A RESTful service built with PHP, Symfony, and MySQL for importing and managing bands using an Excel file.
This project provides an import system for an Excel/CSV file, allowing bands to be stored in a database and accessed via an API.
- As a client, I want my Excel file to be imported into a database
- In order to consult, modify, or delete the information
- Symfony 7.2
- PHP 8.4
- MySQL 8
- Docker
- PHPUnit
🔹 Clone the git repository:
git clone git@github.com:freelancerwebro/bands-service.git
cd bands-service
🔹 Run the following command to build the service:
composer test
composer cs
- POST `/import`: Import bands from an Excel/CSV file
- GET `/band`: List all bands
- GET `/band/{id}`: Retrieve a single band
- POST `/band`: Add a new band
- PUT `/band/{id}`: Update an existing band
- DELETE `/band/{id}`: Delete a band
To explore the Swagger documentation, visit the following URL: