kanban-plugin |
basic |
- WARN: need a way to warn that UI elements are offscreen "purpling"
- Add "powered by raylib" intro card (and other intro cards) like cat v roomba: https://github.com/raysan5/raylib-games/tree/master/cat_vs_roomba/src
- Create Doors
- Add a pause menu with textual options
- Add system for exporting resources to code for easier binary packaging (see branch packager)
- Create Nav mesh for "walkability"
- Add some way for entities to subscribe to certain keys so we can more easily keep track of what keys are being requested over lifetime
- Fix corner walls
- Upgrade Astar to ThetaStar (worth doing?)
- support for tile sheets
- Consider using https://github.com/raysan5/rres for resources
- Particle system?
- Spritesheet animator
- consider switching to https://github.com/graphitemaster/0xABAD1DEA for all of our static globals
- Look into if its worth using fmod for sound: https://www.fmod.com/
- Investigate Fiber jobs: http://gdcvault.com/play/1022186/Parallelizing-the-Naughty-Dog-Engine
- Create / Use a flatmap/flatset for better cache locality on smaller data sets
- Should we be using arena allocators?
- collision for player to change to cylinder
- pressing two movement at the same time while moving camera sometimes feels weird
- In pause menu, remap key bindings in layer for arrows keys to choose options
- rendering oreder for text background is weird
- likely dont need to queue network packets since we always send the full state
- cosmopolitan model is invisible
- PS4 Controller touchpad causing “mouse camera rotation”
clicking the touchpad & analog stick in the opposite direction cam rotates that way
- Simple Syrup doesnt dissapear after one use and its kinda the only one that does that…
- penalty if you make too much extra? waste too much ingredients
- Text doesnt rotate based on the camera
- Not clear you can cycle through alcohols
- guys keep coming back to register. eventually need to add money system or something
- Should alcohol have to be put back? should it be like the soda / simple syrup
- add practice mode to learn recipe
- why should you clean up the bar? do people not want to come in?
cant serve until its clean? - Should the roomba only spawn by default for single player games? Should it spawn at the beginning ever?
- warn player when they are deleting something that we need
- need to add some ui to saw how many or when more people will spawn as its not clear
- should customers be able to look like players?
- add an are you sure? when switching resolution and languages
- settings dropdown doesnt respect selected language
- - more likely to vomit if they waited longer for their drink ?
- should the day be longer based on number of customers
- - waiting reason overlaps with customer count at 1600x900 but not 1080p
- fixed but need to look into how the sizing works cause it should be proportional - - should alcohols be multi-use and then you throw out the empty bottle
- - patience for first round should be double or triple?
- - not enough customers to need automation?
- mojito model is big square
- mai tai has no model
- having pathfinding crashes when rendering the waiting queue (disabled it for now )
- lime doesnt want to go into drink when cup is in register
- lime wont go in unless i add lime juice first?
- toilet hitbox is messed up
- - vomit hitbox is hard especially without mop
- joining twice from a remote computer crashes the host
- drop preview box sometimes has the wrong color
- [x - bug where you cant place the table next to the register
- => (i’ve disable bounds checking on placement for now) - Cant repro but i got the FF box to show trash icon inside. putting it back in the trash and taking out fixed it
- remove job system and switch to just tons of components HasPath, CanWaitInQueue, CanIdle, CanMop, etc
- add reroll to shop
- need preview for where item will go
- Tell the player how many customers are coming this round
- hard to tell that a new machine/stockpile has been spawned in after you get an upgrade
- at round 3 the people got stuck in line as if there was an invis person at the front
- highlight spots on the map where this thing can go
- day 3 doesnt work, i think it skips unlock screen and that breaks it
- During planning its hard to know what each machine it, not obvious
- default language is reverse which is confusing
- vomit is broken not working
- Add purchasing medicine cab
- Roomba keeps getting stuck at exit
- BUG: Hide pause buttons from non-host since they dont really do anything anyway
- Client player cant change settings because menu::State is being overriden by host
- - you can fill up the cup while its in the cupboard
- We probably need some way in Progression screen to know what the new drink's recipe is like
- if you take the drink back from the customer you crash
- Automatically teleport new players when joining InRound / Planning etc
- controls dont work for gamepad in settings during game
%% kanban:settings