- ⛄ Hi, I’m @franzkurt
- 👀 I’m interested in Developing a better world to all!
- 🌱 I’m currently developing Python aplications in fields like data science, pentest, linux and P2P networks
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on anything that I know or can I learn about everything
Bachelor degree in Control Engineer at PUCRS
Software Engineer in languages like C and Python
Contact with WEB stacks like VueJs, FastAPI, Bootstrap CSS, JS and APIs
Experience with UEFI (BIOS interface) at HP Inc
Experience in WEB scrapper and network stack, with parser abilities in Beautiful Soup and HTML
Experience in security research, penetration tests and devops tools like ansible and docker
SysAdmin skills like generating assymetric keys and managing access at linux enviroments
Currently working with python networking, proxy, OOP and functional paradigms and postgres.
Follow my linkedin for more information: https://www.linkedin.com/in/franz-kurt-de-ramos-gastring-a57772108/
Crawler to webpages
- Studying firewalls that are currenctly blocking scraper tools
- Learning about Radware and Perimeter X
- Defeating bot blockers and CDNs with proxy rotation
Integration of databases with IPFS and LibP2P
- Learning P2P principles
- Developing and research Content Addressable Filesystems
- Helping the community to develop IPFS in python language (Multihashes, encodings, formats, etc..)
- Integrate IPFS onto Python tools to use static content to server
- Implementing a generic database (A uplayer onto CAF ideas)
Open database with Global EAN codes (barcodes)
- Discover useful links
- Retrieving products info from ecommerces (partly)
- Developing Crawlers to download info
- Generate a CSV with product's title and description
and the list go on...
- https://github.com/franzkurt/chatJS
- https://github.com/franzkurt/blockchain
- https://github.com/franzkurt/pupeeter
- https://github.com/franzkurt/privacy-preserving-credential-scheme-over-blockchain
- https://github.com/franzkurt/hash3liZer
- https://github.com/franzkurt/wpa_crack.py
- https://github.com/franzkurt/Namechk
- Articles at Medium: https://franzkurt.medium.com/
- Top article: https://franzkurt.medium.com/como-eu-criei-um-script-para-quebra-de-senhas-de-rede-wi-fi-com-scapy-8a3dae8b8b2c
- URL Medium RSS feed: https://medium.com/feed/@franzkurt
- 📫 How to reach me: franz.gastring@gmail.com
If I not answaer possibly I am travelling the world!