocking, but now it's concurrent
                return BookCatalog.builder()
                        .description("this is a description")

  • Have a wrapper object around your response
    • so that changes to a field or
    • general changes will not break anything for
    • consumers of the API
List<Rating> ratings = restTemplate.getForObject("http://localhost:8082/ratings/users/"+ userId,  ???? );

What goes in here??
That is the issue
we have to do something like this
public List<BookCatalog> getCatalog(@PathVariable String userId) throws JsonProcessingException {

    ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.getForEntity(
            "http://localhost:8082/ratings/users/" + userId,

    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    List<Rating> ratings = objectMapper.readValue(
            new TypeReference<List<Rating>>() {}
just create a user ratings objects that will contain
the list of ratings

  • service discovery

    • a layer of abstraction

      • a discovery server
    • client side service discovery

    • server side service discovery

  • Spring cloud uses client side service discovery

  • Note:

    • Spring has done and is doing a lot of things for you
  • Technology: Eureka - spring cloud uses it for service discovery

  • others

    • Eureka
    • Ribbon
    • Hysterix
    • Zuul
  • the layer of abostration will be the

    • eureka server (the discovery server)
  • the indevidual services will be eureka clients

  • and the client that is consuming should also be a eureka client

// add the dependency

// aslo enable it

public class DiscoveryServerApplication {

	public static void main(String[] args) {, args);


// dont make eureka register with itself

  • we want to have our 3 microservices register
  • with eureka server
// under properties



// note
 the annotation is optional because Spring Boot will automatically enable the Eureka Client functionality if the necessary dependencies are included in your project (e.g., spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-client).
  • how does the client find the server and registers itself

  • since we are using the default, it is able to

  • but you can work around

  • now lets consume it
    • we are consuming it inside of the catalog service
// we are doing service discovery with load balancing

public RestTemplate restTemplate(){
    return new RestTemplate();

UserRating userRating = restTemplate.getForObject("http://localhost:8082/ratings/users/"+ userId, UserRating.class);
    // using eureka
UserRating userRating = restTemplate.getForObject("http://book-ratings-service/ratings/users/"+ userId, UserRating.class);
  • Note:
// use this to test the loadbalancing

java -jar app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar  // justing running the class with the main method inside of it

// you can change the port
java -Dserver.port=8206 -jar app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • more control
// import;

DiscoveryClient discoveryClient;

// you can do anything from here on

  • fault tolerance

    • what eureka clients do by defalt is
    • to ping the eureka server on regular basis
    • and send out heart beats
  • what is the discovery server is down but the services are up?

  • well the client(consuning it) -> picks it up from the cache - AMAZING!