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Azion Go SDK |
With an SDK, developers don't have to build everything from scratch, saving them time and effort. They can focus on the core features and functionalities of their application, instead of wasting time on low-level details. |
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With an SDK, developers don't have to build everything from scratch, saving them time and effort. They can focus on the core features and functionalities of their application, instead of wasting time on low-level details.
The Azion API SDK for Go facilitates the use of the Azion API services by providing a set of tools that make the development of Go applications smoother.
For using the Go SDK, you need to:
- Have Go 1.17 or later installed.
- Have a go project with a
file created. - Initialize a go module with
go mod init nameofthemodule
The AzionAPI Go SDK is available on GitHub.
- On your go project's root directory, open the terminal and run:
$ go get
The Go client abstracts away the complexity of the underlying service or API, making it easier for developers to integrate with it.
To instantiate a client, you have to:
- Import the package you want to use. In this example, we're going to create a new iDNS zone.
sdk ""
- Instantiate the client
// Client is used to instantiate a Azion API Client
type Client struct {
apiClient sdk.APIClient
// NewClient
// - Receives:
// A *http.Client
// The base path to the API you want to consume. ex:
// The Azion Personal Token
func NewClient(f *http.Client, url string, token string) *Client {
conf := sdk.NewConfiguration()
conf.HTTPClient = f
conf.AddDefaultHeader("Authorization", "token "+token)
conf.AddDefaultHeader("Accept", "application/json;version=3")
conf.Servers = sdk.ServerConfigurations{
{URL: url},
// Returns a ready to use client
return &Client{
apiClient: *sdk.NewAPIClient(conf),
Let's take a look at the creation of an iDNS zone using the SDK:
// NewIdns
// - Instantiate a sdk.Zone object
// - Instantiate the request and exec it
func (c *Client) NewIdns(domainName, domain *string, active *bool) error {
// Instantiate a ctx variable
ctx := context.Background()
// From the section iDNS of the SDK, we initialize a sdk.Zone object
// Informing the required values for creating an iDNS zone.
idns := new(sdk.Zone)
idns.Name = domainName
idns.Domain = domain
idns.IsActive = active
// Make use of the PostZone Method, passing the idns zone object
req := c.apiClient.ZonesApi.PostZone(ctx).Zone(*idns)
res, httpResp, err := req.Execute()
if err != nil {
return err
// Here, the logic related to the response is applied...
return nil
At your-project/main.go
package main
import (
sdk ""
const (
intelligentDnsURL = ""
type Client struct {
apiClient sdk.APIClient
func main() {
var personalToken string
fmt.Println("Hey, there! Welcome to iDNS example")
fmt.Println("Please, provide your Personal Token: ")
fmt.Scanf("%s", &personalToken)
err := IDNSHandler(personalToken)
if err != nil {
// IDNSHandler
// - I/O operations - asks and reads domain name e zone
// - Instantiates a new client
// - Calls NewIdns
func IDNSHandler(personalToken string) error {
var domainName, dnsZone string
active := true
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
fmt.Println("Plase, provide the Domain Name: ")
domainName, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
return err
domainName = strings.Replace(domainName, "\n", "", -1)
fmt.Println("Enter a dns zone: ")
dnsZone, err = reader.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
return err
dnsZone = strings.Replace(dnsZone, "\n", "", -1)
var f *http.Client
client := NewClient(f, intelligentDnsURL, personalToken)
err = client.NewIdns(&domainName, &dnsZone, &active)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// NewIdns
// - Instantiate a sdk.Zone object
// - Instantiate the request and exec it
// - Prints success or error
func (c *Client) NewIdns(domainName, domain *string, active *bool) error {
ctx := context.Background()
idns := new(sdk.Zone)
idns.Name = domainName
idns.Domain = domain
idns.IsActive = active
fmt.Println("Creating iDNS zone....")
req := c.apiClient.ZonesApi.PostZone(ctx).Zone(*idns)
_, httpResp, err := req.Execute()
if err != nil {
return err
bytes, err := io.ReadAll(httpResp.Body)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// NewClient
// - Instantiates a new skd-api client
// - Set headers
func NewClient(f *http.Client, url string, token string) *Client {
conf := sdk.NewConfiguration()
conf.HTTPClient = f
conf.AddDefaultHeader("Authorization", "token "+token)
conf.AddDefaultHeader("Accept", "application/json;version=3")
conf.Servers = sdk.ServerConfigurations{
{URL: url},
return &Client{
apiClient: *sdk.NewAPIClient(conf),
The Azion API SDK offers management to the following services:
Domains | Domains API enables you to retrieve, create, remove or update Domains used by Edge Applications. |
Edge Applications | Edge Applications API allows you to check, remove and/or update your existing settings, as well as creating new ones. |
Edge Functions | Edge Functions API. |
Edge Services | Edge Services API, part of the Edge Orchestrator. |
Intelligent DNS | Intelligent DNS API. |
Real-Time Purge | Real-Time Purge API enables you to purge a cache entry before its TTL for Edge Caching or L2 Caching. |
Storage-API | General-purpose KV-Storage for Azion. |