+ Error 404: Page not found. +
++ Looks like you followed a bad link. + Here's a link to the homepage. +
++ If there's a problem with the website, please let us know. +
+diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..090a1f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +.idea +.DS_Store diff --git a/404.html b/404.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc49821 --- /dev/null +++ b/404.html @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + ++ Error 404: Page not found. +
++ Looks like you followed a bad link. + Here's a link to the homepage. +
++ If there's a problem with the website, please let us know. +
++ Gammapy is committed to fostering an inclusive community. +
+ ++ Aside from the actual code, Gammapy is also a community of users and developers. This community is central + to accomplishing anything with the code itself. We welcome anyone who wishes to contribute to the project + and expect everyone in our community to follow this code of conduct when interacting with others. +
+ +As members of the community,
+ ++ This code of conduct applies to all community situations online and offline, including mailing lists, forums, + social media, conferences, meetings, associated social events, and one-to-one interactions. This Code of + Conduct has been mostly re-used from the Astropy code of conduct. +
+ +In order to report any information or issue, please contact the Gammapy Coordination Committee using its + generic email, gammapy-coordination-l@in2p3.fr, or any + member of the Coordination Committee (see its composition here). +
++ Effective Date: October 14th, 2024. +
+ ++ Thank you for visiting our websites, gammapy.org and docs.gammapy.org. At Gammapy, we are committed to protecting your + privacy and ensuring that your personal data is handled in a safe and responsible manner. This Privacy Policy explains + how we collect, use, and protect any information obtained during your visit to our websites. +
+ ++ We use an open-source analytics platform called Matomo to collect anonymized information about how users interact with our + websites. The data we collect includes: +
Important: all data collected is strictly anonymized, and we do not collect any personally identifiable + information (PII).
+ ++ We have configured Matomo to prioritize your privacy: +
+ We only use the collected data for the following purposes: +
+ We take your privacy seriously and have taken the following steps to protect any data collected: +
+ Since we do not use cookies, there is no need to accept or manage cookie consent for analytics purposes. However, if you + wish to opt out of being tracked by our anonymized analytics, you can configure your browser to block all tracking or + analytics requests. +
+ ++ Our websites may contain links to external sites, such as documentation resources or partner organizations. We are not + responsible for the privacy practices or content of these third-party sites. We encourage you to review their privacy + policies before sharing any personal information with them. +
+ ++ If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please feel free to contact us at: + <> + Email: gammapy-coordination-l [at] in2p3 [dot] fr +
+ ++ + What is Gammapy? | Publications | Awards and Prizes +
+ ++ Gammapy is an open-source Python package for gamma-ray analysis built on Numpy and Astropy. +
++ It is used as core library for the Science Analysis Tool of Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO), + and can be used to analyse data from existing gamma-ray telescopes. +
++ Gammapy is a community-developed, open-source Python package for gamma-ray astronomy. + It is an in-development affiliated package of Astropy that builds on the core scientific + Python stack to provide tools to simulate and analyse the gamma-ray sky for telescopes + such as CTAO, H.E.S.S., VERITAS, MAGIC, HAWC and Fermi-LAT. + Gammapy is a place for Python-coding gamma-ray astronomers to share their code and collaborate. + Feature requests and contributions welcome! + Likelihood fitting of the morphology and spectrum of gamma-ray sources (using Sherpa), + including multi-mission joint likelihood analysis and physical SED modeling (using Naima) + is one important feature we’re working on. But Gammapy has a broader scope, we currently + have code e.g. for data handling, background modeling, source detection, easy access to commonly + used datasets and catalogs, statistical methods, even simulating Galactic source + populations. +
+ + ++ When using Gammapy for your publication, please follow the citation scheme presented in the + acknowledgment page in order to support the + Gammapy team. + +
+ + + +The full list of publications using Gammapy can be found with this + + link. +
+ ++ In publications | In presentations | In projects +
+ ++ If you use Gammapy for work or research presented in a publication (whether directly, or as a dependency to + another package), we ask you to add two citations to Gammapy: +
++ If you are giving a presentation or talk featuring work/research that makes use of Gammapy, we suggest + using this logo on your title slide: +
++ If you are using Gammapy as part of a code project (e.g., affiliated packages), a useful way to acknowledge + your use of Gammapy is with a badge in your README. We suggest this badge: +
++ Which is available at the URL + https://img.shields.io/badge/powered%20by-gammapy-orange.svg?style=flat. +
+ +
+ If your code is hosted on GitHub, you can place the following in your README.md file to get the badge:
+ [](https://www.gammapy.org/)
This page lists the contact points and communication channels for Gammapy
+ +Anyone is welcome to contribute to Gammapy!
+ +The Gammapy Project is made both by and for its users, so we welcome and encourage contributions of many kinds. Our goal is to keep this a positive, inclusive, successful, and growing community by abiding with the Gammapy Community Code of Conduct.
+ +Start by using Gammapy!! The "Getting Started" section of our documentation will give you the first steps. + Then, if you notice a missing feature or issue, please report it (see contact page), + and if you are interested in contributing to the development, we can team you up with a mentor from the + Gammapy team to do it. +
+ +As developer, we can also contribute by presenting your activities into conferences, by making tutorial presenting recipies or by animating a Gammapy school or hands-on session. The list of contributions by type is given in the following list: +
+ ++ Introduction | Getting started | Resources +
+ ++ The Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) is the next generation + ground-based observatory for gamma-ray astronomy at very high energies. + Gammapy was chosen on June 1st 2021 to be the official Science Analysis Tool library for the CTAO (see CTAO news). +
++ This page provides some information and links to useful resources concerning simulation and + analysis of CTAO data with Gammapy. + Most of the pages we link here require a CTAO user account to access the information. +
+ ++ To learn how to use Gammapy for CTAO analysis, use the + Gammapy tutorials. + We suggest you first consult the "Getting started" page. Then continue with the "CTAO with Gammapy" + tutorial, followed by the "3D map simulation" tutorial. +
++ If you have any questions, please post on the Gammapy CTAO mailing list or contact the Gammapy coordination committee (see Gammapy contact page) +
++ Please note that Gammapy is a very young project and is under heavy development. + At the moment, we are participating in the first CTAO Science Data Challenge, fixing issues and adding new + functionalities for CTAO. +
+ +If you see this page, you have probably typed a non-existing redirect URL.
+List of available redirect links:
+ Gammapy is an open-source Python package for gamma-ray astronomy built on
+ Numpy, Scipy
+ and Astropy.
+ It is used as core library for the Science Analysis tools of the Cherenkov
+ Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO), recommended by the
+ H.E.S.S. collaboration to be used for Science publications,
+ and is already widely used in the analysis of existing gamma-ray instruments,
+ such as MAGIC,
+ and HAWC.
+Nov. 26th, 2024: | +Minor version release v1.3 | +
Aug. 5th, 2024: | +The OSCARS consortium finances Gammapy | +
Feb. 29th, 2024: | +Minor version release v1.2 | +
Dec. 6th, 2023: | +Bug fix release v1.0.2 | +
Oct. 23rd, 2023: | +Publication of the first Gammapy paper in + A&A (accepted: 7th July 2023) + as highlighted paper (link) + | +
+ Please remember to acknowledge and cite the use of Gammapy! +
+ ++ Releases | News | Download statistics +
++ The Gammapy documentation and changelog for the last Gammapy releases are available here: +
+ ++ Join the Gammapy mailing list ot or the Gammapy slack + (gammapy.slack.com) to get Gammapy-related news. +
+ We have regular Gammapy user and developer calls -
+ see infos here.
+ If you'd like to present or discuss something, contact Bruno
+ Khelifi and
+ Christoper van Eldik.
+ Contribution for the FAIRisation of Gammapy: FAIRGamma+
+ Download statistics can be found using the PyPI stats website: +
+ + + ++ Downloads are made also with anaconda via 2 channels, and the statistics can be found here: +
+ Introduction | Composition | Grants +
+ ++ This page describes the Gammapy project organisation and the main roles and responsibilities in the Gammapy + team. +
++ This structure has been put in place in January 2018 based on our experience developing Gammapy since 2013, + as well more generally with science tool software development in the H.E.S.S. + and CTAO collaborations. We also took inspiration from the way + the Astropy and Sunpy + projects are organised, since they are in a similar situation as Gammapy: a distributed development team and + a variety of people and projects using and depending on them. +
++ We expect this structure to evolve over the coming years, adapting to + the size and composition of the Gammapy development team, and the requirements and needs of scientists and + projects using Gammapy. If you would like to become part of the Gammapy team, please get in contact. + Help is always welcome! +
+ ++ The following sections describe the major roles and responsibilities in the Gammapy team: +
++ The Gammapy coordination committee (CC) is the board that is responsible to promote, coordinate and steer + Gammapy developments. It also serves as the main contact point for the Gammapy project. +
++ Gammapy is developed and used by people and projects from several institutes and countries, with different + needs, priorities and schedules. Members of the CC are representatives for the major stakeholders, i.e. + groups that have contributed significantly to Gammapy development, as well as projects like H.E.S.S. and CTAO + that are using Gammapy. In addition, the Gammapy project managers and lead developers are part of the Gammapy + CC. +
++ Responsibilities include: +
++ Current CC members (alphabetical order): +
++ The project manager and the deputy project manager are the non-technical executive lead for the Gammapy project. +
++ The project managers are appointed by the Gammapy coordination committee, and work closely with the Gammapy + coordination committee, lead developers, contributors and users. +
++ Responsibilities include: +
++ The current project manager is Bruno Khélifi, the deputy project manager is Christopher van Eldik. +
+ ++ The lead developers are the technical executive leads for the Gammapy project. +
++ The lead developers are appointed by the Gammapy coordination committee, and work closely with the Gammapy + coordination committee, project managers and contributors. +
++ Responsibilities include: +
++ The current lead developers are Axel Donath and Régis Terrier. +
+ +Among the Gammapy core developer team, they are some experts that are devoted to the maintenance of some sub-packages.
+ +They are in charge of: +
The list of subpackage maintainers is given below: +
Maintainer | +Subpackage(s) | +
Quentin Remy (MPIK) | +catalog, + datasets, + modeling | +
Atreyee Sinha (GAE-UCM) | +datasets, + irf, + makers | +
+ As of March 2021, there have been ~70 different contributors to Gammapy from ~10 countries and + ~200 people are subscribed to the Gammapy Slack. An overview of all contributors can be found on + GitHub. +
++ There is no useful automatic way to measure how much someone contributed. The most common measure used + is commits to the code repository. However, the number of commits is not the only useful measure. + Some contributors spent several days to find and fix an important bug, or implement a big and complex + feature that only results in a single commit. If someone makes a good bug report or does code review + or mentoring or organisational work for Gammapy, it does not show up in the commit statistic at all. + Please know that any contribution to the Gammapy project is valued! +
+ ++ The list of contributions into conferences, hands-on sessions and schools, and for recipes can be found on the following list: +
+ People involved in Gammapy are coming from different institutions, laboratories and universities. We acknowledge + them for their daily support. Here are listed the main institutions (alphabetical order): +
+ Several grants have helped to support the development of Gammapy, including: +