Releases: fujaba/
- Restructure Assignment OpenAI and Moss Config #430
- Extra search option for GitHub Classroom #434
- Added an option to specify extra search options in the Classroom settings. This allows including forks, excluding archived repos, etc.
- Defaults to fork:true #436
- Assignments Fixes #431
- When loading the list of students during GitHub Import fails, a toast now informs about the problem (e.g. invalid token).
- Improved success messages for Import actions.
- When no assignees exist in an assignment, menus in the solution table now properly react.
- Editing the OpenAI model option now works correctly.
- Fixed z-fighting in solution table.
- Fixed some internal issues related to embedding imports.
- Fix lost properties like note when converting task list to markdown and back #437
- When switching the task editor to markdown and back, extra information like Evaluation Notes is no longer lost. #435
- Fix Task to Markdown Conversion #442
- Switching between task list and markdown editor now preserves all structure and information correctly. #441
- Update Dependencies #428 #429 #467
- Fix Vulnerable Dependencies #433
- Build Frontend Version into Image #474
- Misc. Chores, incl. updated projects images #475
- Node 22
- TeXLive 2024
- fulib: fulibScenarios 1.7.1 + fulibTools v1.6.0
- 27 version updates by @dependabot
Full Changelog: v1.18.0...v1.19.0
v1.18.0 – Quality of Life Improvements
- Updated all frontend, backend and service dependencies. #413 #420
- Updated to fulib v1.6.2, fulibTools v1.6.0 and fulibScenarios v1.7.1. #414
New Features
- Added a way for assignees to track general notes that are invisible to the student. #415
- Added a simple markdown editor for various supported fields. #415 #417
- Added a selection for the OpenAI Embedding Model in the Code Search edit tab. #410
- Added a way to find solutions where a task is evaluated with a given remark. #406
- Added a way to quickly filter the solution table by assignee or status. #401
- Added a way to set an assignee for all selected solutions. #401
- Statistics now show the average and total time for grading solutions as tracked by the assignees. #404
- The solution task list now always shows checkboxes. #416
- The assignee feedback modal no longer appears automatically. #416
- Added a Cancel button to the assignee feedback modal. #416
- Improved the feedback issue template. #416
- Feedback forms are now in English. #416
- OpenAI Embedding imports are now rate limited. The user will see a warning message before importing many functions. #410
- Embedding import costs are now rounded. #410
- Adjusted the cost calculation for the (default)
model. #410 - Improved the side navigation style in Docs. #405
- Made the course students table header sticky. #403
- Assignment tasks are no longer visible to unauthorized users before the deadline is over. #402
- Updated Dark Mode to match the default Bootstrap dark color mode. #398
- Bulk submitting issues for multiple solutions now marks them as graded. #407
- My Assignments no longer shows all assignments in the database if the user is not logged in and has no stored tokens. #402
v1.17.0 – Many Assignments Improvements
New Features
- Added a Diff viewer for editing Assignments. #396
- Added an option to re-import files for solutions from GitHub. #393
- Added support for IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm and WebStorm as possible IDEs. fujaba/fulibFeedback#3 #391
- Added an option to configure the minimum points required for passing an assignment. #390
- Added a way to ignore files and functions from embedding import using a .gitignore-like syntax. #389
- Added a solution filter for
(graded, started, code-search or todo). #384 - Added a new Assignees overview page for courses. #383
- Added a way to copy assignees from one assignment to another via a course. #382
- Added a button to copy the assignee column in an assignment. #382
- Added a button to copy the timestamp column in an assignment. #382
- Added an option to ignore Third-Party Consent for OpenAI Embeddings. #376
- Evaluations created via Similar Solutions now remember their origin and duration. #387
- Snippet suggestions now remember their score. #387
- Improved solution status and origin search. #387
- Added a confirmation dialog before deleting an assignee. #382
- Improved visuals of the consent import infobox. #382
- Consent import no longer allows spaces as separators. #382
- Consent import now allows inputting tabs. #382
- Improved assignee colors. #382
- Assignments in the Course students table header are now clickable. #381
- Points in the Course students table are now clickable and link to the solution. #381
- Improved and unified assignee selection in assignments and courses. #381
- Assignments are now sorted with respect to numbers (e.g.
Assignment 2
sorts beforeAssignment 10
). #380 - Added icons for Import tabs. #376
- Added an icon for Moss results. #376
- Added consistent icons for Code Search and Embeddings. #376
- Evaluations created by Code Search are no longer visible when Code Search is disabled for the user. #376
- Similar solutions now show the assignee. #376
- The Course students table now shows assignee initials. #376
- Quick Assign buttons in the course students table now have a tooltip with the full name. #375
- Added some info messages to Similar Solutions when none can be shown. #375
- Improved performance for some fetch operations. #387
- Improved performance of some large tables. #385
- Improved performance of solution search. #384
- Improved Statistics performance. #376
- New projects appear again. #395
- Quick Evaluation using checkboxes now updates points more reliably. #394
- Searching for solutions using an invalid regex now displays an error message below the search bar. #392
- Slightly adjusted a feedback question for TAs. #381
- Commonmark links now open in new tabs. #381
- Submit All now correctly includes the solution token in the issue body. #381
- Course students now only show results for assignments that the user has access to (is a member). #380
- The Code Search checkbox is now checked by default if available. #376
- De-assigning now updates the Course students table. #376
- Course students are now sorted case-insensitively. #376
- Updating a course now produces a toast message. #376
- Courses now correctly display deleted assignments. #376
- The Clone button in a solution no longer triggers a dialog with unsaved changes. #375
- Course assignments now have the correct order. #375
- The Similar Solutions modal is no longer shown when the feature is disabled or otherwise not useful. #375
v1.16.0 – Better Courses, Members and Feedback Forms
- Updated all frontend and service dependencies.
New Features
- Edit Course is now a new tab. #355
- Added Delete button for courses. #355
- Courses show the number of complete feedbacks submitted by a student. #369
- Added a way to add members (TAs) to courses. #373
Student Submissions
- Students may now upload files when submitting their solution. #362
- Added three consent options for solutions: demonstration, scientific and third-party (e.g. embeddings). #354
- Added ability for students to submit feedback for a survey. #369
- Added an importer for consent options and additional author fields. #354
- Added assignment members for direct access without tokens. #365
- Added config options for enabling Code Search, Snippet Suggestions and Similar Solutions. #366
- Added a new overlay for TAs in the solution tasks tab that tracks the duration to grade the solution. #370
- Added a feedback survey form for TAs. #370
- Removed some redundant endpoints. #356
- Column names in the course students overview are now derived from the assignment names. #355
- Added a loading indicator while the course students overview is generated. #355
- My Courses now shows the number of assignments in each course. #355
- Minor visual improvements in the Create/Edit Course form. #363
- Improved the assignment search in the Create/Edit Course form. #363
- Bulk solution update now supports matching by ID. #357
- Classroom, Code Search and Plagiarism Detection settings are now separate tabs in assignment creation and editing. #361
- Improved the Assignments settings form.
- Simplified the Assignments Setup modal form with the most important options. #367
- Simplified how the duration of an evaluation is determined. #372
- Courses now properly merge identical students with multiple author fields. #355
- Only the project owner can now add files via zip upload. #356
- Bulk solution updates now triggers events. #357
- Fixed an error that would prevent original evaluations from showing. #360
- Assignments are now properly attributed to logged-in users again. #363
- Course drafts now properly include the list of assignments. #363
- Editing a course no longer saves that version as a draft for a new course. #363
- Courses now display archived assignments when viewing or editing. #363
- New courses no longer show all own assignments as part of the course. #363
- Improved API documentation for Projects and Assignments. #356
- Removed the Events tab in solutions. Push Events can be viewed on GitHub Activities. #359
- Assignments no longer offer first-class support for fulibScenarios. #361
- Removed the Clone and Launch buttons from the solution table. #370
- Removed telemetry from Assignments. #372
v1.15.0 – Embeddings, Bulk Actions and LaTeX Projects
Using OpenAI embeddings, we can now show the most relevant code snippets (currently: functions and methods) when evaluating a task for a solution.
In addition, you can view similar solutions directly after evaluating to compare and select solutions which should receive the same evaluation.
Bulk Actions
For better control over solutions, you can now select which repositories you want to import from GitHub.
MOSS integration was also overhauled with a new import tab.
To open, submit feedback, or delete multiple solutions at once, you can now select them in the solution table and perform those bulk actions.
LaTeX Projects
We made several changes to the LaTeX project template to ensure a better experience.
- Added Sentry to backend services to collect error logs. #321
- Updated all frontend, backend and service dependencies. #320 #324 #337 #353
New Features
- Added embedding import from files and GitHub repositories. #325 #327
- After creating an evaluation, it is now possible to show similar solutions to quickly copy the evaluation. #340
- Added snippet suggestions when evaluating a task. #325 #327
Bulk Actions
- Added checkboxes for selecting multiple solutions in the table. #339
- Added bulk solution actions: Open in New Tabs, Submit Feedback Issues, Delete. #339
- Added an option to select which GitHub repositories to import as solutions. #339
- Added an import page for MOSS integration. #328
- Containers now have access to User ID, username and full name. #322
- Improved the LaTeX projects image. #323 #338
- Improved filtering of non-text files and memory footprint for code import. #328
- Visual improvements in solution table and feedback submission. #339
v1.14.0 – MOSS Integration
New Features
- Assignments may now configure an Issuance date. #311
- Added a setup modal for when visiting Assignments for the first time. Helps when Name is not set. #312
- Imported solutions are automatically uploaded to Moss ( and checked for plagiarism. #313
- Tokens from assignments that are available via the user account are now automatically saved. #310
- Improved navbar layout. #310
- Improved theme selection. #310
- Improved the submission timestamp view in the solution table. #311
- Fixed some background updating / realtime server communication in Firefox. #312
- Comments now appear live even when not logged in. #316
Thanks to @UeberallGebannt for updating the Readme. #318 v1.13.3 - End of 2022 Patch
- Updated all frontend, backend and service dependencies.
- Updated to Gradle v7.6.
- Added an option for the ref to use when cloning (tag/none).
- Theme changes are now applied across tabs / app instances.
- Projects using VNC no longer get a
- Fixed scheduled assignment import. v1.13.2 - Christmas Patch
New Features
- Solutions can now be launched as a Projects container. #302
- Added a Classroom Import pre-check that tries to count the number of solutions 12 hours before the deadline and notifies the Webhook if configured. #303
- Classroom Import errors are now announced to the Webhook if set. #303
- Improved the remark suggestion tooltip. #303
- The checkboxes for quick evaluation now show a toast if an error occurs. #303
- Importing or exporting an assignment now removes some unwanted properties. #303
- Improved feedback rendering: #305
- Improved decision when a task should be shown at all.
- Headlines are used only if the task has children independent of positive or negative points.
- Subtasks are not rendered if an evaluation exists.
- Classroom Import now automatically tags the imported commit for easier IDE cloning. #306
- Fixed a problem where containers would not load correctly when already running. #304 v1.13.1 - Projects Bugfixes
- Added a note to the Privacy Preferences modal. #296
- Made the error message more precise. #295 #296
- The code-server Gradle images now include the
extension. #298 - The Generate button in the Project Setup modal window is disabled during generation. #298
- Removed the now unused
folder from generated projects. #298 - Each user uses their own Project container now. #299
- Users with linked GitHub accounts are now automatically logged into Git in Projects. #299
- Added error handling and better modal behavior when creating/editing projects. #300
- Added a description for Project Docker Images. #300
- Simplified the container loading screen and token toast. #300
- Projects may specify a starting Git repository that will be pulled on the first launch. #301
Bugfixes v1.13.0 - VSCode Online IDE and Assignments Update
New Features
- Added a new online IDE based on VSCode in place of Projects #253 #254, featuring:
- Projects can now have a custom icon. #292
- Assignments can now be archived. #277
- Automatic imports of solutions when an assignment deadline has passed can now be notified using a webhook. #280
- Added an option to delete an assignment draft. #282
- Added copy buttons for columns in solution table. #283
- The solution page now includes a view for push events. #287
- Courses now display an overview of students. #288
- Courses can now be edited. #291
- Added an evaluation note for tasks. #293
- Remark suggestions are now displayed immediately and with score and points. #293
- Unified actions for assignments into a single reusable dropdown menu. #277
- Improved style of project action buttons. #278
- Tokens in assignments and solutions are now hidden/blurred by default. #285
- Classroom tokens are no longer displayed as unset when editing an assignment. #285
- Improved the markdown task editor layout. #287
- Evaluations now require an author. #290
- Evaluations can no longer accidentally exist twice for the same assignment/solution/task. #290
- Task lists now highlight evaluations with remarks, which is now visible in the tooltip. #290
- The task editor modal now allows negative points. #293
- Restructured the evaluation modal. #293