namespace Friflo.Json.Tests
The project contains a Console application and Unit tests.
Execution of both is described below.
The solution and its projects can be build, tested and executed on Windows, Linux, macOS and Unity.
It can be used with the IDE's: VSCode, Rider & Visual Studio 2022.
Note: In order to build and run the examples the .NET 6.0 SDK is required.
Or use Gitpod to build and run the server using a browser without installing anything. Workspace available in 30 sec.
clone the repository and open its directory - leave out this step when using Gitpod.
git clone
cd Friflo.Json.Fliox
build the library, the unit tests and the console application with
dotnet build
The Console application is used:
- to run a Test server
cd Json.Tests
dotnet run --module TestServer -c Release --framework net6.0
- to run performance checks.
The performance checks are used to measure the throughput ofSyncTasks()
calls in various scenarios.- remote HTTP vs WebSocket vs Loopback vs in-process
- file-system vs in-memory database
- number of concurrent clients. Default: 4
each run show a representative sample [requests / sec]
dotnet run --module MemoryDbThroughput -c Release --framework net6.0
⏩ requests: 680796 / sec # CPU-bound
dotnet run --module FileDbThroughput -c Release --framework net6.0
⏩ requests: 6251 / sec # disc-bound
dotnet run --module WebsocketDbThroughput -c Release --framework net6.0
⏩ requests: 27221 / sec # network-bound
dotnet run --module HttpDbThroughput -c Release --framework net6.0
⏩ requests: 12753 / sec # network-bound
dotnet run --module LoopbackDbThroughput -c Release --framework net6.0
⏩ requests: 172433 / sec # CPU-bound
The current result of the unit test are available as CI tests at Github actions.
The project is using NUnit for unit testing. Execute them locally by running:
cd Json.Tests
dotnet test -c Release -l "console;verbosity=detailed"
Unit test execution will finish in about 7 seconds.
The unit tests can be executed in the Test Explorer of VSCode, Rider & Visual Studio 2022.
For VSCode .NET Core Test Explorer can be used.
By using NUnit the unit tests can be executed in the Unity Test Runner in the Unity Editor (Window > General > Test Runner) as EditMode tests.
Memory assertions
Additional to common unit testing of expected behavior, some tests also check heap allocations with assertions:
- No (0) allocations occur on the heap while running a parser or serializer a couple of times.
- No leaks of
native containers
are left over after tear down a unit test.
This is relevant only when using the library in Unity compiled with JSON_BURST - it is not relevant when running in CLR
clone the repository in the Assets
cd Assets
git clone
Tested with: Unit Menu > Edit > Project Settings ... > Player > Other Settings
Unity version | Scripting Backend | API Compatibility Level |
2020.1.15f1 | Mono | .NET 4.x |
IL2CPP | .NET 4.x | |
2021.3.9f1 | Mono | .NET Standard 2.1 |
IL2CPP | .NET Standard 2.1 |
Run the unit tests in the Test Runner in the Unity Editor (Window > General > Test Runner) as EditMode tests.