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Sergei Fundaev edited this page Apr 30, 2015 · 2 revisions

The object of quicktle::Node type contains the information, provided by two or three lines in TLE format. One can use the following methods to manipulate with this information.

Primary data

This data is provided by two or three lines in TLE format.

Element Getter Setter
Epoch time_t Node::epoch() const -
Epoch with milliseconds double Node::preciseEpoch() const void setPreciseEpoch(double)
Mean motion double Node::n() const void set_n(double)
First time derivative of mean motion double Node::dn() const void set_dn(double)
Second time derivative of mean motion double Node::d2n() const void set_d2n(double)
Inclination double Node::i() const void set_i(double)
Right ascension of the ascending node double Node::Omega() const void set_Omega(double)
Eccentrici double Node::e() const void set_e(double)
Argument of perigee double Node::omega() const void set_omega(double)
Mean anomaly double Node::M() const void set_M(double)
BSTAR drag term double Node::bstar() const void set_bstar(double)
Revolution number at epoch int Node::revolutionNumber() const void setRevolutionNumber(double)
Satellite number std::string satelliteNumber() const void setSatelliteNumber(std::string)
Satellite name std::string satelliteName() const void setSatelliteName(std::string)
International designator std::string designator() const void setDesignator(std::string)
Classification char classification() const void setClassification(char)
Element set number int ElementNumber() const void setElementNumber(int)

Derivative data

This data can be calculated on the basis of primary data.

Element Getter Setter
Eccentric anomaly double Node::E() const void set_E(double)
True anomaly double Node::nu() const void set_nu(double)
Orbit semi-major axis double Node::a() const Set mean motion instead
Orbit focal parameter double Node::p() const Set mean motion and eccentricity
Radius-vector double Node::r() const Set mean motion, eccentricity and anomaly
X-coordinate double Node::x() const
Y-coordinate double Node::y() const
Z-coordinate double Node::z() const
X-coordinate of velocity double Node::vx() const
Y-coordinate of velocity double Node::vy() const
Z-coordinate of velocity double Node::vz() const
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