vue-night-switch has the power to switch night/daytime. You can use it as vue-directive or vue-component.
Scan the qr-code using your phone
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in your phone
npm install vue-night-switch --save
You can add v-night
to any HTML Element
<button v-night></button>
You can use any build tool supports CommonJs
// register globally
var nightDirective = require('vue-night-switch').NightDirective
// or for an single instance
var nightDirective = require('vue-night-switch').NightDirective
new Vue({
directives: {nightDirective}
ES6 module is also supported with build tools support babel
import {NightDirective} from 'vue-night-switch'
Just add tag <night-switch />
. It has default style.
<night-switch />
var NightSwitch = require('vue-night-switch')
import NightSwitch from 'vue-night-switch'
Include vue-night-switch.js in your JavaScript bundle or add it to your HTML page like this:
<script src="/path/to/vue.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/vue-night-switch.js"></script>
The file places in dist/vue-night-switch.js
npm run build
: get bundle in /dist
built by webpack
npm run test
: get unit test result supported by karma
By the way, if you has interest, the project is developed by fis3
you can build and cat examples/demo1.html
fis3 release -d ./dev
fis3 server start --www ./dev