namespace Friflo.Json.Fliox.Hub.Explorer
The Hub Explorer is the admin page for a Fliox Hub.
It is a single page application used for development and administration of databases hosted by a Fliox Hub.
Try out the online demo - running on AWS - DemoHub (EC2 instance: t2-micro, us-east-1).
An explanation of the Explorer is available at the 🐾 Examples - Walkthrough.
The Explorer enables:
- browse databases, containers and entities.
- view and edit JSON records with auto completion and instant validation using the database schema
- display hover documentation of JSON properties defined in the database schema
- mark properties defined as relations in the schema as links in the entity editor
- execute container queries using a LINQ filter expression
- execute standard or custom database commands. E.g.
- send batch requests via HTTP or WebSocket to the Fliox.Hub server using the Playground
As the Hub Explorer is optional it is distributed as a separate NuGet package: Friflo.Json.Fliox.Hub.Explorer.
The static web files are added to the HttpHost by adding the root folder
available via the HubExplorer.Path
For integration to a HttpHost server call:
HttpHost httpHost;
httpHost.AddHandler(new StaticFileHandler(HubExplorer.Path));
screenshot: Fliox Hub Explorer
The Explorer is written in Typescript without using a third party UI library like React of Vue.js to avoid external dependencies.
It utilizes the Monaco Editor on various places to view & edit JSON. All integrated editors are using the JSON Schemas exposed by Hub. This enables auto completion and instant validation of JSON values. Validation errors are marked as warnings by yellow wavy underlines directly in the editors.
The goal - when opening or refreshing the Hub Explorer - is being instantaneously available to the user.
Almost all Hub responses can be cached so that a subsequent page load performs only two requests to the Hub.
Below a screenshot of a Lighthouse Performance report measured by Chrome DevTools on localhost.
When browsing databases, containers, their entities or executing database commands the /fliox/rest
API is used.
In case of using an in-memory
database on localhost the expected execution time of a typical request is 1 ms
at DevTools > Network > Time.